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A nutritional deficiency occurs

when your body doesn’t
receive or cannot absorb a
specific nutrient in the amount
required. If this is prolonged, it
can lead to malnutrition

1. Iron Deficiency (Causes Anemia)

 You may have iron deficiency anemia if you experience the
following symptoms:
 Pale skin
 Extreme fatigue
 Brittle nails
 Chest pain and shortness of breath (accompanied by fast heartbeat)
 Cold hands and feet
 Tongue inflammation
 Unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances like ice or dirt
 Headache and dizziness
 When your body doesn’t have enough iron to
produce hemoglobin, you can develop iron
deficiency anemia. Hemoglobin helps in the
transport of oxygen throughout the body.
 Blood loss is one major cause of the iron deficiency.
Women are at a higher risk as they lose blood
during menstruation. Even a lack of iron in your
diet can lead to this deficiency.
 Vegetarians or vegans, menstruating and pregnant
women, and individuals who donate blood more
frequently are at an increased risk of iron
 The best modes of treatment include taking iron
supplements and enriching your diet with foods
rich in iron. Other methods include intravenous iron
or red blood cell transfusions, which are used
during severe cases of iron deficiency anemia.
 The richest sources of heme iron are lean meat and
seafood. Heme iron is the form of iron found in
meat, poultry, and seafood – and is more easily
absorbed in the body. Sources of non-heme iron
include nuts, beans, and vegetables (especially
 One serving of fortified breakfast cereals contain
about 18 milligrams of iron, which meets 100% of
the daily requirement. Three ounces of pan-fried
beef liver contains 5 milligrams of iron, which
meets 28% of the daily requirement. Half a cup of
boiled spinach contains 3 milligrams of iron,
meeting 17% of the daily requirement.
 Including iron in your diet is simple. You can add
spinach to your breakfast sandwich or pasta and
soups. If you are more of a meat lover, you can
combine 1 pound of ground beef with 1/3 pound of
finely chopped beef liver. Add in some garlic
powder, onions, salt, and pepper. You can use these
to make meatballs.
2. Iodine Deficiency (Causes Goiter And
 You may have iodine deficiency if you experience the following
 Goiter, characterizing an enlarged thyroid gland
 Fatigue
 Constipation
 Puffy face
 Muscle weakness
 Dry skin
 Muscle aches and tenderness
 Thinning hair
 Depression
 Impaired memory
 Weight gain
 Increased sensitivity to cold
 Irregular menstrual periods
 Elevated blood cholesterol levels
 Iodine deficiency happens when you don’t consume
enough iodine through your diet. Women are more
likely to develop hypothyroidismi than men. Other
individuals who are more likely to develop this
condition include those who had a thyroid problem
before, those who had undergone surgery to correct
their thyroid problem, and those with a family
history of thyroid disease.
 The best way to prevent iodine deficiency is to
consume foods rich in the nutrient. On a massive
scale, salt and bread have been fortified with
iodine. Iodine supplements are available as well –
which you can take once you consult with your
healthcare provider.
 Seaweed is the richest source of iodine. Just 1
gram of seaweed contains 16 to 1,984 mcg of
iodine, meeting 11% to 1,989% of the daily
requirement. Three ounces of baked cod contains
99 mcg of iodine, which meets 66% of the daily
requirement. One cup of plain low-fat yogurt
contains 75 mcg of iodine, meeting 50% of the daily
requirement of the nutrient
3. Vitamin A Deficiency (Causes Night Blindness)
 You may have vitamin A deficiency if you
experience the following symptoms:
 Dry and scaly skin
 Dry eyes
 A hazy cornea
 Inflamed eyes
 Night blindness
 Lack of adequate dietary intake is the biggest cause
of vitamin A deficiency. People in locations where
rice is the staple food can also experience
symptoms – given that rice is devoid of beta-
 Oral vitamin A could be a promising way of treating
the deficiency, especially if the symptoms are
severe or malabsorption is the cause. These may
also include beta-carotene supplements. However,
do keep in mind that beta-carotene supplements
have been associated with an increased risk of
certain cancers
 Sweet potato is the richest natural source of
vitamin A. One whole baked sweet potato contains
28,058 IU of vitamin A, which meets a whopping
561% of the daily requirement.
 You can include sweet potatoes in your diet by
making them a go-to side dish for poultry or meat
dishes. You may also mash sweet potatoes and have
them with a delicious combination of high-quality
goat cheese. Spinach makes for a great addition to
your breakfast sandwich.
4. Vitamin B-Complex Deficiency
 B-complex is a combination of B vitamins. A
deficiency in any of these can cause problems.
 A deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine), or thiamin
deficiency, causes beriberi. Beriberi is
characterized by impaired sensory, reflex, and
motor functions. It may also lead to congestive
heart failure, causing edema in the lower limbs,
and in certain cases, even death. Individuals who
consume alcohol, have diabetes, older adults, and
those who have undergone bariatric surgery are at a
higher risk.
 It can also lead to riboflavin deficiency or Vitamin
B2 deficiency that causes fatigue, swollen throat,
blurred vision, and depression.
 Vitamin B3 or niacin deficiency causes pellagra. This
condition is characterized by diarrhea, dementia, and
sun-sensitive dermatitis. If left untreated, pellagra can
lead to death.
 A deficiency of vitamin B7, or biotin, causes thinning of
hair and rashes around the eyes, nose, and mouth. It may
also cause skin infections and, in rare cases, seizures.
 Vitamin B12 deficiency (also called cobalamin) can cause
tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss, constipation, and
nerve issues. Other symptoms can include depression and
 Folate is another B-complex vitamin whose deficiency
can cause serious complications. Symptoms include
weakness, difficulty in concentrating, and shortness of
breath. It can also lead to gastrointestinal issues.
 In women, folate deficiency increases the risk of
giving birth to infants with neural tube defects.
Inadequate maternal folate status can also cause
low infant birth weight, preterm delivery, and
retardation of fetal growth.
 Individuals with alcohol use disorder and pregnant
women (or those of childbearing age) are at risk of
folate deficiency.
 Foods rich in B vitamins include fortified cereals,
pork chops, lean beef, tuna, eggs, and boiled
5. Vitamin C Deficiency (Causes Scurvy)
 You may have vitamin C deficiency if you
experience the following symptoms:
 Depression
 Fatigue
 Rashes
 Impaired wound healing
 Gingivitis
 Weight loss
 Irritability
 Scurvy (characterized by bleeding gums and
opening of previously healed wounds)
 The primary cause of scurvy is the inadequate
intake of vitamin C. Individuals at high risk include
people who addicted to alcohol and smoking, those
on a poor diet, and those having severe mental
illness. Even people undergoing dialysis are at risk
as vitamin C is lost in the treatment process.
 Treatment usually involves a heavy dosage of
vitamin C regularly.
 Having an orange a day should take care of your
vitamin C needs. You may toss broccoli, potatoes,
and slices of orange in your evening salad.
6. Vitamin D Deficiency (Causes Rickets and
 You may have vitamin D deficiency if you experience
the following symptoms:
 Bone pain
 Generalized weakness
 Myalgia (pain in a group of muscles)
 The deficiency is caused by several reasons, which
can also be the risk factors. Some of these include
limited exposure to sunlight, having dark skin, or
having inflammatory bowel disease i or other
conditions that cause malabsorption of the nutrient.
 Vegans and vegetarians may also be at high risk as
most of the natural food sources of vitamin D include
fish, dairy, and poultry.
 Treatment for vitamin D deficiency may include oral
supplementation of 50,000 IU of vitamin D2 per
week for eight weeks.
 Adding the right foods to your diet (apart from
regular exposure to morning sun) is the best way to
prevent vitamin D deficiency.
 Three ounces of cooked salmon contains 447 IU of
vitamin D, which meets 112% of the daily requirement.
Three ounces of canned tuna fish contains 154 IU of the
vitamin and meets 39% of the daily requirement. Other
good sources include milk, yogurt, eggs, and beef liver.
 You can have canned tuna for breakfast or include eggs
and milk in your meals. If you are a vegetarian, go for
orange juice fortified with vitamin D (check the label).
One cup of fortified orange juice contains 137 IU of
vitamin D and meets 34% of the daily requirement.
7. Calcium Deficiency (Causes Hypocalcemia)
 You may have calcium deficiency if you experience
the following symptoms:
 Confusion
 Fatigue
 Anxiety
 Brittle nails
 Impaired concentration
 Poor memory
 Dry skin
 Coarse hair
 Alopecia
 Muscle cramps and muscle weakness
 Hypocalcemia may be caused by several factors. These include
inadequate calcium in the diet, lack of sunlight exposure,
chronic kidney disease, liver disease or liver cirrhosis i , and
reduced intestinal absorption of calcium. Vitamin D deficiency
can also lead to hypocalcemia.
 Individuals at risk of calcium deficiency include
postmenopausal women, individuals with lactose intolerance,
and vegetarians. Treatment for hypocalcemia usually involves
oral calcium and vitamin D in the form of supplements.
 Plain, low-fat yogurt is the richest source of calcium. Eight
ounces of the yogurt contains 415 milligrams of calcium,
meeting 42% of the daily requirement. Eight ounces of non-fat
milk contains 299 milligrams of calcium, meeting 30% of the
daily requirement.
 Calcium-fortified orange juice is another good option. Make
sure you check the labels. Six ounces of the juice contains 261
milligrams of calcium, meeting 26% of the daily requirement.
8. Magnesium Deficiency (Causes Hypomagnesemia)
 You may have magnesium deficiency if you
experience the following symptoms:
 Vomiting
 Nausea
 Fatigue
 Weakness
 Loss of appetite
 Numbness
 Seizures
 Abnormal heart rhythms
 Tingling
 Muscle cramps
 The primary cause of magnesium is dietary
inadequacy. Malabsorption could also be another
cause. Excess alcohol intake and prolonged diarrhea
may also cause magnesium deficiency.
 People at high risk of this deficiency include those
who are addicted to alcohol, individuals with
diabetes or gastrointestinal issues, and older adults.
 Taking magnesium by mouth is the most common
form of treatment.
 Severe magnesium deficiency may also lead to the
deficiency of calcium or potassium (given the
disruption of mineral homeostasis), leading to
further problems. Homeostasis is the state of stable
equilibrium or balance.
9. Zinc Deficiency
 You may have zinc deficiency if you experience the
following symptoms:
 Loss of appetite
 Weakened immune system
 Hair loss
 Diarrhea
 Lethargy
 Slow wound healing
 Unexplained weight loss
 Alcoholism is one major cause of zinc deficiency.
Other causes include chronic kidney disease,
diabetes, liver or pancreas disorders, and sickle cell
 Individuals at a higher risk include those addicted to
alcohol, vegetarians, individuals with
gastrointestinal issues, and pregnant or lactating
women. Tansy Rodgers, a Functional Nutritional
Therapy Practitioner, says, “It’s an important
nutrient for muscle healing and repair, but it is also
a cofactor for several enzymes and it helps influence
gut microbiota to create a stronger gut.”
 Treatment for zinc deficiency may involve the intake
of zinc supplements. Intake of foods rich in zinc
works wonderfully well too.
 Oysters are the richest sources of zinc. Three
ounces of cooked and fried oysters contains 74
milligrams of zinc, meeting 493% of the daily
requirement. Three ounces of cooked crab contains
about 6.5 grams of zinc, which meets 43% of the
daily requirement. Baked beans and pumpkin seeds
are also good sources of zinc.
 You can add cooked oysters to pasta dishes to up
your zinc intake. You may also add them to seafood
soups and stews. Vegetarians can add baked beans
or pumpkin seeds to their evening vegetable salad.
You may also sprinkle them on your dishes.

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