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Development of a robust

safety system for GMB lions

Identify hazardous Areas
• Conduct a thorough assessment of the facility to identify areas where
dust explosions are likely to occur .
• This include areas where combustible dust particles are present ,such
as grain storage silos ,conveyors ,milling equipment and dust
collection system
Main causes of dust explosion
• The cause of a dust explosion can typically be attributed to a
combination of the three factors known as “Dust Explosion triangle”or
“Dust Explosion Pentagon”.
• The presence of a combustible dust ,such as grain dust ,coal dust and
metal dust can cause explosions

Dust hazard analysis
• Perform a comprehensive dust hazard analysis to evaluate the
potential severity and likehood of dust explosions in different areas of
the facility .
• This analysis will help prioritize the implementation of inerting
measures based on the level of risk
Determining inerting technique
• Select the appropriate inerting technique based on the specific
requirements and characteristics of the hazardous areas .
• Common inerting techniques include oxygen displacement with inert
gases or the use of chemical inhibitors to suppress combustion.
Inerting equipment
• Install inerting equipment in critical areas .
• This may include inert gas generators or storage tanks ,which can
supply inert gases such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide
• The equipment should be properly designed ,maintained and
monitored to ensure reliable operation

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