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Android Intent

 Renaldi Primaswara P., M.Kom

 Intent
 Explicit and implicit Intents
 Starting Activities
 Sending and Receiving Data
 Starting Activity for Result
What is an intent?
 An intent is a description Originator App component
of an operation to be
performed. Intent Action

 An Intent is an object
Android System
used to request an
action from another
application component
via the Android system.
What can intents do?
 Start activities
 A button click starts a new activity for text entry
 Clicking Share opens an app that allows you to post a
 Start services
 Initiate downloading a file in the background

 Deliver broadcasts
 The system informs everybody that the phone is now
Explicit and implicit intents
Explicit Intent
 Starts a specific activity
 Main activity starts the ViewShoppingCart activity

Implicit Intent
 Asks system to find an activity that can handle
this request
 Clicking Share opens a chooser with a list of apps
Start an Activity with an
Explicit Intent
 To start a specific activity, use an explicit intent
 Create an intent
Intent intent =
new Intent(this, ActivityName.class);
 Use the intent to start the activity
How Activities Run
 All Activities are managed by the Android runtime
 Started by an "intent", a message to the Android
runtime to run an activity

User clicks MainActivity FoodListActivity OrderActivity

launcher icon What do you want to do? Choose food items...Next Place order

Start app Android Android Android
System Start main Intent: System Start Intent: System Start finish
activity Shop choose order order activity
Starting New Activity

// create Intent containing Activity class

Intent intent =
new Intent( Context, Activity.class);

// start Activity from Intent


Note: don't forget to add started Activity into AndroidManifest.xml

Intent: Launching an
 Launching an activity

Intent intent =
new Intent (this, HelloWorld.class);
Sending and
Receiving Data
Two types of sending data
with Intents

 Data—(intent.setData()) one piece of

information whose data location can be
represented by an URI(Uniform Resource Identifier)
 Uri contoh :,, tel:+44123456789

 Extras—(intent.putExtra())one or more
pieces of information as a collection of key-value
pairs in a Bundle (berkas)
 Limited to primitives data types
Sending and retrieving data
In the first (sending) activity In the second (receiving) activity

 Create the Intent object  Get the intent object the

activity was started with
 Put data or extras into that
intent  Retrieve the data or extras
from the Intent object
 Start the new activity with
Putting a URI as intent data
A web page URL

A file URI
Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard/sample.jpg")));
Intent: Launching an
 Launching an activity with extras (data)
Intent intent =
new Intent (this, HelloWorld.class);
intent.putExtra("title", "Hello World App
intent.putExtra("x", 2);
Intent: Launching an
 If lots of data, create a bundle and pass the
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putInt("num", 3);
bundle.putBoolean("success", true);
bundle.putFloat("score", 2.3f);
bundle.putString("name", "DJ-Oko");
Get data from intents
 getData()
Uri locationUri = intent.getData();
 int getIntExtra (String name, int defaultValue)
int level = intent.getIntExtra("level", 0);
 Get all the data at once as a bundle.
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
Starting Activity
For Result
Returning data to the
starting activity
1. Implement onActivityResult() in first activity
2. Use startActivityForResult() to start the
second/destination activity
3. To return data from the second Activity:
 Create a new Intent or getIntent which start that activity
 Put the response data in the Intent using putExtra()
 Set the result to Activity.RESULT_OK
or RESULT_CANCELED, if the user cancelled out
 call finish() to close the activity, pop the backstack and return to
the previous activity
Starting Activity For Result
 Create an Intent that start other Activity

// set any unique request code

int reqCode = 99;
Intent intent = new Intent(this, ActivityTujuan.class);

// put some data

intent.putExtra("jordan", 23);

this.startActivityForResult(intent, reqCode);
Processing Data Sent from
Activity1 in Activity2
 Getting value sent from Intent data

Intent intent = getIntent();

int number = intent.getIntExtra("jordan", 0);
// do something with the value

Default value given

if no specified data
with specified key is sent
Returning Result back to the
Calling Activity
 Returning result as Intent

// create result data as Intent

Intent resultIntent = new Intent(); //atau getIntent()
resultIntent.putExtra("result", "Slam Dunk!");

// set result status

setResult(RESULT_OK, resultIntent);

// end current Activity

// and return to calling Activity
Receive the Result in
 Receive the result from other Activity
protected void onActivityResult(
int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
// Check which request we're responding to
if (requestCode == reqCode) {
// Make sure the request was successful
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
String text = data.getStringExtra("result");
// do something with resulting data
Let’s Code

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