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z Idea/Approach Details:

Aim : Our objective is to simplify self-awareness through the power of an

AI-driven chatbot. We help users grasp the intricacies of their body and
mind while nurturing their holistic well-being and happiness.​





Earth + Water
Qualities of Kapha Dosha:Heavy: Kapha is inherently heavy and
solid, which contributes to a sturdy and grounded physical
constitutionCokt it is cold, meaning it has a cooling and calming
effect on thezbody.Moist: Kapha is moist and provides lubrication to
various bodily tissues and systems.Slow: Kapha is slow-moving,
both in terms of physical activity and dignition.Soft: It has a soft
quality and contributes to the smoothness of the skin and

Ether + Wind
Qualities of Vata Dosha:
Cold: Vata is inherently cold and tends to cool down bodily functions and bodily
tissues.Dry: It is dry in nature, which means it can lead to dryness in the skin,
hair, and mucousz membranes. Light: Vata is light, making individuals with a
dominant Vata constitution often have a slim build.Mobile: Vata's mobility gives
it the quality of constant motion and change.It governs all forms of movement
in the body, such as circulation, breathing, and muscle contractions.Rough:
Vata can create roughness, contributing to dry skin, hair, and nails

Fire + Water
Qualities of Pitta DostuHot: Pitta is inherently hot and has a warming
effect on the body.Sharp It is sharp and intense, governing
processes that involve transformation and digestionLight: Pitta is
light, which often corresponds to a medium build inindividuals with a
dominant z Pitta constitution Oily: It has an olly quality, contributing to
the production of bodilyfluids like bile and digestive juices,Liquid:
Pitta is also liquid, which helps with its role in
digestion and metabolism
z Technology stack here:​

 Back End : Programming language: JavaScript ,Node JS

 Natural language processing (NLP) library: spaCy​

 Machine learning library: scikit-learn​
 Vectorization library: TfidfVectorizer​
 Cosine similarity library: cosine_similarity​

 Front End : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Use Cases:​

• Personalized Wellness Assessment : Users can engage with the chatbot to answer questions
about their physical and mental attributes. Based on their responses, the chatbot determines
their predominant dosha and provides tailored health tips, diet recommendations, and yoga
poses to balance it. ​
• Daily Health Guidance : The chatbot can offer daily health reminders and tips specific to a
user's dosha type. For instance, if a user is predominantly Pitta, it might suggest cooling foods
and calming yoga poses to maintain balance. ​
• Holistic Lifestyle Recommendations : Users can seek guidance on adopting an Ayurvedic
lifestyle. The chatbot can provide insights on daily routines, mindfulness practices,
and Ayurvedic remedies aligned with their dosha composition. ​
• Mental Well-being Support : In line with the aim of promoting mental health, the chatbot
can offer stress-relief techniques, meditation suggestions, and mindfulness exercises
tailored to an individual's dosha for emotional equilibrium. Long-term ​

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