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Avoiding debt

What is debt?
When someone has taken too many loans and
can not pay them back they are in debt. Most
people get in debt from gambling or doing BAD
drugs, but there are more common ways of
getting in debt. So how do we avoid it?
Student loan and student debt
One of the most common ways to get into debt
is through student loans. When people don’t
have money to attend a school or any other
place of education, they are forced to take a
student loan from the school to pay for the
education. However, this loan requests a lot of
money in return and most of the times students
mess up their future and have to work many
shifts to pay it off.
Avoiding debt
We can avoid debt by simply doing tax fraud but
that is VERY illegal and BAD but there are good
ways too. We can always avoid debt by not taking
loans but that is quite hard and most of the times
impossible for students without rich families. One
of the best ways is to get scholarship and go for
free, but that of course requires a lot of dedication
and time. We can also help not having debt by not
gambling or splashing out and cutting back on our
Debt is a very tricky thing and we should avoid it
at all costs to not complicate our lives even
further. Remember that even if you enjoy the
money now, you are going to have to pay it back
in a bigger amount later and regret it.

thank you for listening

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