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Ahmad Hamim Sadewa


1. The principle of medical genetics

2. Genetic Disorders

3. Single-gene Disorders

4. Chromosome Disorders

5. Multifactorial Disorders
Medical Genetics

Spesialisasi di bidang medik yang berkaitan dengan

diagnosis, treatment dan penanganan kelainan herediter
Berada pada garis terdepan penelitian-penelitian mengenai
sifat-sifat herediter dan keanekaragaman manusia
bersama-sama dengan cabang ilmu lain seperti biokimia,
biologi molekuler dan biologi sel.
Human Genome Project : menentukan urutan/isi dari
genom manusia secara lengkap  menentukan variasi-
variasi gena yang berperan dalam kondisi sehat dan sakit.
Pediatric Genetics

Pada awalnya, genetika manusia fokus pada

kasus penyakit genetik yang terdeteksi saat
masa anak-anak (pediatric genetic)
Sekarang, genetika manusia diaplikasikan pada
berbagai bidang ilmu
Royal Hemophilia
Chromosome Map
• Begun in 1990, the Human Genome Project was a
13-year effort. The project originally was planned
to last 15 years, but rapid technological advances
accelerated the completion date to 2003. Project
goals were to
• identify all the approximately 30,000 genes in
human DNA,
• determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical
base pairs that make up human DNA,
• store this information in databases,
• improve tools for data analysis,
• transfer related technologies to the private
• address the ethical, legal, and social issues
(ELSI) that may arise from the project.
Medical Genetics (cont’d)

Human Genetics : the science of variation and heredity of

human being
Medical Genetics : deals with the subset of human genetic
variation that is of significance in the practice of medicine
and in medical research, contains many disciplines :
Cytogenetics : study of chromosomes
Molecular and biochemical genetics : study of structure
and function of individual genes
Genomics : study of the genome, its organizations and
Medical Genetics (cont’d)

Population Genetics : study of genetic variation in human

populations and determine factors that determine allele
Developmental Genetics : study of the genetic control of
human development
Clinical Genetics : the application of genetics to
diagnosis and patients care
Kepentingan Mempelajari Genetika Manusia

1. memahami fungsi gen sebagai dasar proses

2. memahami peran gen dalam kondisi sehat dan
3. Mengetahui distribusi suatu alel dalam populasi
4. Mengetahui fenotip yang muncul akibat mutasi
dan polimorfisme
5. Memahami interaksi gen-gen dan gen-
6. Memahami peran gen pada kanker dan proses
7. Diagnosis prenatal dan skrining populasi dan
terapi (DNA fingerprinting)
Genetic Disorders

Virtually any disease is the result of the

combined action of genes and environment, but
the relative role of the genetic component may
be large or small

Disorders caused wholly or partly by genetic factors can be

divided into three main types :
1. Single-gene disorders
2. Chromosome disorders
3. Multifactorial disorders
1. Nutrigenomic
2. Pharmacogenomic
3. Immunogenetic
4. Oncogenetic
5. Population genetic
6. Forensic genetic
7. Gene therapy
Other application of Human Genetics

1. Sport Genetics
2. Prenatal Diagnostics and Counseling
3. DNA finger printing  disaster victim
identification (DVI)
4. Disease risk factor and prediction
5. Etc.
Single-gene Disorders

Caused by individual mutant gene; can be recognized by

family pedigree
Mutation of the genes may be present on only one
chromosome or on both chromosome (dominant or
recessive); on autosom or sex chromosom
Mutation of the genes may be present on nuclear genome
or mitochondrial genome
Mutation of the genes cause a critical error in the genetic
information carried by a single gene
Single-gene Disorders (cont’d)

The frequencies are rare, the highest is as much as one

in 500 individuals (1:500). But, taken together in whole
population, overall frequency is around 2%.

Total frequency among population is 0.36%, among

hospitalized children is 6 – 8%.

Single-gene disorders in Indonesia : Thalassemia,

Dystrophia Musculorum Duchenne (DMD), Glucose-6
phosphate Dehidrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency
Autosomal Dominant Inheritance
X-Linked Dominant
X-linked Recessive
Chromosome Disorders

Caused by defects in the chromosome segment (heteroploid,

aneuploid, inversion, deletion etc.)
Down Syndrome caused by trisomy chromosome no 21
Overall frequency in population is about 7 in 1000 liveborn
infants and about half of all apontaneous first-trimester
Chromosome Disjunction
Multifactorial Disorders
Responsible for a number of development disorders resulting
in congenital malformations and for many common disorders
of adult life

The disease is the result of a combination of variation in genes

that together can produce or predispose to a serious defect,
often in concert with environmental factors

Multifactorial disorders tend to recur in families but do not

show the characteristic pedigree patters of single gene
The frequency is 5% in pediatric population to more than 60%
in the entire population
Multifactorial disorders tend to recur in families but do not
show the characteristic pedigree patters of single gene
The frequency is 5% in pediatric population to more than 60%
in the entire population
E.g. hypertension, diabetes mellitus
Nussbaum RL, McInnes RR, Willard HR. 2007.
Thompson and Thompson Genetics in Medicine
7th Ed. Saunders, Philadelphia.
Strachan T and Read AP. 2004. Human Molecular
Genetics 3rd Ed. Garland Science Publishing,
Brown, TA. Genomes 3rd Ed. 2007. Garland
Science Publishing, USA.

1. Penugasan
2. Ujian Mid
3. Ujian Akhir

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