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Department of Computer Science

Research Methods in Computer Science


Processes in Conducting Research

Conducting Research
• Conducting research in computer science projects
involves several essential steps. Let’s explore them:
• Identify Field of Interest:
– Begin by selecting a specific area within computer
science that interests you.
– It could be artificial intelligence, databases, networking,
security, or any other subfield.
• Identify Possible Topics:
– Once you’ve chosen your field of interest, brainstorm
potential research topics.
– Consider existing gaps, challenges, or problems in that
• Create a Proposal:
– Develop a clear and concise research proposal.
– Outline the problem you intend to address, your research
objectives, and the significance of your work.
– Specify the research questions you aim to answer and
the methodology you plan to use.
• Undertake Pilot Study:
– Before diving into the full-scale research, conduct a pilot
– This helps you refine your research design, test data
collection methods, and identify any issues early on.
• Data Collection:
– Gather relevant data for your research. Depending on
your project, this could involve experiments, simulations,
surveys, or analyzing existing datasets.
– Ensure data quality, validity, and reliability.
• Data Analysis:
– Apply appropriate statistical or computational techniques
to analyze the collected data. Interpret the results and
draw meaningful conclusions.
– Use tools like Python, R, or specialized software for

• Writing Up:
– Document your research findings, methodology, and
insights. Write research papers, reports, or theses.
– Clearly communicate your contributions, limitations, and
future directions.
Overview of Current State Area in
• Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI):
• State-of-the-art AI refers to solutions that have achieved the best
documented, peer-reviewed results on specific problems using
reproducible benchmarks.
• In academia, the website Papers with Code curates over 3,600 state-
of-the-art benchmarks and nearly 40,000 papers across various
domains like computer vision, language, speech, music, and robotics.
• However, for real-world industry systems, the bar must be higher.
Applied AI should not only beat academic benchmarks but also be in
production at multiple companies.
• Real-world data and scalability are crucial factors in determining
whether an AI system is truly state-of-the-ar
Evaluating and Reviewing Research
• Soft Computing:
• Soft computing encompasses techniques that handle
complex problems where traditional methods may fall
• Key components of soft computing include:
– Fuzzy Logic (FL): Deals with uncertainty and imprecision.
– Machine Learning (ML): Utilizes algorithms to learn from data.
– Neural Networks (NN): Inspired by the human brain’s structure.
– Probabilistic Reasoning (PR): Models uncertainty using
– Evolutionary Computation (EC): Mimics natural evolution to
optimize solutions
Overview of Current State Area in
• Computer Technology Trends:
• The field of computing is constantly evolving. Some trends include:
–Quantum Computing: Exploring quantum bits (qubits) for faster
–Edge Computing: Processing data closer to the source (e.g., IoT
–AI and Machine Learning: Advancements in deep learning,
reinforcement learning, and natural language processing.
–Blockchain: Secure and decentralized data storage.
–Cybersecurity: Protecting against threats and vulnerabilities.
–Cloud Computing: Scalable and flexible infrastructure.
–Human-Computer Interaction: Enhancing user experiences.
–Biocomputing: Leveraging biological systems for computation
Actors, Roles and Relationship in
• Actors:
– Actors refer to individuals or entities involved in research
– They can be practitioners, researchers, policymakers, community
members, or other stakeholders.
– These actors contribute their expertise, perspectives, and
resources to address complex sustainability problems.
• Roles of Actors:
– Data Supplier: This role is adopted by actors who originate from
the field. They provide essential data and information.
– Field Expert: Another role for field-based actors, who possess in-
depth knowledge of specific contexts or domains.
– Application Expert: Actors in this role apply research findings to
practical solutions.
Research Actors
 Actors refer to individuals, groups, or organizations that
actively participate within a system of interest.
 These actors play various roles and contribute to the
research process.
Here are some examples of research actors:
 Donors: Individuals or entities providing financial support
for research projects.
 Activists: Advocates who champion specific causes or issues
related to the research topic.
 NGO Workers: Employees or volunteers from non-
governmental organizations involved in research initiatives.
 Participatory Practitioners: Professionals who engage
directly with communities or stakeholders during research.
Research Actors
 Researchers: Scientists, scholars, or experts conducting investigations
and collecting data.
 Community Members: People living in the area of study who may be
affected by or contribute to the research.
 Government Officials: Representatives from governmental bodies
who influence or regulate research activities.
 Facilitators: Individuals who coordinate and manage research
Research Supervisors
• In research, supervisors are either academic staff or people
considered to have achieved distinction in a field of research
• You need at least two supervisors, with one designated as the
principal supervisor.
The role of your supervisors is to
• Assist and support you in your study
• Provide helpful feedback
• Ensure you stay on track
• For research supervisors, the role is assigned may include teaching
responsibilities, administrative committee, research development,
and the fundraising and writing tasks that can do the research
Research Examiner/Evaluator
• Evaluation research systematically assesses the worth or
merit of resources (time, money, effort) spent to achieve a
• It differs slightly from conventional social research
• Research evaluation involves assessing the quality,
credibility, and relevance of a research study or project.
• It encompasses critical examination of the research
methods, data, and results to determine validity, reliability,
and usefulness.
• Scientific Potential: Evaluates the prospects for scientific progress.
What contributions can the research make to
– Identify the Research Question: Begin by understanding the
research question or problem addressed by the study.
– Assess the Study Design: Evaluate whether the study design aligns
with the research question and is likely to yield reliable results.
– Evaluate the Sample: Consider the adequacy of the participant
sample and its representativeness.
– Review Data Collection Methods: Scrutinize the validity and
reliability of data collection methods.
– Examine Statistical Analysis: Assess the appropriateness of
statistical methods used.
– Assess Conclusions: Evaluate whether the data support the study’s
– Consider Limitations: Reflect on any biases or confounding factors
that may have influenced the results.
Methods for Evaluating Research:
• Peer Review: Experts review studies before
publication to ensure accuracy and relevance.
• Critical Appraisal: Systematically assess study
quality based on specific criteria.
• Replication: Repeating a study to validate findings
and identify errors.
• Meta-analysis: Combining results from multiple
studies for a comprehensive understanding
Research Processes
Research Processes
Here are the key steps in the research process:-
1. Identify the Research Question or Problem: Begin by pinpointing a
specific problem or question that requires investigation.
• The research question should be relevant, specific, and focused on a
particular area of interest.
2. Conduct a Literature Review: After identifying the research question,
review existing research and literature related to the topic.
 This step helps identify gaps in knowledge and ensures that your
research doesn’t duplicate previous work.
3. Formulate a Hypothesis or Research Objectives: Based on the
research question and literature review, create a hypothesis (a testable
statement) or set specific research objectives.
• These objectives guide your research efforts.
Research Process
4. Design a Research Plan and Methodology:
 Develop a research plan that outlines how you’ll collect and analyze data.
 Specify details such as sample size, data collection methods, and data analysis
5. Collect and Analyze Data:
 Execute your research plan by collecting data using methods like surveys,
interviews, observations, or experiments.
 Analyze the data, clean it, apply statistical techniques, and interpret the results.
Research Process
6. Interpret the Findings and Draw Conclusions:
 After analyzing the data, interpret the findings.
 Assess the validity and reliability of the results, determine
whether the hypothesis was supported, and consider any
 Discuss the implications of your findings.
7. Communicate the Results:
 Finally, share your research outcomes through a research
report, presentation, or publication.
 The report should cover the research question, literature
review, methodology, data analysis, findings, conclusions,
and recommendations for further research
Literature Review
• A literature review in research is a comprehensive
analysis of existing scholarly literature related to a
specific topic or research question.
• It involves examining various sources,
including books, articles, academic papers,
conference proceedings, and dissertations.
The Purpose of Literature review
Provide Context:
• A literature review sets the stage by offering background information and context
for your research.
• It helps readers understand the existing knowledge and theories related to your
Identify Gaps and Trends:
• By reviewing relevant studies, you can identify gaps, trends, and areas where
further research is needed.
• This informs your own research and helps you contribute to the field.
The Purpose of LR …..
Compare and Contrast: A literature review compares
your study with other research that has been
• It highlights similarities, differences, and areas
where your work adds value.
Acknowledge Conflicting Views:
• It’s essential to acknowledge differing viewpoints
and conflicting evidence within the literature.
• A well-rounded review considers various
Literature Sources
• Different types of literature sources:
1.Primary Sources: These are original materials
created by researchers, authors, or artists. Examples
– Theses and dissertations
– Scholarly journal articles
– Original artwork
– Speeches
– Letters
Literature Sources
2. Secondary Sources: These provide descriptions or
summaries by someone other than the original creator.
Examples include:
– Articles in professional journals
– Some government reports
– Symposia and conference proceedings
3. Tertiary Sources: These are based on secondary sources and
provide overviews or compilations. Examples include:
– Textbooks
– Encyclopedias
– Handbooks
End of Chapter !

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