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- Barrientos Santos Katy Daily
- Cruz Kolvaller Natalia
- Rodríguez Sánchez Iris Ariafne
- Ruiz Munguía Dorian Guadalupe
What is Agrarian
- Agricultural law is the branch of
law that studies and regulates the
economic and social relations
between the different actors
involved in agricultural production.
In other words, we refer to the
legal and juridical norms that
apply in the case of agricultural
land exploitation.
- Agrarian law is extremely important in the
Importance of constitution of nations, since it governs a

agrarian law fundamental economic activity, such as the

production of food and primary consumer goods.

- It is the only branch of law capable of ensuring the

rational use of a territory's renewable natural
resources, on which agricultural activity often has a
Sources of Agrarian Law.
The sources of agrarian law are not very
different from those of other branches of law:

- Custom. Ruled by the traditional way of

exploiting the land.

- The rules and the law. That is, the

constitutional legal provisions in agricultural
matters, especially in cases where there are
agrarian laws.

- The jurisprudence. That is, the interpretation

of the laws by the relevant authorities.
Agrarian law must ensure in situations such as the following, for

• Lawsuits between small agricultural producers and large

transnational agricultural corporations, especially regarding
Examples ofAgrarian the use of seeds (transgenic or not, for example).
• The distribution of arable land and the fight against latifundia,
Law. that is, against the possession of large idle tracts of land.
• The control of the application of chemicals and fertilizers that
have a high environmental and human impact, and that
threaten the perpetuity of agriculture or the well-being of rural
• The resolution of disputes between the State and the peasant
class, regarding economic policies (tariffs, taxes, incentives,
etc.).Mexican agrarian law.

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