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Now that you have learned how to

arrange your ideas, link your sentences
and paragraphs, and use appropriate
language, you are now ready to apply
mechanical neatness in your written text.
This refers to what you will adhere to
acceptable grammar and other rules in
Generally, mechanics is essential
in all types of writing because it
describes the technical aspects of
It also serves as a road sign to guide
learners on how to use words
appropriately in terms of conventions
such as spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, and others.
I can never forget my class last school year because they
were so active and responsible in class they always work
together well in doing their assignments performing group and
individual tasks submitting their projects on time keeping the
classroom spic and span.
They are worth remembering for everything that they did
inside and outside the campus they always helped one another
they seldom got themselves in conflict with anyone in the class.
It is apparent that the above example is
quite difficult to read because of the
lack of two important conventions:
punctuations and capitalization. In
addition, you cannot easily understand
the message it sends across its readers.
If we put appropriate punctuations, it
could be read in this way:
My class is worth remembering. They were so active
and responsible. They always worked together well in
doing their assignments, performing group and individual
tasks, submitting their projects on time, and keeping the
classroom spic and span.
Everything that they did inside and outside the campus
was worth remembering. They always helped one another.
Also, they seldom got themselves in conflict with anyone
in the class.
The second paragraph is easier to read and
understand. Through applying proper
mechanics in writing, you can facilitate
better transfer of message in your written
text. You will never be lost as long as you
keep in mind and follow the basic rules of
subject-verb agreement, capitalization,
punctuations, paragraphing, and even
Thank you

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