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An Exploration into the Unknown World of Temporal


Mustafa Almandouh (TL) 211001992
Ahmed Fateen 221000093
Mohamed noor eldeen 202000285
Ahmed hesham 22100635
Amr Tarek Olama 221000134
Agenda of Topics
• Topic 1: What is meant by time

• Topic 2: How could we distinguish between space and time?

• Topic 3: The need to violate the traditional physical laws.

• Topic 4: The possibility to travel to past, mentioning the grand father paradox

• Topic5: The possibility to travel to future, mentioning wormholes and negative

energy sources.

• Topic 6: Traditional linear view of time

• Topic 7: defying this linearity through alternate realities and parallel timelines.

• Topic 8: What if time is not a linear progression, but a web of diverging paths?
Topic 1&2
Distinguishing between space and time

Time is a measure of the order in which things happen, the intervals of time The term "space" describes the three-dimensional area that contains things
between things, and the passage of time from the past, present, and future. It and events. It is mathematically represented by coordinates like x, y, and z
is a scalar quantity that is expressed mathematically as an equation's and is defined by length, breadth, and height.
Topic 3 : The need to violate
the traditional physical laws
The Explain of each point in the audio

• Conservation of Mass-Energy

• Causality and the Grandfather


• General Theory of Relativity

• Special Theory of Relativity

• Twin paradox
Topic 4 : The possibility to travel to past,
mentioning the grand father paradox
• Time Travel Possibility
• Bystander Perspective
• Butterfly Effect Caution
• Grandfather Paradox
• Temporal Consequences
Topic 5: Exploring the Possibility of Traveling to the

Wormholes: Hypothetical shortcuts in spacetime that could allow for time travel by connecting
distant points.

Time Dilation: According to Einstein's theory of relativity, approaching the speed of light or being
near massive objects could result in time moving at different rates, potentially enabling future
time travel.

Quantum Time Travel: Theoretical concepts in quantum mechanics suggest the potential
manipulation of time at a quantum level using phenomena like entanglement or tunneling.
Topic 6 : Traditional
linear view of time
(Side WAYS)
????? • The phrase "moving sideways
through time" is used to describe
What if time is not a linear traveling to parallel universes,
progression, but a web of which makes it seem similar to the
diverging paths? idea of an alternate timeline.
Additionally, the notion that
someone could create a new
timeline seems to rule out the idea
that every possibility could branch
off into its own timeline.
Topic 7 : denying this linearity through alternate
realities and parallel timelines.
Time Travel: is commonly perceived from movies as moving backward or forward in time. Characters or objects may experience events out of the usual
chronological order. This can lead to scenarios where individuals interact with past or future versions of themselves or alter historical events.

In a scholarly article titled “The Case for Time Travel” by Phil Dowe he presents his challenge to popular media:

“What is time travel? Intuitively, the idea is simple enough to have dominated science fiction books, movies and TV throughout the twentieth century. But
defining time travel is not so simple. According to Paul Davies time travel is travel to other times, just as we travel spatially to other places.”

objection developed by William Grey. In Phil Dowe’s article, he pairs William Grey’s “no destinations” objection with the “Heraclitean” conception

“On the Heraclitean view, there can be no time travel, Grey argues. Firstly, there can be no time travel to the future. If there is no determinate future, there
simply is nowhere to go. Travel requires the existence of the destination. Secondly, there can be no time travel to the past, because the past is ‘fixed and
determinate and not subject to change.’ Time travelers to the past could, contrary to the Heraclitean view, effect changes. It assumes the past is ‘causally
accessible.’ “
Topic 8: What if time is not a linear
progression, but a web of diverging paths?
This notion is often associated with the concept of a multiverse, where different timelines and possibilities coexist. The concept of a
multiverse, where multiple universes exist with different physical constants and properties, is another idea that could be linked to a nonlinear
view of time. Each universe in a multiverse could follow its own set of temporal rules, contributing to the complexity and nonlinearity of time.
The Many-Worlds Interpretation suggests that every quantum event leads to a branching of the universe into multiple non-communicating
branches, forming a multiverse of parallel realities. The broader idea of a multiverse proposes the existence of multiple universes with distinct
physical properties. In some discussions of time travel, branching timelines are explored, where alterations to the past create new, divergent
timelines. Additionally, string theory, which posits extra dimensions beyond our familiar ones, suggests the possibility of multiple universes or
branes. While these ideas are speculative and go beyond current empirical evidence, they offer intriguing possibilities for understanding the
complexity of reality.
In summary, the concept of time as a web of diverging paths is a speculative idea that has been explored in various forms in science fiction and
theoretical physics. It provides interesting philosophical questions about determinism, free will, and the nature of reality but remains
speculative until there is empirical evidence to support such notions.
• After Researching the topics and understanding time and space, the exploration of
time travel took us beyond the confines of our everyday experiences and challenged
our perceptions of time, space, and causality.
• While the traditional linear equation of time, where events occur in a sequential and
irreversible order, has been a cornerstone of our understanding, the theoretical
possibilities of time travel introduced the concept of non-linear timelines. The
exploration of wormholes, time dilation near massive objects, and the bending of
spacetime raises thought-provoking questions about the (*malleability of time itself*).
Further Research
• In this presentation we managed to go through many topics; however we didn’t dive deep
into the topics like the possibility of time travel requires the mass and length to be 0 like
energy, and the difference between stationary and moving, special and general relativity,
how does blackholes actually work.

• More academic presentation would require those topics to be added.

• Reference:
The Case for Time Travel
- Phil Dowe –
Reverse 1999

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