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■ Hazrat Abu Bakr in his illness consulted senior companions and nominated the Hazrat


■ After the Bait of senior companions, the public also sworn loyalty towards Hazrat Umer

■ Thus he came to be known as Ameer-ul-Momineen

Wars against Persians Wars against Byzentines
The Battle of
Battle of Yarmuk
The Battle of Jassar
Conquest of Syria
The Battle of

The Battle of Fall of Jersulem


Capture of Madain Conquest of Egypt

Battle of Jalula

Battle of Nahawand
Wars With Persians
■ The conflict with Persians started with the Khusro’s disrespect to Prophet’s letter and

insult to the envoy of Prophet

■ The enmity of the Persians was further

reveraled, When they helped in the

rebellion of Bahrain
■ Persians had lost Hira during the reign of Hazrat Abu Bakr
■ The Persians sent Rustom to crush Muslims
■ Hazrat Umar sent a battalion under Abu Ubaidah to aid Mussana
■ The Persians were defeated

BATTLE OF Jassar ( Battle of Bridge)

■ The defeated army of Namaraq along with a new army under Bahman encamped on the banks
of Euprates
■ Abu Ubaida decided to cross the bridge and attack on Persians, but it proved
– Muslims landed on muddy land
– Persians had War Elephants
– A person from Bano Saqif had broken the Bridge
■ Muslims lost 6,000 men
Battle of Buwaib:
■ After the battle of Jasr, Hazrat Umer invited all Arabs to participate in the war against
■ Persians gathered a strong army under the command of Mehran
■ Persian Army encamped at the banks of Eupharates
■ Persians crossed the river at the point of Buwaib and both the armies met there
■ The Persians were defeated
Battle of Qadisiya:
■ Persians were preparing for the Revenge of Buwaib
■ Hazrat umer sent an army under the command of Hazrat Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas
■ Hazrat Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas sent an envoy to Persian king inviting him to accept Islam
■ The king insulted the envoy and worsened the situation
■ Rustom was also given the message of peace but he denied, and opted for war
■ Both the armies met and Muslims stood victorious.
■ This Battle destroyed the morale and pride of Persians
Battle of Jalula
■ After the Conquest of Madain, Persian king took refuge in Hulwan ( 100 miles north to
■ He once again was preparing for an attack on Muslims
■ His army Occupied and Fortified Jalula
■ Hazrat Sa’ad sent Qaka to siege the fortified Jalula
■ After a prolonged siege finally Persian army came out and met with defeat

Battle of Nahawand
■ After the battle of Jalula, Persians and Muslims had a peace,
but after a few moths Persian broke the agreement.
■ Persian sent an army of 60,000 and Muslims had only 30,000
■ The victory of this war proved the final blow to the Persian Empire.
Wars against Byzantines
Battle of Yarmuk
■ Romans lost of Damascus, Jordan and Emmesa The Roman emperor sent a large army of Two
Hundred and Sixty Thousand men and Muslims were only 40000.
■ Muslims army was under the command of Abu Ubaidah bin Jirrah
■ Negotiations between Muslims and Romans Fail
■ The Battle lasted for Six days and at the noon of the sixth day Muslims won the war.
■ With the end of this war, came the end of Roman control over Syria

Fall of Jerusalem
■ The city of Jerusalem is sacred to the people of IBRAHAMIC Religion.
■ Muslim army laid the siege of Jerusalem, and after a prolonged Siege, Jerusalem was surrendered.
■ When Jerusalem was surrendered that made a request that Hazrat Umer, personally ay a visit to
■ Hazrat Umer promised the safety and welfare of Jerusalem
■ The Citizens were required to pay jizya
Conquest of Egypt
■ Hazrat Amr bin Aas conquered Fustat
■ To revenge the defeat of Fustat, The Egyptian king sent an army of 50,000 to
■ Muslim Army besieged Alexandria
■ Heraclius died and Muslims knew that there is no enforcement coming from Byzentine.
■ After a long siege, Egyptian army came out and was defeated by Muslims
■ This marked the end of Byzentine empires might
Martyrdom of Hazrat Umer

■ After the battle of Nahawand many Persians slaves came to Madinah.

■ One of them Abu Lulu known as Feroz had a clash with Hazrat Umer ( slave of
Mugheera bin Shuba)
■ In Zil Hajj 23 AH he attacked Hazrat Umer, while Caliph was leading the prayer in the
■ Hazrat Umer on his death bead asked the permission of Hazrat Ayesha to be buried in
the chamber of Ayesha alongside of Prophet and Abu Bakr
Administration of Hazrat Umer

■ He is considered as a role model of Administration because of his futuristic and beneficial

– Majlis e Shura
– Majlis e Aam
– Appointment, accountability and retirement of Governors
– Bait ul Maal
– Unconquerable defense
– Building new cities
– Department of Police and Jails
– Department of Military
– Education department

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