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An object of discord,
desire and It was for the 1889
Exposition Universelle,
fascination, the Eiffel
the date that marked the
Tower never fails to 100th anniversary of the
impress. Enriched by French Revolution, that a
a history full of new great competition was
developments, here launched in 1886.
you can discover all
of its key The first digging work
information. started on the 26th
January 1887. On the
31st March 1889, the
Tower had been finished
in record time – 2 years,
2 months and 5 days –
and was established as a
veritable technical feat.
People The Eiffel Tower has 7 million visitors a
age the Eiffel Tower is 125 years old
Created by The Eiffel tower was created by
Etablissements Eiffel
materials The tower is composed of puddling iron,
not steel as many of today's buildings.
Total 7,000 metric tons of puddling iron

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