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Meanings Exercise

Which sentence has the most similar meaning to
“I’m going swimming at Yasmin Sports Centre”?
I'm heading to Yasmin Sports Centre for a swim.
Yasmin Sports Centre is where I go for swimming.
A. I'll be swimming at Yasmin Sports Centre soon.
Which sentence has the most similar meaning to
“Many young farmers migrated because they easily give in to
the lure of big cities”?
Young farmers could not resist the temptation of living in a big city.
Young farmers could not understand the lifestyle of city people.
A. Young farmers could not compare their lives to those of people in the city.
Which sentence has the most similar meaning to
“Two days ago, I witnessed a dreadful car accident on the toll road
that claimed several lives”?
I saw a fatal tragedy on the toll road that cause several people’s death on the day before
I saw people robbing and killing a car driver and his family two days ago.
A. Two days ago something very horrible happened when I was driving on the toll road.
Extra Exercise
What can be inferred from the following text?

• Being in a cold climate, facing limited summer seasons, rooted in

nutrient-poor and dry soil and subject to high winds and withering
winters, bristlecone pines mature very slowly indeed. Yet mature they
do, as with all pines becoming fractionally thicker every year as
another growth ring is added to their trunk. By counting these, we
can accurately state that, as of 2011, Methuselah tree was 4842 years
old, meaning that it sprouted as a seedling in 2832 BC, centuries
before the ancient Egyptians began building their pyramids. And
that’s just one fascinating fact about that well-known species of tree –
the pine.

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