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MELC: Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of
idea development: ● general to particular ● claim and counterclaim ● problem-solution
● cause-effect and others
A.Identify grammatical signals or expressions
suitable to each pattern of idea development.
B.Enumerate grammatical signals or expressions
suitable to each pattern of idea development.
C.Develop multiple intelligences through
differentiated activities.
During the hard times of our life, many
people are still willing to lend a hand and
lift us. We can read their stories in
newspapers or hear them talk from radios
or television. It’s a great privilege to find
these kinds of people who gives us
encouragement and hope.
A signal is also known as a
sign, cue. Indicator, message or
action. Words that indicates
signals are also used in a sentence
or paragraph.
A well-developed paragraph is one in
which every general idea is supported
with sufficient specific details so that
the readers are not confused and can
easily comprehend what you are trying
to say.
In order to help the reader,
follow the direction of a writer’s
thought, transitions or signal
words are used and they are
also called grammatical signals
or expressions.
What is grammatical signal or expression?

They are used to signal relationships between

ideas in your writing. Grammatical signals or
expressions suitable for the general to
particular patterns of idea development help
explain the relationship between ideas and
form a logical relationship among particular
Types of Grammatical
Signals or Expressions
General to Particular
1. To signal time and sequence the following
words are used. Then, later, finally, next, soon
now, immediately, while, afterward, since,
thereafter, presently, at last. They help the
reader understand the order of events that are
taking place.
Example: Face mask is necessary when
walking only on the streets while face
shield is important when you are going
on public transport or work.
Example: Places across the country are
having a tough time dealing with covid 19
pandemic, presently the government
implements Modified Enhance Community
2. To signal contrast, are words such as but,
however, on the other hand, otherwise, yet, at
the same time, after all, in spite of, still, in
contrast. They are words that changes in the
direction of the writer’s thought. They tell you
that the author is pointing out a difference
between two subjects or statements.
We have to fully trust
God in spite of the many
troubles we are facing in life.
A great turn of events
has been happening in our
life nowadays, however we
must not lose hope.
3. To signal listing and adding are, in
addition, also, furthermore, moreover,
likewise, similarly, again, further. They tell
that the writer’s thought is going to continue
in the same direction. He is going to add on
more points or details of the same kind.
Addition words are typically used to signal
We can do some
online business in addition to
our work at home during this
pandemic time
Example:Wearing a mask and
social distancing are essential
ways to prevent us from
acquiring covid 19 diseases
similarly washing hands and
using alcohol.
4. To signal results are words like
therefore, hence, thus,
consequently that summarizes
the points or issues of
Example:Life is short therefore we
have to value and take good
care of it.
Our present Mayor has
been very diligent in
accomplishing his duties thus
making him one of the best
5. To signal examples are words like, for
instance, for example, in other words, in
fact, specifically, in particularly. They show
that a writer will provide one or more
examples to develop and clarify a given
idea. They tell us that the second idea is an
example of the first.
We have to be sure that
the foods we bought from
groceries are clean, in other
words, we have to wash them
before placing on a storage.
It’s good that we take
vitamins to prevent from
acquiring flue particularly
vitamin C.
6. To signal emphasis are words like even,
actually, as a matter of fact, in fact,
certainly, indeed, undoubtedly, surely which
the writer tells directly that a particular idea
or detail is especially important. The author
is using to make sure you pay attention to
an idea.
Example:Teachers are working
hard doing their task as a
matter of fact, they even sleep
late at night as they reach out
to their students.
The government of
Catbalogan City is so determined
to defeat the covid 19 pandemic,
undoubtedly Catbaloganons are
pleased about it.
Identify the kind of grammatical signals or expressions
being described in the following sentences. Choose your
answer from the box below.
Charmaine loves to eat
healthy foods, specifically
fruits and vegetables.
Due to Modified Enhanced Community
Quarantine Clarisa has a new scooter
for her transportation for work and she
also bought a helmet.


Brianna wanted to be physically fit
during this pandemic time, actually
she even enrolled in a ballet class.

Star is not allowed to go out of the
house because of pandemic after all
its for her own good.

Using Appropriate Grammatical
Signals or Expressions Suitable to
Problem- Solution Pattern of Idea
MELC: Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of
idea development: ● general to particular ● claim and counterclaim ● problem-
solution ● cause-effect and others
After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1.Define what grammatical signals or expressions are

2. Provide examples of grammatical signals or
expressions suitable to problem-solution pattern of
idea development
3. Use grammatical signals or phrases suitable to
problem-solution pattern of idea development
Previously, you learned the pattern of idea
development called the general-to-specific
order. This is a method of developing a
paragraph, essay, or speech by moving from a
broad observation about a topic to specific
details in support of that topic. This is also
known as the deductive method of
Additionally, you have been taught that the first
sentence in this method or approach presents
the general statement about the topic. The
succeeding statements consist of details and
examples, introduced by the transitions first,
second, and third. Finally, the pattern ends with
a broad or general statement that summarizes
what the writer wishes to conclude about the
meaning of the details.
Problem-Solution pattern of idea development
clearly states a problem and proposes a solution to
the problem. It explains why a problem is worth
considering; at the same time, it presents one or
more solutions and shows how each one would
work. To do this, the use of grammatical signals or
expressions is highly needed.
Lets’ say you have a problem as well as the
possible solutions, but how can you be
sure that the readers will understand the
relationships between them? How are the
ideas tied to one another?
One way to emphasize these relationships is
through the use of grammatical signals. Through
these expressions, you can signal the readers on
what the problem is and highlight the possible
answer to it.
Sample Paragraph 1
Sample Paragraph 2
Guided Practice
1. Having a cold is a problem because it
hardly makes us fall asleep.
One possible solution is to try some tea with
honey in it. The honey will soothe our
throat. There may be no cure for the
cold, but you can treat its symptoms.
2. A sprain is a tear in the muscle.
Sprains happen when a muscle is twisted
or overstretched. If you sprain a muscle,
you should ice it immediately _______
putting an ice to the sprain will reduce
swelling and pain.
3. Nobody wants to be stung by a bee.
Bee stings are itchy and painful.
The question is what if a bee stings you
anyway? One thing that you can do is to
put vinegar on it. The acid in the vinegar
may reduce the pain and swelling from
the sting.

Since problems or challenges are part of our

lives, do answer the given below.

A.Identify an EXISTING PROBLEM in your

B. Provide three (3) solutions to address the
Use Appropriate Grammatical
Signals or Expressions Suitable to
each Pattern of Idea Development:
Claim and Counterclaim
MELC: Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea development: ●
general to particular ● claim and counterclaim ● problem-solution ● cause-effect and others
After going through this self-learning module,
you are expected to:

1. Explain what is a claim and counterclaim;

2. Support counterclaim thru reasons and
evidence; and
3. Recognize the importance of finding claims
and counterclaims about an information.
You have learned to use appropriate
grammatical signals or expressions suitable
to each pattern of idea development: cause
and effect. Now in this lesson, you will learn
to use appropriate grammatical signals or
expressions Suitable to each pattern of idea
development: claim and counterclaim.
A claim is a statement that presents
an arguable position. It reflects
your interpretation, belief, or
opinion. The claim typically answer
the question: “What do you think?”
To respond to a claim by denying it
with a corresponding reason or
evidence is to make a counterclaim.

A counterclaim is the strongest

argument against a claim.
The claim and counterclaim pattern
can be found more frequently in
political journalism, as well as letters
to the editor, magazines, and
argumentative speeches. The signal
words that are used in this pattern
Logical items are words that
denote concrete objects, ideas,
events, ect. They also can be
called content words because
they carry ideas.
To counter or argue a claim,
consider a different opinion
or contrary view. Then
provide evidence that would
back up your argument.
Guided Practice
Claim: I believe that Japanese literature was heavily
influenced by cultural contact with China and their
literature because the early Japanese literary works
were often written in classical Chinese.
Reason or evidence to confirm the claim
Counterclaim: According to my research, it was
Indian literature that had an influence on Japanese
literature through the propagation of Buddhism in
Claim: Green-backed herons in japan imitate
people who feed bread to fish found in
ornamental lakes.
Reason or evidence to confirm the claim
Counterclaim: Those clever birds use pieces of bread to
bait fish within easy reach. Egrets in the Caribbean also use
bread to lure fish. These birds even catch fish using their
yellow feet. They stand in low water on one foot while they
wag their other foot in the water to attract the attention of
nosy fish.
To counter or argue a claim, consider
a different opinion or contrary view.
Then provide evidence that would
back up your argument.
Underline the claim in the following
passages. Then, copy the statements
showing the reason or evidence for
the claim.

Find post from your social media account. Explain whether you
believe it or not, then give your reasons or evidence.

Since problems or challenges are part of our

lives, do answer the given below.

A.Identify an EXISTING PROBLEM in your

B. Provide three (3) solutions to address the

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