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A. Direction: Identify what factor of influence illustrated by the following images

as culture, history, environment or economic. Answer only.

B. Direction: Identify what factor of influence is portrayed in the given lines.
Letter only.

A. Cultural Influence B. Historical Influence

C. Environmental Influence D. Economic Influence
_______ 1. Mother got up again and lighted the oil lamp; we rolled up the mats on
the floor.
_______ 2. We filled the old straw hat with centavo coins.
_______ 3. Some days the rich man appeared at a window and looked at us one by
one, as if condemning us.
_______ 4. There was plenty to make us laugh. There was, for instance, the day one
of my brothers came home and brought a small bundle we thought was food.
_______ 5. We made so much noise that all our neighbors except the rich family came into the

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