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Lipid Chemistry


The reader will be able to learn on the following topics.

Function & biological importance of lipids

Classification of lipids

Classification of fatty acids

Saturated & unsaturated fatty acids

Neutral fats or triacylglycerols


Non-phosphorylated lipids
Lipids are defined as compounds which are relatively insoluble in water, but
freely soluble in nonpolar organic solvent like benzene, chloroform, ether, hot
alcohol, acetone, etc.

Functions / Biological Importance

Clinical Applications
Fatty Acids

They are included in the group of derived lipids.

They are CARBOXYLIC ACIDS with side chains which are
General formula is R-COOH.
COOH (carboxylic group) represent the functional group.
Depending on the R group, the physical properties of fatty acids may vary.
CARBOXYLIC GROUP are POLAR. They will attempt to maintain in
contact with water and are HYDROPHILIC.
The HYDROCARBON CHAIN arrange themselves so as to expose a
surface to water and are HYDROPHOBIC.
Classification of Fatty Acid
Selected Example of Biochemically Important Fatty Acid
Most naturally occurring unsaturated fatty acids are always in cis as opposed
to trans form.

Unsaturated fatty acids tend to lower the risk of heart disease.

Fatty acids can be:

 Non-essential Fatty acids- can be synthesized in body. Like Oleic acid.

 Essential Fatty acids- they can not be synthesized in body. Hence they have
to be supplied in the diet. Like linoleic acid & linolenic acid.

Poly unsaturated fatty acids have more than one double bond. Like linoleic acid,
linolenic acid & arachidonic acid.

Trans fatty acids are present in hydrogenated edible oils. They are also generated
vegetable oils are heated i.e. in frying. They increase risk of heart disease.
Fatty acids can be involved in
 Hydrogenation

 Halogenation; Iodine number of a fat is defined as the number of gram of

iodine taken up by 100g of fat.

 Salt formation (Soap): Saponification number is the number of mg of alkali

required to saponify 1gm of oil.

 Ester formation

Triacylglycerols (TAG) / Triglycerides (TG) / Neutral Fat

They are fatty acid esters of glycerol. They are included in the group of simple lipid.

Glycerol has 3 -OH groups which can be esterified to form monoacylglycerol,

diacylglycerol & triacylglycerol.

They are stored in adipose tissue.

They are a more concentrated energy store than that of glycogen. Energy yield is 37kJ/g
compared to 16kJ/g for glycogen.

They can be simple (Same fatty acids- Tripalmitoylglycerol ) or mixed (Different type of
fatty acids- Dipalmitoyl-stearoyl-glycerol).

They can be solid (Fat) or Liquid (oil).


The term rancidity refers to the appearance of an unpleasant smell and taste for fats and

It can happen due to

1)Hydrolytic rancidity - (Due to partial hydrolysis of TAG)

2)Oxidative rancidity - (Due to partial oxidation of Unsaturated fatty acid)

waxes are ester of a long-chain alcohol and a fatty acid. They are included in the group of
simple lipid.

They are used as base for the preparation of cosmetics, ointments, polishes, lubricants and
They are included in the group of compound lipid.

 They are structural components of cell membrane due to their amphipathic nature.

They also involved in the formation of

Micelles- Help in digestion and absorption

Liposome- Drug, protein, enzyme, gene, etc may be encapsulated by the liposome
which could act as carriers for these substances to target organ.

Polar head of phospholipid

Hydrophobic fatty acid

side chains
Non-phosphorylated lipids
They are included in the group of compound lipid.

They are widely present in nervous tissue.

They are formed by addition of charbohydrate to ceramide.

They can be sulphated or nonsulphated.

Example are

Derived Lipids
Examples of derived lipids are:

 Fatty Acids

 Steroids Hormones

Lipids Complexed to Other Compounds

Examples are:

 Proteolipids

 Lipoproteins
Reference books

 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Student (DM Vasudevan)

 Textbook of Biochemistry ( U. Satyanarayana)

 Harper’s

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