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Public Safety
Order: Balancing
Security and
Individual Rights
Catch-Up Friday
MARCH 1, 2024
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Determine the meaning of the
unfamiliar word in each sentence.
1. Public safety orders address the
multifaceted challenges of maintaining
security while upholding individual
a. Complicated c. Hetergeneous
b. Homogeneous d. Uniform
2. Achieving the right balance in public
safety orders is a delicate task that
demands thoughtful consideration.
a. subtle c. barefaced
b. blatant d. unconcealed
3. Establishing effective public safety
orders requires vigilant oversight to
prevent potential abuses of power.
a. scrutiny c. success
b. managing d. correction
4. Counterterrorism efforts often
involve proactive measures to prevent
potential threats.
a. passive c. unreceptive
b. idle d. visionary
5. Transparent communication about
the rationale behind safety measures
builds trust in public safety orders.
a. opaque c. honest
b. misty d. steamy
6. Public safety orders often involve
navigating the dilemma of balancing security
needs with individual freedoms.
a. solution c. advantage

b. problem d. success
7. A robust legal framework is crucial for
ensuring the effectiveness and fairness of
public safety orders.
a. strong c. weedy

b. weak d. feeble
8. Community engagement empowers
citizens, fostering cooperation in the
execution of public safety initiatives.
a. forbid c. authorize

b. prohibit d. proscribe
9. Public safety orders must be crafted to
prevent unwarranted intrusion into
individuals' lives.
a. upholding c. fortification

b. protection d. invasion
10. Ensuring the legitimacy of public safety
orders is essential for upholding the rule of
law and maintaining public trust.
a. valid c. misdemeanor

b. transgression d. lapse
Public Safety Order
Divide the class into 6 groups. Read and analyze
the following scenarios related to the topic of
Public safety Order: Balancing Security and
Individual right
Scenario no.1:

A city officials receive intelligence

suggesting a potential security threat
during the event
Scenario no.2:
You are a parent in a traditional
Filipino family. Your child comes out
to you as gay/lesbian. How would you
support and affirm your child while
navigating cultural expectations?
Scenario no.3:
You are a graduating student who just
found out that you or your partner is
pregnant. How would you navigate this
situation considering cultural
expectations and societal norms?
Group Discussion
Discuss your answers with your groupmates and
be ready to share your answers with the class.
You have 2 minutes to share your answer.
“This is a quote, words full of
wisdom that someone
important said and that can
inspire the reader”
—Someone Famous

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