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Movie Analysis

Laputa: Castle
in the Sky
Laputa- Castle in the sky also known as “Tenkuu no
Shira Rapyuta” (in Japanese) is an anime film, directed
by Hayao Miyazaki it is one of his early works, ( a key
feature of Studio Ghibli , it is one of my favourite
studio) it was animated in 1986. The film was aimed at
a younger audience who would enjoy themes such as
quest, adventure, and happy endings. Was inspired by
the book entitled Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathen Swift,
and it shows the deep imagination of Miyazaki.
In the story, Laputa was once a great floating city in
the sky, the city was known it’s advanced technology in
it’s prime, and the people who lived peacefully were
forced to flee the city due to an unnamed catastrophic
event. The Castle in the Sky was no more than a myth
or a legend in most people after it was deserted for
many years.
The film follows along the adventure of Pazu (the protagonist), beside
him was a girl named Sheeta (the heroine), but then Sheets was pursued by
the pirates and the military, because of a mysterious crystal necklace that she
The film started by Sheeta who was soothe after by the Dola
pirates and the military (led by Muska husain an extremely
ambitious man) both groups are after the crystal necklace, as
they all believe that it is the key toward finding Laputa. In a
desperate escape attempt, Sheeta falls from an airship,
descending from the sky with a glowing necklace she slowly
lands on the arms of Pazu. Pazu, a hardworking young boy
whose dream is to follow in his father’s footsteps and see Laputa
with his own eyes.
As the story prosed, Sheeta was
surprisingly captured by the military,
but Pazu rescued her with the help of
the Dola pirates and a mysterious robot.
On the other hand, Muska with the
military, they had the crystal on their
possession, then with the crystal they
searched for Laputa. Meanwhile, Sheeta
and Pazu, with the Dola pirates they
secretly searching for the lost Castl in
the sky.
The next day, the military found out that Pazu and the gang
were secretly searching, but with a whirlwind, Pazu and Sheeta
accidentally found Laputa. Then also Muska found the castle and
entered a secret chamber inside the castle. He used the crystal to
fulfil his selfish desire. Then quickly Sheeta and Pazu stop him,
they destroyed the technology that is within the castle, then freed
the Castle from the selfish desire of Muska. Laputa was saved by
Sheeta and Pazu from the hands of Muska, and they all leave
happily ever after.
Based on my observation, Laputa is portrayed as a peaceful and
harmonious place. It is a harmony between technology and nature. But it is
opposite to our reality because technology can’t totally harmonies with nature,
that is why it is more like a fairy-tale than a reality. Then, on the other hand,
Muska is portrayed as a politician who is greedy and selfish for power and
fame. But Pazu is portrayed as a relay able person because he works hard for
a young age boy. As for Sheeta, she is a courageous and brave woman, what
ever is the situation she always fights head on. The issues that dealt within
Laputa include that every bad trait in a character there is also a good side, and
this is demonstrated by the Dola pirates. It also proves that appearances may
be deceiving. Although this isn’t the case for Muska, who stays the same
throughout the movie.
L aputa: Castle in the Sky is a film that leaves viewers with the message that while we as a
society are not yet able to coexist peacefully with nature, it is possible. Laputa is not destroyed; it
continues its existence even after its weapons are gone. It ascends further into the sky, seemingly
unreachable, which can be reminiscent of the idea that Laputa is an ideal that we should strive to
achieve someday. We are unable to achieve this ideal at the moment, but it doesn’t mean we never
Beautiful symphony by Joe Hisashi, gorgeous animation, and colours by
Studio Ghibli. Ghibli focuses on the minute details (the cooking egg, the
crystals in the cave, the gorgeous illustration of Laputa), and never fails to
enrich the world the characters live in. Let’s say they know what they’re
doing, and they knew how since 1986.
Overall, Laputa- Castle in the Sky is an adventure
anime film that uses many techniques to make it an
enjoyable masterpiece even twenty years after it was
released, and this aspect continues to make Laputa a
“Take root in the ground, live in
harmony with the wind, plant your
seeds in the winter, and rejoice with
the birds in the coming of spring.” No
matter how many weapons you have,
no matter how great your technology
might be, the world cannot live
without love.”

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