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Presentation Title

Presentation sub-title
Executive summary

Quick overview of the main points from your presentation… if your client only had one minute to
go over the presentation, what is most important for them to know?

Know your audience​

Create a clear, logical structure
Write for your specific readers: consider shared knowledge
Talk in "spoken English" style, not in "written English" style
Be confident
Active listening
Note: the titles you see are placeholders. Replace them with a sentence
that summarizes the key message of the slide. For example, instead of
saying “Set the Context” you might title the slide “Red Bull and EMRECo
have a strong relationship going back 15 years; we are here to help you
Set the context navigate challenges to grow revenue and margin”

Describe the status quo using some data points that help to summarize the Red Bull /
EMRECo relationship (e.g. margins, total sales, etc.)

Show them that you are listening to them by recounting their questions / concerns sent via.

Note: for this task, feel free to use some artistic license to fill in some blanks that aren’t mentioned in the
data (as long as it doesn’t contradict what you’ve been given)… e.g. you may say something like “Red Bull
and EMRECo have a relationship going back 15 years” or something similar if you’d like.
Opportunity 1: data points & recommendation

Describe the opportunity, using data where possible to support

your recommendation (simple chart, etc.)
Recommendation #1:
e.g. maybe we want to recommend selling Red Bull in ALL stores, not
just in a subset of them.
Do X, it will bring you
Y benefits
Opportunity 2: data points & recommendation

Describe the opportunity, using data where possible to support

your recommendation (simple chart, etc.)
Recommendation #2:
e.g. maybe we want to recommend replacing ColaCo coolers with Red
Bull coolers.
Do X, it will bring you
Y benefits
Proposed next steps

Include a couple of next steps that you’d imagine would need to occur to help bring your
recommendations to life. Feel free to use artistic license here and note down whatever you
think might be reasonable.

You might also include some points that you’d like to investigate further before meeting
again, for example, the client mentioned being worried about inventory levels, but we
have no data about Red Bull inventory, so we might include a point around getting data
and investigating that topic.
Thank you
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