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Group 1

Reflective Understanding of
Assessment as “Sitting Beside”:

What does the metaphor of assessment as “sitting

beside” convey to you personally, and how does it
shape your perspective on the assessment process?
The metaphor of assessment as "sitting beside" conveys to us a
sense of partnership and being alongside the learner by
understanding their perspective, and offering support rather
than simply evaluating their performance. This metaphor
shapes our perspective by emphasizing the importance of
building a connection with the learner, fostering trust, and
facilitating a more meaningful assessment experience.
In what ways can the concept of being present
with the learner impact the effectiveness of
assessment in understanding their learning
Being present with the learner can greatly impact the
effectiveness of assessment by providing valuable insights
into their learning experiences. It allows assessors to
observe nuances in the learner's behavior, emotions, and
thought processes that may not be evident through
traditional assessment methods alone.
Connection to Personal
Can you share a personal experience where you
felt a teacher or instructor was truly present with
you in the learning process? How did this impact
your learning and engagement?
I had a teacher some time ago who would have students
engage in solving math problems on the board. Initially,
she would allow me to tackle the problem using my own
approach. However, when I encountered difficulty or
misunderstood the problem, she would step in to provide
clarification and demonstrate her own method. Her aim
was to help me grasp the concept and apply it to similar
equations in the future. She would ask me questions so
that my critical thinking ability would be exercised.
How might the idea of assessment as a close
interaction relate to your own experiences as a
learner or someone who supports learning?
The concept of assessment as close interaction is deeply meaningful to
me as both a learner and a supporter of learning. I've found that
assessments involving close interaction with instructors or mentors
have had the greatest impact on my learning journey. Close interaction
enables personalized feedback, clarifies challenging concepts in real-
time, promotes active engagement, and nurtures strong relationships
between learners and educators. As someone who supports learning, I
prioritize facilitating close interaction during assessment to create a
supportive environment where learners can receive tailored feedback,
engage actively, and build meaningful connections with instructors or
mentors. This approach fosters a collaborative learning experience
where assessment is seen as a dialogue, empowering learners to take
ownership of their learning and achieve their goals effectively.
Thank You

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