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Omar Ahmed Sallam

Dear Parents:
Summits International Schools (EYFS) reports provide a summary of your child’s
achievement, attitude and effort. Summative reports are provided three times per year
at the end of each school term. This report is one of a number of strategies used by
Summits to communicate with you about your child’s progress.

Report Terminology
Emerging (4): The student has a limited knowledge and understanding of the skills and
learning within a learning area. The student is achieving a basic level of competence in
the process and skills.
Satisfactory (3): The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main
area of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and
Expected (2): The student is beginning to develop a sound knowledge and
understanding of the skills and learning area. In addition, the student is able to apply
this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
Exceeding (1): The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the
content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a
very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to
new situations.
Phonics and Literacy 1 2 3 4 Achieved Needs to work on
Students will be able to recognize
all sounds from a to z.
Students will be able to recognize
the sight words (I - am –the - it - is
– my - can - like – see - you - are
– we - she - he – love - her - of -
his - they - have - has - be - and -
go-get - will - did- but - no - yes- all
- here - us - some- do- play - him-
a lot - there - us - for – was- that-
our -said- an – what- went – on
Students will be able to read and
write words with all the sounds,
digraphs, and diphthongs
Students will be able to blend and
segment words with all the
introduced sounds.
Students will be able to read
simple sentences.
Students will be able to write
sentences using the sight words
and sounds introduced.
Students will be able to start the
sentences with a capitalized letter.
Students will be able to use
punctuations at the end of their
1 2 3 4
Grammar Readiness

Students will be able to use rhyming words.

Students will be able to understand the difference between the

long and short sounds for the vowels.

Students will be able to understand the difference between

singular and plural.

Students will be able to understand the difference between

nouns and verbs.
Students will be able to write a non-chronological report on different

Students will be able to put a story in order "First, second, ... last ..."

Students will be able to put a title to book.

Students will be able to use punctuations “ comma, question

mark, exclamation mark, ...etc.”
Speaking and listening 1 2 3 4
Participate in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering
their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary.

Offer explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently
introduced vocabulary from stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems
when appropriate.
Express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full
sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses and making
use of conjunctions, with modelling and support from their teacher.
Listen attentively and respond to what they hear with relevant
questions, comments and actions when being read to and during whole
class discussions and small group interactions.
Make comments about what they have heard and ask questions to
clarify their understanding.
Hold conversation when engaged in back-and-forth exchanges with
their teacher and peers..

Writing and Language 1 2 3 4

Communicates effectively with age appropriate vocabulary and
Names common objects in pictures.
Retells a simple story.
Can express feelings in proper language.
Can express opinions in a proper language.
Understands the main concepts of writing a sentence.
Demonstrates proper posture while drawing/colouring.
Uses age appropriateExpressive
pencil graspArt and Design
effectively when writing 1 2 3 4
Understands line and colour by drawing and painting.
Able to draw different kinds of lines (Straight, curved and narrow)
Can use scissors to cut straight lines.
Recognizes different kinds of shapes.
Follow directions
Use scissors and glue with control.

Demonstrates use of fine motor skills

Clean up work space
Hold the pencil correctly.
Close lines to create shapes.
Mathematics 1 2 3 4 Achieved Needs to work on
Students will be able to count
reliably till 100
Students will be able to recognize
all numbers till 85.
Students will be able to recognize
the introduced polygons.
Students will be able to put
numbers into tens and ones.

Students will be able to add two

groups together using different
Students will be able to subtract
two groups from each others using
different techniques.
Students will be able to put
numbers in ascending order.

Students will be able to put

numbers in descending order.

Students will be able to recognize

and use ordinal numbers.

Students will be able to understand

the concept of greater than and
less than.
Students will be able to skip
numbers in counting by 10s, 5’s,
and 2s
Students will be able to recognize
numbers names.

Students will be able to follow

directions and finish a maze.
Science 1 2 3 4
Students will be able to identify all their face parts.

Students will be able to identify all their body parts.

Students will be able to discuss all about their family members

Students will be able to express their feelings and discuss them


Students will be able to identify the different types of voices and


Students will be able to discuss their toys and how to handle them.

Students will be able to study the different shadows they see around

Students will be able to discuss all the items related to their clothes
and what do we use them for.

Students will be able to discuss how to stay healthy.

Students will be able to discuss everything related to their


Students will be able to discuss everything related to their school.

Students will be able to understand how to deal with books and

handle them correctly.

Students will be able to discuss their toys, and how to take care of

Students will be able to understand the plants parts and what do they
need to grow.

Students will be able to differentiate between different animals.

Reading 1 2 3 4
Students will be able to identify the main idea and key details of a
Students will be able to sequence a passage into an ordinal
Students will be able to answer direct recall questions.
Students will be able to make inferences and/or predictions.
Students will be able to extract main events from a story.

Fine motor Coordination 1 2 3 4

Use a range of small tools, including scissors, paintbrushes and

Hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using

the tripod grip in almost all cases.

Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing.

Physical Education 1 2 3 4
Demonstrates stability while jumping, walking and starting and
stopping movement.
Travel in different ways, in a large group, without bumping into
others or falling.
Demonstrate clear contrasts between slow and fast speeds as
they travel.
Demonstrate appropriate behaviors for participating with others in
physical activity.
Catch, using properly positioned hands, a gently thrown ball.
Combine various traveling patterns in time to the music.
Follow dancing steps.
Warm up activities “ runs in place, squats, …etc”
Balances demonstrating the correct techniques.
Skips rhythmically.
Hops and jumps with control and coordination.
Can follow directions
Identify, maintain, and use space adequately
‫يحتاج إلى‬
‫تم تحقيقه‬ ‫‪4 3 2 1‬‬ ‫اللغة العربية‬
‫التعرف على الحروف الهجائية‬
‫(أ – ب – ت – ث – ج – ح – خ – د – ذ –‬
‫ر‪ -‬ز – س – ش – ص – ض –ع – غ – ف‬
‫يربط الحروف الهجائية ومدلوالتها من الكلمات ‪.‬‬
‫يكتب الحروف الهجائية وفق االتجاهات‬
‫الصحيحة للكتابة‬
‫يتعرف على أصوات الحروف‬
‫بالحركات التشكيلية (ف – ن – ل – ح – ر‪-‬‬
‫ت – س – ج –ز ‪ -‬د – ق – ط ‪ -‬ش – ذ ) ‪.‬‬
‫يميز الفروقات الصوتية بين الحروف‬
‫( ت – ط )( ث‪ -‬س‪ -‬ص )‬
‫( د – ض ) ( ذ – ز )‪.‬‬
‫يكتب كلمات مستخدما الحركات التشكيلية ( فتحة‬
‫‪ -‬كسرة ‪ -‬ضمة )‬
‫يحلل الطفل الكلمات إلى حروف ‪.‬‬
‫ينسخ الطفل جملة من كلمتين ‪.‬‬
‫يقرأ الطفل كلمات من مقطعين ‪.‬‬
‫يتعرف الطفل على الكلمات البصرية‬
‫(َقال – َقالت – َهذه – َأذهب – ِإلى – َأبي – ُأمي –‬
‫ُأحب – َأنا – ِفي – و – َأيضا – ُنحب – َن جلس – َس بح‬
‫– َب حر – َأسبح – الـ ‪َ -‬أيضا – َي ا – َهل – َد ائما)‪.‬‬
‫يفهم الطفل بعض القواعد اللغوية‬
‫المدود ( المد باأللف ‪ -‬المد بالواو ‪ -‬المد بالياء )‬
‫ضمائر المتكلم ( َأنا ‪َ -‬ن ْح ُن ) ‪(-‬أسماء اإلشارة )‬
‫( َهذا ‪َ -‬ه ذه ) ‪ ( -‬المفرد و الجمع ) ‪.‬‬
‫يحافظ الطفل على نظافة كتاب الحصة والواجب‪.‬‬
‫يشارك الطفل بفاعلية مع المعلمة وزمالئه داخل‬
‫الفصل ‪.‬‬
‫يفهم القصص المعروضة عليه ويستطيع أن‬
‫يعبر عنها بجملة ‪.‬‬
‫يتعرف على االتجاهات الصحيحة لقراءة الكلمة ‪.‬‬
‫يستوعب كيفية حل التدريبات المتعددة ‪.‬‬
‫يميز اسمه ويكتبه ‪.‬‬
‫‪4 3 2 1‬‬ ‫التربية الدينية‬
‫يجلس الطفل بشكل جيد أثناء التالوة ‪.‬‬
‫يردد اآليات القرآنية التي تعلمها ( العلق ‪ -‬الشمس )‬
‫يردد اآليات بشكل صحيح ‪.‬‬
‫يفهم الطفل معاني اآليات التي تعلمها‬
‫( ال ُيْؤ ِم ُن أحُد ُك م حتى ُيِحَّب َأِلِخ يِه ما ُيِحُّب لنفِس ِه )‬ ‫يردد الطفل األحاديث التي تعلمها‬
‫(ُبِنَي اإلسالُم على خمٍس َشهادِة أن ال إَلَه إاَّل ُهَّللا وأَّن محَّم ًدا رسوُل ِهَّللا وإقاِم الَّص الِة وإيتاِء الَّز كاِة وَص وِم‬
‫رمضاَن وحِّج البيِت لمِن استطاَع إليِه سبياًل )‪.‬‬

‫يفهم الطفل معاني األحاديث التي تعلمها ‪.‬‬

‫يعرف الطفل معلومات عن سيدنا محمد صلى هللا عليه وسلم ‪.‬‬
‫يردد الطفل األدعية التي تعلمها ( دعاء دخول الخالء ‪ -‬دعاء لبس الثوب ) ‪.‬‬
‫يتعرف الطفل على أركان اإلسالم ‪.‬‬
‫يتعرف الطفل على كيفية الوضوء ‪.‬‬
‫يتعرف الطفل على أحداث قصة سيدنا صالح والدروس المستفادة ‪.‬‬
‫يتفاعل مع المعلمة وزمالئه أثناء القيام باألنشطة ‪.‬‬
English Comments

Omar is a lovely polite student who

shows respect to his classmates and
teachers. He abides to the class rules
and he has a lovely personality.
He’s showing progress in the
academic area but still needs to work
on his reading and writing skills. His
Math skills are excellent. He enjoys
school and mingles in really well with
his friends.
So glad to have such a lovely student
like Omar in my class.

Arabic Comments

‫شكرا على مجهودك في‬،‫سعيدة برؤيتك يا عمر وانضمامك إلى فصلي خالل هذا الفصل الدراسي‬
‫يحتاج إلى تدريب أكثر على كتابة‬،‫أداء الواجب المنزلي وأثناء العمل اإلضافي داخل الفصل‬
‫أتمنى لك‬، ‫ و إلى االستماع إلى مزيد من قصص أقرأ بالعربية لتنمية الحصيلة اللغوية‬،‫الكلمات‬
.‫ جعلك هللا قرة عين لوالديك‬، ‫مزيد من التقدم يا بطل‬
1 2 3 4 5
Attitude to self
Attitude to others
Effort in class

1: Well above expectations

2: Above expectations
3: Expected
4: Below expectations
5: Well below expectations

Date Class Teacher Principal

21st of March, 2024 Mrs.Nermeen Ali Mrs.Samar Farag

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