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• To capture everything that one says,

it is better to write it down. Business usually
starts and ends through a written agreement.
In business meeting, it would start with a
written agenda and would be finalized through the
minutes of the meeting. Even seasoned reporters
would write their reports first before airing this
information to the public. Lawyers would have to study
cases that are written before going to a trial.

• In contrast to verbal communications, written business communications are printed

messages. Written communication is any form of engagement that uses words in
written form which includes memos, proposals, e-mails, letters, training manuals, and
operating policies that can be printed on paper, handwritten or through e-mails. Unlike
verbal communication that takes place in real time, written communication can be
constructed over a longer period of time.
• A sender can write a message that the receiver can read at any time, unlike a verbal
conversation that is carried on in real time. A written communication can also be a one
to many form of conversation in which it can be read by many people like such as all
employees in a department or all customers as opposed to a one-to-one verbal

• In this information age, writing is becoming more important. It is the basic form of
business. Company owners and managers implement effective written communication
skills to allow employees meet high standards not only in the office but, more
importantly, to the clients that the company serves. This era has changed the manner of
written communication, especially with the introduction of the internet and the electronic
mail or e-mail.
Since data are seen everywhere, it is
important that these information are
written well because these are
accessible by people. According to Craig
Hogan, a university professor who
spearheads a business school online in the
US, the academy is getting numerous
inquiries every month from business
executives and managers to aid them in
enhancing their staff’s writing skills.

• This assessment was backed up by the National Commission on Writing.

Accordingly, a number of employees in "blue chip" organizations have
poor writing and needed help for writing instruction.
• It is very important then that you polish your writing skills. Your manner
of writing represents the company you are working with. And your
ability to use words appropriately matter a lot from the job application to
communications you are sending to your boss or colleagues.

• Using written communication has several advantages that are very useful in our
everyday life.
• Policies and rules of any organization are written.
• Records are kept written for immediate or future reference.
• Written communication is clear and exact.
• Through written communication, it can improve and promote company’s image.
• Companies require written communication in selecting applicants for their vacant

• Researches are written to gain new knowledge.

• Books are ready references of students.
• Written communication serves as proofs in an important
• Valid records can serve as legal bases in court proceedings.
• Written communication can be duplicated and easily

• Unlike verbal communication that has immediate feedback, written

communication takes time to get response.
• Written communication is longer to compose and not everyone has the facility
of language to write.
• It is more expensive compared to verbal and non-verbal communication.
• Since it is a written record, a lot of people can have access. It’s hard to keep a
secret in files that are written.
• Improper use of words in written form can lead to conflict or misunderstanding.

• The snail mail may not be known to the current generation for they are very much
oriented with the use of electronic mail or popularly known as e-mail. This has become
an important tool of the business industry. Unlike the snail mail that takes days or weeks
to receive, e-mail can be received in just a matter of seconds. This has been made
possible through the emergence of the internet.
• The e-mail users though should be cautious on the proper usage of grammar and the
format of the letter before sending it to the recipient. Without paying attention to the
language use and appropriate format of the letter, it will reflect the unprofessionalism of
the sender.

• Before sending a communication, the sender should

always check on the correct grammar, spelling and
grammar and appropriate content that has been well
thought of whether the e-mail will be sent to a colleague,
a boss or a client. An e-mail that has been written well
earns respect and appropriate response.
Important Parts of an e-mail
• From Line
• This is the sender’s e-mail address which is automatic once you have your official e-mail
• To Line
• This is the recipient’s e-mail address in which the message is directed.
• Cc: (carbon copy)
• It means that a duplicate copy is to be sent to another person.
• This can be in a form of a group of individuals
• Bcc: (blind carbon copy)
• A copy of an e-mail whose address is not visible as the recipient of the message.
• Hidden message that the other recipients will not be shown.

• This is the opening greeting in your letter.
• In a formal letter, the usual start is Dear then the surname of the person or simply Dear Sir, or Dear
Ma’am/ Madam.
• Subject line
• This is where you write the subject matter or reason why you write the letter. Make the subject line brief.
• Body of the letter
• This is where you write your message that you want to discuss to the recipients
• It can be formal or informal form of message.
• Complimentary close
• This is where you see the closing remark of the sender.
• Examples are: Respectfully yours, Sincerely yours, Truly yours, and Cordially yours.

• Written communication serves as proofs while verbal communication is

• E-mail has become an important tool in the business industry
• Salutation is the opening greeting of the letter.
• Subject line, a one liner that states the reason for writing the letter
• Body is the content of the letter
• Cc refers to carbon copy i.e. the copy is also given to another recipient.

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