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• Was significant during that time because people were trying to go
places and discover new horizons.
• They also travelled to search for food and find better locations for
their settlements
• They also travelled to trade their surplus goods in exchange for things
that they lacked.
• Assisted them in their journeys to unfamiliar and strange areas in the
world. It allowed them to return home after they discovered areas in
the world.
• Was also essential in their endeavors to discover and occupy new
places. They needed a way to communicate with the natives of the
areas they visited so as to facilitate trade and prevent possible conflicts.
Was also essential in their endeavors to discover and occupy new
places. They needed a way to communicate with the natives of the
areas they visited so as to facilitate trade and prevent possible conflicts.
• One of the major contributions of the Sumerians is the development
of the first writing system known as cuneiform. It is a system that
utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols which are carved on clay
using wedge instruments and then left to dry. Cuneiform allowed the
Sumerians to keep records of things with great historical value or their
everyday life.
• The increase in size and number of nations connoted increased
demand for food and other basic necessities. This condition also
implied that people must be able to produce food at a given time and
space since resources were getting scarcer as more people struggled
to share the basic necessities.
• The people thus needed a form of technology that would enable
them to increase food supplies and other survival needs without
them travelling more or working harder.
• were important as well in the discovery of new places or the
establishment of new alliances with other tribes. At that time, there
was always a risk of conflict when people met others with different
culture and orientations. Conflicts were common especially if
different groups struggled to control vital resources. Stronger nations
tended to invade weaker ones so they could take much needed
resources. As such, the development of weapons and armors for
security and protection was considered a major achievement.
• A primary challenge they faced was the conservation of life. The early
people might have been successful in harnessing the rich resources
that the world could provide, but their survival posed a great
• Different illnesses and diseases, both natural and man-made,
hampered the full potential of a human being. Given this
predicament, science and technology played a major role in the
discovery of cures to, if not the prevention of, illnesses.
• Moreover, in order to integrate their needs-for better transportation,
establishment of structures for protection from human attacks and
natural disasters, and construction of bigger and stronger
infrastructures-people ventured into what is now known as the field
of engineering.
• The development in this field allowed humans to build structures that
would address their specific needs and wants. Some of the structures
built during the ancient times still exist today and continually awe
• The development in engineering also ushered in the introduction of
architecture. Others might see architecture as a mere style, but
during the ancient times, elaborate architectural designs were signs of
technological advancement of a particular civilization. In the
generations to come, architecture would be considered a status
symbol among nations of how advanced their technology is. It may
also establish the identity of a nation.
• The people were not contented on beautifying only their
infrastructures and surroundings. Being able to prolong life with the
mass production of food and advancement of medical technology, as
well as raise the quality of life by making complicated and difficult
tasks easier, humans later developed the technology to improve how
they look.
• They discovered that people looked more visually presentable and
appealing by adding some features and decorations in their body.
• With all these in mind, one can conclude that the developments in
science and technology, aside from affecting the lives of the people,
were the results of many prior antecedents.
• Out of necessity, people in ancient times were able to discover and
invent things that would impact the lives of the modern people. The
following discussions will tackle the different major technological
advancements during the ancient times, which include some of the
achievements of the early civilizations such as the Sumerians,
Babylonians, and Egyptians. It will continue to describe the gradual
application of knowledge up to the contemporary time. ?
• Sumeria is located on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia.
Sumerians are known for their high degree of cooperation with one
another and their desire for great things. They are not contented with
the basic things that life can offer. This desire pushed them to develop
many things connected with science and technology
• One of the major contributions of the Sumerians is the development
of the first writing system known as cuneiform. It is a system that
utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols which are carved on clay
using wedge instruments and then left to dry. Cuneiform allowed the
Sumerians to keep records of things with great historical value or their
everyday life.
• It is a great wonder not only because it is considered to be the first
true city in the world but also for the way it was erected. There were
no building stones in the location of this city and lumber was limited,
making the construction a big challenge. The Sumerians were able to
build the city using only mud or clay from the river, which they mixed
with reeds, producing sun-baked bricks-a true engineering feat. They
used the bricks to make houses that protected them from the harsh
weather and to build a wall around the city that prevented wild
animals and neighboring raiders from entering.
The Great Ziggurat of U
Another engineering and architectural feat of the Sumerians is the
Great Ziggurat of Ur. The ziggurat, also called the mountain of god, was
built in the same manner that they constructed the City of Uruk.
Without much
building materials, the structure was constructed using sun- baked
bricks. The ziggurat served as the sacred place of their chief god, where
only their priests were allowed to enter The temple showcases not only
the elaborate and intricate Sumerian architecture but also the
remarkable technology used to build it. As such, even until today,
people still enjoy and marvel at the preserved Great Ziggurat of Ur.
Irrigation and Dike
• As population increased, so did the demand for food. The Sumerians
were challenged to mass produce food items but the elements in the
environment seemed uncooperative.
• It was difficult to get water from the rivers, thus they could not maintain
farmlands. Some groups had scarce water supply, while others had
problems with flooding caused by the river As a solution to this dilemma,
the Sumerians created dikes and irrigation canals to bring water to
farmlands and at the same time control the flooding of the rivers. This
method was considered as one of the world's most beneficial engineering
works. Through the dikes and canals, the Sumerians were able to enjoy
year-long farming and harvesting, which increased their food production.
• Another challenge to the Sumerians was transportation. At that time,
the wheel was not yet invented; the main mode of transportation was
through waterways such as rivers and seas. Boats were used to carry
large quantities of products and were able to cover large distances.
However, they wanted to discover faraway lands to settle since the
population was getting larger, and boats were not enough to
accommodate more people and products.
• In the latter part of their history, the Sumerians were able to invent
the wheel since the specialized tools needed to create it were already
available The first wheels were not made for transportation but for
farm work and food processes. With the use of the wheel and axle,
mass production was made easier. Farmers were able to mill grains
with less effort in less time.
Mesopotamian plow
• Another Sumerian contribution is farm technology that enable them
to dig the groud where seeds would be planted in a faster way to
produce food without taking so much effort and time.
• Hanging Gardens of Babylon
• Carthography
Paper or Papyrus
Water Clock or Clepsydra
• Alarm Clock
• Water Mill
Bound Books or Codex
Roman Architecture
Roman Numerals
• The start of the middle ages was marred by massive invasions and
migrations. Wars were prevalent during this time. As such, great
technology was needed in the fields of weaponry, navigation, mass
food and farm production, and health. The wars have resulted in
population decline, but during the latter part of the period, there was
a significant rise in population. Trade and commerce among nations
increased, which resulted in greater demands for transportation
technology. Some of the most innovative minds came from this
• After the Chinese developed woodblock printing, Johann Gutenberg
was able to invent the printing press, a more reliable way of printing
using a cast type. He utilized wooden machines that extracted juices
from fruits, attached to them a metal impression of the letters, and
pressed firmly the cast metal into a piece of paper, which then made
an exact impression on paper.
The Guttenburg Press
• This general invention soon evolved to be the mechanical printing
press which was eventually used all over the world. The printing press
was invented to address the need for publishing books that would
spread information to many people at a faster rate. This invention
also made works accessible to individuals who could not even write
(Streissguth, 1997).
• Growing populations caused massive migration and urbanization during
the period. More and more people transferred to polluted and
populated urban areas which resulted in more people getting sick and
needing medical attention. To develop the proper medicines for
illnesses, experts must understand the sickness through an investigation.
Thus, they needed a device that could magnify things invisible to the
eye. Guided by the principles used for the invention of eyeglasses in
earlier years, Zacharias Janssen was able to develop the first compound
microscope. With this device, people were able to observe organisms
that were normally unseen by the naked eye. The microscope was key in
discovering new means in preventing and curing various illnesses
(Davidson, 2015).
• Since the Middle Ages was also known as the Age of Exploration, the
need for nautical inventions was high. Considering the vast and empty
oceans that separated lands, ship captains needed to see far and wide
for them to navigate or to avoid dangers at sea. The invention of the
telescope, an optical instrument that helps in the observation of
remote objects, was a great help for navigators during this time.
Together with the telescope, the invention of the compass, oars, and
rudders made sea travelling easier and safer (Helden, 1989).
• Since wars were widespread during the Middle Ages, great
development in the weaponry technology also occurred. All sides
must develop weaponries not only as offensive tools but also as
• the protection of walls and fortresses. Additionally, in close- range
hand-to-hand combat, soldiers should wear something to protect
themselves, a need addressed by the creation of iron body armors.
However, body armors were heavy and limited their movements. The
problem was eventually solved by the invention of the chainmail.
• Chainmail is a type of armorsr consisting of small metal rings linked
together in a pattern to form a mesh. It was in common military use
between the 3rd century BC and the 16th century AD in Europe, while
continued to be used in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East as late as the
17th century
• The booming world population during the nineteenth century
onwards demanded that more goods be produced at a faster rate.
People needed efficient means of transportation to trade more goods
and cover a larger distance. Machines that required animals to
operate must thus be upgraded. Faster and easier means to
communicate and compute should be developed to establish
connections between and among nations. All these needs resulted in
the development of industries. However, due to massive
industrialization, the modern times again faced more complicated
problems. Food processing and medicine posed some of the bigger
challenges since health was of great concern.
• As people were able to develop better means of production to meet
the needs of the population, food preservation and food safety
became an issue. The challenge to keep manufactured food from
deteriorating was greater for dairy products, especially milk, since
they usually spoiled faster. These goods needed to be consumed
almost immediately after production or they would cause illness like
diphtheria, food poisoning, and typhoid fever. Since transporting
these products would also take time, it would be impossible to trade
• In the field of food processing, pasteurization is a process of food
preservation in which packaged and unpacked foods are treated with
mild heat, usually to less than 100 °C, to eliminate pathogens and
extend shelf life.
• Louis Pasteur, a French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist, found a
way to solve the problem. He invented pasteurization, the process of
heating dairy products to kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to
spoil faster. Through this process, milk could be stored and consumed
for a longer period. It also prevented illnesses caused by harmful
bacteria (Macalester College, 2010). Other contributions of Pasteur to
science, technology, and medicine included his works on molecular
asymmetry, fermentation, and vaccination.
• The modern times demanded better means of powering homes and
transportation. At first, people used animal oils for generating light to
illuminate their homes. However, the production of animal oils could
not keep up with the demand. Faced with this concern, Samuel M.
Kier was able to invent kerosene by refining petroleum. Kerosene was
later on referred to as the "illuminating oil" because it was used at
first to provide lighting to homes. After some time, it was applied for
• heating purposes. The development of kerosene established the
petroleum refinery industry (Skrabec, 2010). At present, petroleum is
widely used in powering automobiles, factories, and power plants,
among others.
• The more people got connected by trade and exploration, the more
they needed a way to easily maintain these connections and
communicate with each other in real time. Governments likewise
needed some kind of communication system which would allow them
to administer their states well. Important day-to-day decisions must
be discussed and addressed at the fastest time possible. Thus, the
development of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell was one of
the most important inventions at that time.
• Although an earlier version of the calculator had already been
developed, circumstances in the modern times required a faster way
to compute more complicated equations. Computing devices must
also be easy to carry since they would be utilized on a day-to-day
basis. The creation of modern calculators did not only pave the way
for easier arithmetic calculations, but also resulted in the
development of more complex processing machines like the
• Despite being considered a developing country, the Philippines also
contributes to the global advancement of science and technology. It is
quite remarkable to note the ingenuity of the Filipinos despite the
lack in resources. The Philippines is known to be one of the most
vulnerable countries in terms of natural disasters. Many of the
discoveries and inventions made by the Filipinos were therefore built
from indigenous materials or created to adapt to the harsh tropical
• It has become ordinary for Filipinos to convert transport vehicles into
something more useful. An example is the conversion of American
military jeeps used in World War II into jeepneys. Another Filipino
innovation is the addition of a sidecar to a motorcycle, transforming it
into a tricycle to accommodate more passengers.
• During the rainy season, flooding is a common occurrence in many
areas in the country. Tricycles find it very difficult to traverse the
streets. To remedy the issue, H2O Technologies headed by Dominic N.
Chung and Lamberto Armada, together with Chief Designer Victor
"Atoy" Llave, was able to invent the Salamander, an amphibious
tricycle that can cross not only flooded streets but also rivers and
lakes. It may also be utilized to travel from island to island. Since the
Philippines is an archipelago, the Salamander is a useful invention that
has a lot of potential.
• One of the major needs in the Philippines, as a developing nation, is
electrification. Electricity powers various types of machines, including
light sources. In many rural areas in the country, activities would
cease when it gets dark. It also becomes more dangerous to travel.
Filipinos have resorted to using candles and kerosene lamps but they
carry certain risks as they are fire hazards. Solar power is also a
welcome development but like rechargeable batteries, solar panels
are too expensive for ordinary Filipinos.
• Fortunately, a young Filipina inventor named Aisa Mijeno was able to
invent a lighting system that utilizes a material abundant in the
Philippines- saltwater. She invented the Sustainable Alternative
Lighting (SALt) lamp, an environment-friendly light source that runs
on saltwater. The SALt lamp is safer as it poses no risk of fire and
emits no toxic gases. Aside from people who live in coastal areas, it
may also benefit those from far-flung barrios because they can make
their own saltwater by mixing two tablespoons of salt and a glass of
tap water.
• A common problem in the Philippines is the high mortality rate of
newborn babies. One reason for this problem in the 20th century was
the lack of available incubators especially in far-flung rural areas due
to lack of resources and electricity. Dr. Fe del Mundo, a Filipino
pediatrician and the first Asian woman admitted into Harvard Medical
School, devised a medical incubator made from indigenous and cheap
materials which did not run on electricity.
• Dr. del Mundo's incubator was made by placing a native laundry
basket inside a bigger one. Hot water bottles were inserted between
the baskets to provide warmth and a makeshift hood to allow oxygen
circulation. Its main purpose was to maintain conditions suitable for a
newborn, usually a pre-term baby. Other breakthroughs in Philippine
medicine attributed to Dr. del Mundo include her works on the
immunization and treatment of jaundice and the BRAT diet for curing
Dengue, a mosquito-borne viral illness, is endemic in tropical and
subtropical areas, including the Philippines. This virus is usually
transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquito, rampane during the rainy season.
Insecticides were previously used to kill the species. However, recent
studies show that insecticide resistance has evolved in some mosquito
populations. Likewise, using insecticides is harmful not only to humans but
also to the environment. In 2010, the Department of Science and
Technology-Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI) was
able to introduce the Mosquito Ovicidal/ Larvicidal Trap System, also
known as OL Trap. This trap system is made of natural ingredients that are
lethal to mosquitos but safe for humans and the environment.
• A major innovation that changed the transportation industry in the
Philippines was the development of the jeepney. This iconic public utility
vehicle was built using the military jeeps left by the Americans after World
War II. The chassis and the body of the military jeeps were extended to
accommodate more load and passengers. Because of its usefulness, the
jeepney dominated Philippine streets and is considered as the primary mode
of transportation of most Filipinos. However, the diesel- powered jeepney
produces large quantities of black smoke, and is usually a major contributor
of noise pollution due to its primitive exhaust system. To counter these
disadvantages, the electric jeepney (eJeepney) was developed. This modern
type of transportation utilizes electricity instead of the more expensive
diesel. It is environment-friendly since it does not emit any smoke and noise.

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