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-Some groups and teams
that function perfectly
well without a designated
-They do so because the
group of followers
collectively possesses the
characteristics that enable
them to perform at high
levels. In essence, we may
be talking about the
transformational qualities
of the followers or the
collective group.
Substitutes for Leadership:
-effective performance of a group is predicted by the members’ ratings of the quality of
the leadership. And if that prediction can be increased in accuracy by replacing the
measurement of the leadership with another measurement, then the training is a
replacement for the ratings of the leadership.

-It can be increased in accuracy by partially or fully subtracting another measurement,
such as the rate of absenteeism of the members, then the rate of absenteeism is a
neutralizer of the ratings of the leadership.

Enhancers ;
-It can be increased in accuracy by partially or fully adding another measurement,
such as the members’ years of relevant experience, then years of relevant experience
becomes an enhancer of the ratings of the leadership.

 Overtraining, training for adaptive and critical thinking, and competence of followers can substitute for the
direction provided by the leader.
 Competent but obscure city employees, were able to develop their own plans for conducting searches
without oversight from designated leaders and with little or no contact with official leaders.
 Able to develop own plans for conducting searches and containing the damage without oversight from
designated leaders and with little or no contact with official leaders.
 The initiative of followers may best be seen when the group is challenged by the tasks confronting it.
 Feedback, coaching, and guidance could be provided by a computerized intelligent system instead of by a
supervisor. Sosik, Avolio demonstrated that elements of effective transformational leadership could occur
via computer. This would make it possible to flatten organizations and to increase span of control. This
might also help to foster empowerment.
For professional employees such
They may substitute for transformational
Teams as Substitutes for Transformational
 Transformational teams can function the extra effort, performance, and satisfaction expected from
transformational leadership.
 Transformational leadership could be shared among the team members.
 Idealized, charismatic leader, similar motivation would be supplied by identification with the team
or the
ideal team member.
 Respect and admiration of all other members would substitute for the direction of such feelings toward the
leader. Inspiration would come from a sharing of mutually articulated goals, simplified wording in each
other’s language, and clarification of the mission by and for each other.
 Transformational leaders focus a great deal of their energy on the alignment of goals among constituents.
 Self-managed teams also display transactional leadership behavior.
Work Rules, Policies, and Procedures

Replacements for or enhancers of transactional leadership, particularly managing-by-

exception. Failure to comply with safety rules may be automatically called to an
employee’s attention by a signal. Howell suggest that this type of leadership substitute
can be particularly important when consistent behavior is imperative.

The organization can also enhance an already effective leader’s transformational or

transactional performance by providing additional resources, more discretion in
allocating resources, and more access to important information and key people at
higher levels.
Other Possible Substitutes:
The following list contains other potential enhancers or replacements of
a transformational leader’s effectiveness.

 Peer appraisals to increase acceptability of feedback

 Controls over quality by employees
 Peer support networks
 Automatic gain-sharing reward systems
 Mission statements and codes of conduct
 Redesigned jobs to have ideological importance and performance feedback from the task
 A visible organizational champion of the leader

 Assignment of the leader to important organizational

 In-house publicity of the leader’s image
 “Small” success experiences to increase the
confidence in the leader
 Ceremony and myth to promote a transformational organizational
 Superordinate goals from a higher authority to encourage high-
performance norms
Neutralizers of Transformational and Transactional Leadership

 Characteristics of subordinates, tasks, and organizations that interfere with a leader’s

 The physical distance between leader and subordinate may be a neutralizer. This may be too
great for much personal interaction and serve to neutralize much of the commander’s
transformational influence as well as his ability to manage-by-exception.
 Also, it may be eliminated as a neutralizer of leadership by the increasing availability of
telecommunication, teleconferencing, and other forms of electronic communication. More
leader–follower relationships are maintained primarily by electronic communication
 The leaders’ influence may be neutralized if they are bypassed by subordinates going above
them in the hierarchy for a decision or, conversely, by superiors going directly to the leaders’
subordinates with decisions.
Transformational Leadership,
Second Edition
( PDFDrive ).pdf


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