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Faktor Ketidakpatuhan pada

Ns. Oktaria PhD
Gambaran Penelitian
Latar belakang:
- In the United States, gout affects approximately 3% to 4% of adults
- Despite multiple studies shedding light on the impact of allopurinol on
T2T, research focusing on the clinical uric acid-lowering effect of
febuxostat remains limited
- To date, Asia’s contribution to this realm primarily encompasses a
single-center, short-term study in China, and a small-sample study in
the Philippines.

• conducted between July 2020 and May 2021

• at 7 tertiary-level hospitals
• male and female outpatients aged between 18 and 80 years
• acute gouty arthritis
• The sample size was determined through nQuery Advisor soft- ware (Statistical
Solutions Company, Ireland).
• Drawing on data from the Chinese Rheumatism Data Center 2016, where the rate
of achieving target sUA levels over a 6-month period was 38.20%, assuming a
rate of 0.4 with an acceptable error of 0.05, the estimated sample size was 369
• Mean age 42 (not well controlled), 41 (well controlled)
• Sex: 361 male (99,2%) (not well controlled), ; 58 (95%) (well
• Faktor yang berhubungan dengan ketidakpatuhan minum obat:
a. Penggunaan obat febuxostat
b. Asam urat > 360 μmol/L
c. Tingkat pengetahuan sedang
d. Kontrol diet sedang

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