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Test I
Direction: Read the statements carefully then write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE
if it is wrong.
_________1. The general statement is a main idea that is supported by specific statements or details.
_________2. Supporting statements are the details or small ideas that reinforce the main idea or
general statement.
_________3. In finding evidence, it is important to read first the paragraph and identify the general
statement or main idea.
_________4. You need to closely read the text and identify the specific statements that provide details
to the main idea.
_________5. It is not important to note facts, examples, descriptions, comparisons/contrast, analogy,
causes and effects that are used to support the general statement.
_________6. It is no longer need to analyze if the evidence or details are enough to support the general
_________7. In citing evidence, we need to place a quotation marks to everything that comes directly
from the text or statement.
_________8. Paraphrasing is one of the ways in citing evidence.
_________9. Citing your source is necessary to avoid plagiarism.
_________10. Citing evidence is crucial when making a general statement because it allows you to
back up your claim with reliable sources and facts.
Test II
Direction: Write 2-3 evidence to support the given statement. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Face masks can help slow the spread of COVID-19 virus.


2. Students’ performance became worse during online learning.


Test I
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True

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