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Nombre: Rinaldo Audilio Baltazar

Curso: Ingles
Catedrática: Jennifer Fuentes
Grado: 5to Biológicas
Sección: Única
Clave: 1
Año: 2019
* Traditions in my
During the month of December there are nine
nights where the images of the child Jesus, the
Virgin Mary, and Jose are taken in procession
through the streets of the community and then
taken to the houses and the next day to go to
another house.
*Good Night
In the month already mentioned, tamales and
punch are made and friends, family and
neighbors live together until midnight when
Christmas comes.
*New Year
December 31 is the date on which traditionally
the old year is dismissed and the new year is
received, similar to a good night, a dinner is
made in which family and friends gather around
the table. They also burn bombs, fireworks,
pyrotechnic games among others.
* Appointment to the new

It is where all the people who have been chosen

by the whole community will receive the position
assigned to them and the whole community will
meet in the auxiliary and carry out activities.
*Day of Love
Traditionally it is the day of the lovers and it is
celebrated in a different way making gifts to our
couple as a bouquet of flowers, chocolates, a
perfume, books among others.
Carnival Day

It is done in schools where different characters

are disguised and they begin to break eggshells
with each other.
*Ash Wednesday in Holy

It is where all the faithful who are Catholics put

a cross with ashes on their foreheads.
*Making of breads
It is where all people knead their bread in ovens
for Easter.
It is where all the people celebrate their
birthday or celebrate their saint's day whether
adults or children celebrate it with a party and
when they are children cut their hair they make
food, paches, break piñatas, give cake and toast
to all the guests.
It is where those who are Catholics carry out
processions when it is the patronal feast of the
community carrying the saint or image they have
in the church.
*Wedding Eequest
The relatives of the groom are going to strike at
the house of the bride and carry spare, boxes of
soda, juice boxes among others.
*Cutting of new
Harvest Leaves
Traditionally between families they make food or
torterteados by the new leaves and give thanks
to God either with prayers or religious acts.
*Visit the new
Traditionally all the people of the community go
to visit the people who are chosen in the
auxiliary where they carry sugar, salt among
others and the new person that has been chosen
by the community waits for the people who visit

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