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My Real World

of Quadratics Age Problem

Saliva, Aliyah Jei B.

9 - Albert Einstein
The product of the ages Dharyl and Aliyah
now is 170 more than the product of their ages
5 years prior. If Dharyl is 9 years older than
Aliyah, what are their current ages?
Aliyah - (A)
Dharyl - (D)

(D)(A) = 170 + (D - 5)(A - 5) Equation 1

D=A+9 Equation 2

Substituting the value of D from equation 2 on Equation 1:

(A + 9)(A) = 170 + (A + 9 - 5)(A - 5)

A2 + 9A = 170 + A2 - A - 20
-A2 + A - A2 + A
10A = 150
10 10

A = 15
A = 15
D = A + 9 = 15 + 9 = 24

Therefore, Aliyah is 15 years old and Dharyl is 24 Years old.

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