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Car Price Prediction

Zeeshan Asghar (B210317003)

Hamza Afzal (B210317034)
Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of Computing and Engineering
Department Of Artificial Intelligence
University of Kotli Azad Jammu and Kashmir
● Introduction
● Problem Statement
● Literature Review
● Scope
● Objective
● Dataset
● Model Selection
● Methodology
● Implementation
● Results
● Conclusions

• Develop the model that kind of deal with car price prediction queries. Answer the
questions like car models, names, year, actual price of car etc.
• Train a model that can predict the actual price of new and old cars on the basis of
queries like car model , engine type, first hand car or second owner car, automatic
car or manual car and on the basis of engine type like either the cars is diesel or
electric car etc.
Problem Statement
People who are interested in price of the cars don’t know the
actual price of the cars and fuel engine type like either the car is
petrol vehicle or diesel vehicle.
Literature Review

● We did literature review of five research

papers for different models detail. The
review include:
● Model selection
● Accuracy
● Dataset
Literature Review
Author Name Paper Name Year of Published Model Accuracy

Enis Gegic, Becir Car Price Prediction 2019 Support Vector Machine 87%
Isakovic, Dino Kečo, using Machine Learning
Zerina Mašetić, Jasmin Techniques

Mehmet Mehdi Car Price Prediction 2020 BPNN 85%

Karakoç,Gaffari using ANN Techniques
Celik,Asaf Varol
Kajal Kumari Car price prediction 2021 Linear Regression 70%
Machine learning vs
Deep Learning

Siddiqui Mohd. Used car price Support Vector Machine 2021 72%
Shakeeb, Prof. Sarwesh prediction and Linear Regression
G. Ravi, Dudekula Used car price KNN 2024 96%
Khasim Vali, Deepak prediction using ANN
Scope of the Project
The scope of our project is given below:
• Collection of data and analysis of data
• Predictive modeling techniques
• Dependent and Independent variables
• Evaluation and Validation of model
Objectives of Project

The objectives of our projects are given

● Optimizing the price strategy
● Forecasting the market trends
● Improving the management
● Mitigating the price risks
 Car Dataset
 The dataset we are using for our model training is car dataset
the data is about Indian cars. Also our data is noisy data and we
performed several cleaning techniques for cleaning the data.
 Our dataset contain about 4000 plus entries and the data is in
tabular form and in the CSV format.
 The source of out dataset is Kaggle.
Model selection
● The model that we are using for our project is Recurrent neural
network RNN.
● The reason behind using its adaplity property that it can e
convert into other model like CNN.
● Also it is best for time series data and prediction analysis.
Architecture Diagram
Setup Google Collab
Ram 12.7 GB
Libraries Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib,
Seaborn, Keras, Pickel
Model RNN
Training Epochs 50,100,150
Activation function Relu

Batch size 32
No.of No.of Activatio Accuracy Accuracy Differenc
Epochs Layers n of test of train e
Function data data
50 20 Relu 49% 56% 7%
100 30 Relu 78% 76% 2%
150 35 Relu 46% 42% 4%
200 40 Relu 65% 63% 2%
20 15 Relu 89% 86% 3%
Conclusion & Future Works

● In conclusion, it appears that using Recurrent

Neural Networks (RNN), a type of Artificial
Neural Network (ANN), to anticipate car
prices is a promising method.

● Further enhancements can be made on this

project like classification through different
colors and different variants of thr cars.
Any Question…??
Thank you

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