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Development of
Nihat Hacıyev
Automation in the 20th century

Digital Information

2 Presentation title 2024

Automation in
the 20th century
During the 20th century, significant advancements in automation
were made with the development of the digital computer,
improvements in data storage technology, advances in sensor
technology, and the formulation of a mathematical control theory.
The creation of the ENIAC in 1946 and UNIVAC I in 1951
allowed for more sophisticated control functions and faster
execution of calculations. The trend toward miniaturization in
computer technology led to smaller, less expensive machines with
greater computational speeds, exemplified by the microprocessor.
Additionally, there were parallel improvements in program storage
technology, including magnetic tapes and disks, optical data

Digital Information
Digital information encompasses a vast array of content,
ranging from text and images to videos and complex
datasets. This information is stored, transmitted, and
manipulated in binary code, represented by
combinations of ones and zeroes. One of the most
profound impacts of digital information is its role in
communication. With the advent of social media
platforms, email, and instant messaging services,
individuals can connect instantaneously across vast
distances. the ubiquity of digital information also
presents challenges and concerns. Issues of privacy and
data security have become paramount as individuals
entrust their personal information to online platforms.

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