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Evolution of money

Presentation by Utkarsh Singh

9th - D
1. Money is a medium of
exchange which allows us
to satisfy our needs
2. Over years, money has
gained different forms
3. In basic terms, money is
a symbol that represents
the value of goods
Early money
1. In the early times people used
commodities as the main medium of
2. This was known as the barter system

The main problems with barter system :-

1. Difficulty in storage of commodities
2. Lack of double coincidence of goods

People began to exchange items that had no real value Symbolic money

Cowrie shells were used

have widely been used as
currency in India,
China, Thailand and West
Symbolic currency

Egyptian currency

The first coins

spread of coins
1. The use of coins spread
rapidly from Lydia
across Africa and
2. The Greeks who were
avid traders spread the
use of coins to different
parts of the world.
Chinese coins: The earliest Chinese coins were
made from Bronze in the shape of tools ad

Chinese paper money : The earliest paper

money invented by the Chinese used deer
skin instead of paper

Paper money in Europe : The earliest

European paper money were handwritten
receipts written by merchants
Bank notes
1. The first paper notes were
printed in the Swedish
Stockholm banks in 1661
2. To make the system of trade
simpler, the paper receipts were
given a fixed value
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