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Prayer to the Holy Family

(At the conclusion of Amoris Laetitia)

Holy Family of Nazareth
Make us mindful of the
And inviolability of the family
And its beauty in God’s plan.
Marriage and the family have
been redeemed by Christ (cf.
Eph 5:21-32) and restored in the
image of the Holy Trinity, the
mystery from which all true love
flows. AL#63
The Synod Fathers noted that Jesus,
“in speaking of God’s original plan
for man and woman, reaffirmed the
indissoluble union between them,
even stating that ‘it was for your
hardness of heart that Moses
allowed you to divorce your wives,
but from the beginning it was not so’
(Mt 19:8). AL#62
Our teaching on marriage and
the family cannot fail to be
inspired and transformed by
this message of love and
tenderness; otherwise, it
becomes nothing more than the
defence of a dry and lifeless
We then need to peer into those thirty
long years when Jesus earned his keep by
the work of his hands, reciting the
traditional prayers and expressions of his
people’s faith and coming to know that
ancestral faith until he made it bear fruit
in the mystery of the Kingdom.
‘Nazareth teaches us the meaning of
family life, its loving communion, its
simple and austere beauty, its sacred and
inviolable character. May it teach how
sweet and irreplaceable is its training,
how fundamental and incomparable its
role in the social order’ (Paul VI,
Address in Nazareth, 5 January
#146The World of Emotions

A family is mature when the

emotional life of its members
becomes a form of sensitivity that
neither stifles nor obscures great
decisions and values, but rather
follows each one’s freedom,141
springs from it, enriches, perfects and
harmonizes it in the service of all.
To pay attention to our emotions is
to treat them in the same way(as an
attentive parent to her child… assure
him of a safe supporting space). It is
to provide them room to unfold
themselves and be felt, provide them
room to be felt by providing
ourselves room to feel them.
EL p176
Joy is not just another emotion
along with fear and anger and all
the rest. Joy, as it were, the
emotion toward which all the
others are pointing, as toward
their own fulfillment and
completion. Joy is the destiny of
all emotion.
Attention – The “mindfulness” of
Buddhism, the “watchfulness” of
Orthodox Christianity – is what
gives emotions that proper care
and room to develop. It is, in
effect, what empowers emotion to
fulfill its destiny and become joy.
Attention transforms emotion into
joy. EL p178
#148 God loves the joy of His children

Training in the areas of emotion

and instinct is necessary, and at
times this requires setting limits.
Excess, lack of control or
obsession with a single form of
pleasure can end up weakening and
tainting that very pleasure144 and
damaging family life.
What is important is to have the
freedom to realize that pleasure
can find different expressions at
different times of life, in
accordance with the needs of
mutual love.
In this sense, we can appreciate the
teachings of some Eastern masters
who urge us to expand our
consciousness, lest we be imprisoned
by one limited experience that can
blinker us. This expansion of
consciousness is not the denial or
destruction of desire so much as its
broadening and perfection.
The event

The thought

The feeling

The emotion

Your actions or behavior

stimulus To response

Self- Independent
awareness will
Conscience Imagination
“Most people, think of God's will as something
to be found or as the receiving of guidance
from God in making decisions. Too often,
however, the problem is not that we don't
know what God desires for our lives, but
rather we don't want to do what we already
know He wants.”

Fr Mariano Agruda, OCD “spiritual Life:

When the word of my friend prevails”
Presentation 3.
by General Commission for
Evangelization and Mission,
Order of the Carmelites
“When I live in authenticity,
I can see many signs of God
in my life”
RECAP of the
module: The purpose
of marriage and
family is UNITIVE,
For the new martyrs

We pray that those who risk their lives

for the Gospel in various parts of the
world inflame the Church with their
courage and missionary enthusiasm.

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