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4th Quarter

QUIZ No. 2
I. Directions: Analyze the statements hereunder and determine the veracity of each. Before the number, write FACT if
the statement is true; BLUFF if it tells otherwise.
_______ 1. Evaluative statement presents criticism based on a set of criteria.
_______ 2. Evaluative statement must present comprehensively the strengths and weakness of a paper.
_______ 3. Supporting facts or evidences your judgment is not necessary in coming up with an evaluative statement.
_______ 4. Explaining why a strength is a strength in writing an evaluative statement only depends to writer.
_______ 5. Comprehensive evaluative statements can be done by simply scanning a material.
_______ 6. There is no need to provide so much details like data in crafting an evaluative statement.
_______ 7. “Cheating is wrong.” is an example of evaluative statement.
_______ 8. Formulating evaluative statement involves worth, unity, truth, and validity of something.
_______ 9. It enough to express your opinion in coming up with an evaluative statement.
_______ 10. Making inferences and examining facts presented are part of evaluating a text.
_______ 11. Useful, significant, insightful, and comprehensive are just some of the evaluative languages.
_______ 12. Vague statements are essential in an evaluation.
_______ 13. If a review is undertaken, its implication must be included in the evaluation.
_______ 14. Claim is the main or central argument of the text.
_______ 15. Counterclaims provide opposing viewpoints to the argument.

II. Directions: True or False. Write True, if the statement is correct and False, if it is incorrect.
1. Comprehensive reading is a prerequisite to formulating evaluative statements.
2. A counterclaim is an opposition you make about the claim of a writer.
3. Nordquist (2019) classified evaluative writing as an evaluative statement.
4. Belino (2017) defines an evaluative statement as a way of giving explanation to show
the strengths and weaknesses of something through writing.
5. A hedge is used to giving a courteous tone in your writing.
6. Reading is sufficient for a learner to formulate an evaluative statement.
7. A counterclaim is an affirmation you make about the claim of a writer.
8. Formulating evaluative statement is a very easy task.
9. An evaluator needs to have established vocabulary to give justice to the statements.
10. In formulating evaluative statements, one must focus only on the positive premise.

III. Directions: Identify the property of a stated text. Write F for Fact, O for Opinion, C for Conclusion, I for Inference, J
for Judgment, and Fal for Fallacy. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
_______ 1. The Government should enact minimum-wage legislation so that workers are not exploited. Nonsense. You
say that only because you cannot find a good job.
_______ 2. The leaves of all growing plants are usually green.
_______ 3. I felt ill, i visited a graveyard. Graveyard is spooky place that can cause illnesses.
_______ 4. COVID 19 is almost a year now.
_______ 5. Some people keep dogs as pets.
_______ 6. Capitalism is better than socialism.
_______ 7. Online classes have significant effect to the academic performances of
Grade 12 students
_______ 8. Leadership should not be a solitary endeavor.
_______ 9. Due to pandemic, the management has implemented a skeletal working
force among employees.
_______ 10. President Duterte ordered the release of SIR of all the government
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