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Uniqueness of the Earth

Describe the characteristics of Earth that are necessary to support life.

At the end of the period, you are expected to:
1) Describe the unique characteristics of the Earth.
2) Explain the important features of the earth necessary to support life.
3) Appreciate the features of the earth that support life.
Hi there! Do you believe in aliens? Or do you believe that there no
other planet like Earth that can support life
 Have a closer look to this planet Earth. How can you describe it?

For me, the planet Earth itself looks hopeful for supporting life. Do you
agree with me? Why or Why not?
Do you agree with me that planet Earth is unique from other planets?
Enumerate at least five reasons that make the planet Earth unique
Earth’s location
Earth is the third planet in the solar system. It is one of the inner planets
next to Venus. Its distance from the sun is about 93 million miles and it takes
about 500 seconds for sunlight to reach the Earth’s surface. This distance from
the sun is enough to support life.
• The distance between Earth and the Sun is strategic enough to put this
essential chemical equation to work. If the Earth had been too close to the sun, its
surface would have been dry and lifeless just like Mercury and Venus. If it had
been too far like Uranus and Neptune, it would have been cold and dark. Earth’s
tactical location also prevents it from planetary collisions. The fact that Jupiter, the
biggest planet in the solar system, puts planet Earth at an advantage as far as life is
taken into consideration. Between Mars and Jupiter are asteroid belts. Since Jupiter
is so massive, its gravity is so strong that it pulls asteroids and other space debris
towards itself, warding it away from the Earth.
It is the only known planet “Just right” location in the solar
system That is, they're far enough away to be out of the heavy heat and
radiation zone, but not so far that they're extremely cold. This just-right
distance is called the "habitable zone."
Earth’s atmosphere

The atmosphere is the gaseous layer that envelops the

Earth. It regulates the planet’s surface temperature. Most of the
element that makes up the atmosphere is nitrogen (about 78%).
If we compare the Earth to an apple, the atmosphere is relatively
the size of its peel. However, due to its cooling mechanisms, it
protects the living things to be directly affected by harmful
• Photodissociation is the process by which ozone molecules
(O3) in the stratosphere break down (decomposition reaction) into
elemental oxygen (O), and diatomic oxygen (O2). The ozone
absorbs high-energy solar radiation and then converts it into low-
energy radiation. This way, harmful high-energy radiation will not
go directly into the Earth’s surface.

Earth’s size and mass
The size of the Earth also plays a vital role in keeping its life support system
afloat. The size of a planet is directly related to its gravitational pull. The acceleration
due to gravity helps the planet maintains its atmosphere. If the earth had been bigger
than it is, its gravity would have been stronger to the point of not keeping an
atmosphere around it. If it had been too small on the other hand, it would not have
been able to sustain a gaseous layer since its gravity is too weak. Earth interacts
gravitationally with the sun. Its gravity because of its mass, also keeps the moon
along its orbit. The moon, as the only natural satellite of Earth, plays a vital role in
the existence of all life forms.
• It is the only known planet "just-right" aspect of Earth is its size; If it
was much smaller, it wouldn't be able to hold on to our precious
atmosphere, but much larger and it might be a gas giant too hot for
Earth’s magnetic field
Our planet is like a big ball magnet. Its geographic north serves as its magnetic south
and its geographic south serves as its magnetic north. The region around the Earth that is
dominated by the magnetic field is called the magnetosphere which extends to about 65, 000
km in space. Its magnetic properties are the result of its internal activities involving electric
current flowing in the molten core made possible by its rotation. The inner core is the solid
layer of the earth and is made predominantly of iron. Since it is compressed by pressure due
to Earth’s gravity, it is solid in form. The outer core, on the other hand, is liquid in form and is
made up predominantly of iron and nickel.

As the Earth spins, the flow of liquid iron and nickel in the outer core produces an electric
current, thereby producing a magnetic field. The invisible magnetic field then passes through the
earth’s layer and into space. This magnetic field shields Earth from the harmful surge of charged
particles from the sun called solar winds and other space weather. Most of the particles of solar
winds cannot cross the earth because it gets deflected by the magnetic field. Without the magnetic
field, Earth would have been as hot and lifeless as Mars.
• It is the only known planet whose moon stabilizes our planet's
rotation, preventing drastic movements of the poles that could cause
massive changes in climate that some scientists think could have
doomed any chance for budding life to form or evolve. The moon also
helpfully pulls the ocean's tides, which scientists suggest might have
been the perfect place for early life to begin evolving to survive on
Presence of water

Life as we know it is impossible without a biologically essential compound

called water (H2O). Three-fourths or 71 % of the Earth’s surface is covered with
water. Scientists have found out that there are other planets of the universe that
contain water. However, this compound may exist as ice or vapor alone. On Earth,
however, water exists as gas-forming clouds, as a liquid in the form of oceans and
lakes, and as solid in the form of ice caps. This is due to the hydrologic cycle. Earth
has the right amount of water to keep its habitability. Water has a cooling effect due
to its heat capacity. It has the characteristic to absorb heat without raising its
temperature. As a result, life on Earth will be benefited from the cooling effect of
• It is the only known planet with liquid surface water in an amount
conducive to life evolving, remarkable for its precisely-tuned amount
of water, not too much to cover the mountains, and not so little that it's
a dry desert. When viewing Earth from space, there is one
overwhelming feature and that is the oceans of liquid water. In terms
of surface area, these oceans cover approximately 70% of the Earth.
What is even more amazing than this percentage is that a single drop
of liquid water is yet to be found on any other planet in the Solar
System. In this regard, the Earth is truly unique.
• Soil and Vegetation
The soil is a mixture of minerals, water, air, organic matter, and
organisms. It is a living medium—a medium for growth of all kinds of
• The soil promotes growth for plants by providing nutrients, water, and as a
substrate for anchorage of roots. In return, vegetation produces trees and
forests cover, ensures the water and nutrient cycle, and prevents soil and
wind erosion. This mutual relationship of the soil and vegetation makes our
planet livable.

Mass (1,024 kg) 4.87 5.97 0.642

Diameter (km) 12,104 12,756 6,792
Density (kg/m3) 5,243 5,514 3,933
Gravity (m/s2) 8.9 9.8 3.7
Composition of Atmosphere 96% 77% N 95 %
CO2 21% O2 CO2
3.5% N 1% Ar 2.7% N
1.6% Ar
Major Greenhouse Gases CO2 CO2 H2O CO2
Mean Temperature (C) 464 15 -65
Distance from Sun (106 km) 108.2 149.6 227.9
Orbital Period (days) 224.7 365.2 687
Length of Day (hours) 2,802 24 24.7
Global Magnetic Field No Yes No
•The solar system is composed of the sun and the eight planets revolving
around it. Among those planets, only one can support life which is the Earth.
But how come Earth can support life while the other planets cannot?
• Identify the features of each planets by answering this table. Put a star if
these features are present and in habitable amount. Put an X if absent or not
in habitable amount.
•Sometimes we just need a little reminder to help us change our habits.
• Have you thought about what you can do at school and at home to help
the environment and how you can encourage others to change their habits
to conserve and protect the unique features of Earth in order to maintain
life on Earth?
Fill the blanks with the correct word/s that will make the statement correct.
•a. The earth has _________in its liquid form at the surface, in an amount
conducive to life evolving, remarkable for its precisely-tuned amount of water,
not too much to cover the mountains, and not so little that it's a dry desert.

•b. An ____________that shelters the earth from the worst of the sun’s rays.

•c. “Just right” __________in the solar system That is, they're far enough
away to be out of the heavy heat and radiation zone, but not so far that they're
extremely cold. This just-right distance is called the "habitable zone."
•d. "Just-right" aspect of Earth is it’s ________; If it was much smaller, it
wouldn't be able to hold on to our precious atmosphere, but much larger and it
might be a gas giant too hot for life.
•e. Earth's__________ stabilizes our planet's rotation, preventing drastic
movements of the poles that could cause massive changes in climate that some
scientists think could have doomed any chance for budding life to form or evolve.
The moon also helpfully pulls the ocean's tides, which scientists suggest might
have been the perfect place for early life to begin evolving to survive on land.
•f. Earth’s _________ gives us a source of geothermal energy, allows cycling of
raw materials, and sets up a magnetic field around the planet that protects us from
•g. _________ sphere around the planet which deflects the solar wind and allows
the atmosphere to remain in place.

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