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Risk factors that cause neonatal asphyxia are maternal age, parity, KPD, and LBW. Data
from RSUD Dr. H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin in 2017 as many as 107 babies (4.6%)
had asphyxia neonatorum, in 2018 there were 172 babies (8.3%) and in 2019 as many
as 112 babies (7.4%) remained in 4th place case of complications in infants. (The first
paragraph is to explain the risk factors for asphyxia neonatorum)

This research is to study the determine the factors associated with the incidence of asphyxia
neonatorum in RSUD Dr. H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin in 2019. The design of
this study uses an analytical survey method with a case control approach. The
sampling technique was purposive sampling. (The second paragraph is the research
objective, namely to determine the risk factors associated with the incidence of asphyxia

The population in this study were all newborn babies, totaling 1,505 in Dr. H. Moch Ansari
Saleh Banjarmasin in 2019. Samples as cases for all infants with neonatal asphyxia
with complete data and samples as controls are infants who do not experience neonatal
asphyxia. Data analysis with univariate and bivariate analysis techniques using the chi-square
test. (the third paragraph, namely the population in this study is all newborns)


The COVID-19 pandemic is still a serious problem in the world until now, the
number of incidents in Banjarmangu Village during the initial period of the pandemic from
March 28-August 31 2020 found a total of 5 cases of patients infected with Covid 19, 1 of
whom died. (The first paragraph explains that the COVID-19 pandemic is still a serious
problem in the world today)

The purpose of the study was to find out an overview of the age and education factors on the
discipline and application of the COVID-19 protocol law in the Sigong Hamlet
Community, Banjarmangu, Banjarnegara. (This paragraph explains the research objectives)

The quantitative research design uses analytical methods, the sampling technique is
selected by accidental sampling, the approach to data collection is selected by cross
sectional (Notoatmodjo, 2012). The population of this study were all mothers of children
under five who came to the posyandu, 45 respondents were obtained. (Next in this paragraph
describes the design of journal research)

Data were collected using a questionnaire. Based on data analysis, the results showed that the
highest age factor was 31-40 years, a total of 28 (62.2%), the education factor was mostly the
last educated. There are 31 junior high schoolstudents (75.6%). The score is sig. 0.000 < 0.05
based on the results of the Anova test, (fisher in Aulia R, 2021), the conclusion is that there
are differences in the implementation of health protocols which consist of maintaining
distance, washing hands and using masks. It is recommended that all elements of society
continue and continue to implement the discipline of health protocols as long as the pandemic
has not ended. (then explain the results of the journal research)


Papaya is one of the fruiting plants that are often found in the tropics. Apart from being rich
in vitamins, papaya is also rich in laktogogeum compounds, alkaloids, polyphenols, steroids
and flavonoids which are very important in the milk production process. (the first paragraph
explains the meaning of papaya)

This literature review aims to find outeffectiveness of young papaya consumption on breast
milk productivity. Use The literature review analysis method with references used 17 articles
from 2021. (in this paragraph explain the purpose)

The keywords used are papaya and breast milk. Results of several articles that have been
found show that papaya fruit can increase the secretion and amount of milk production in the
breastfeeding process in mothers parturition with laktagogum compounds it contains. (in this
paragraph explain the main topic, namely papaya and breast milk)


Premature rupture of membranes is one of the complications in pregnancy and delivery that
plays a role in increasing maternal morbidity and mortality and the fetus that can be caused
by infection, bleeding, prolonged labor.Premature rupture of membranes is a controversial
issue in midwifery. Optimal handling and standard ones don't even exist yet changed. (the
first paragraph explains the meaning of papaya)

The aim is to find out the relationship between age and parity with the incidence of Premature
rupture of membranes in Tangerang Regional Hospital for the period of 2021. The research is
A descriptive cross sectional approach to see the relationship between age and parity with the
incidence of premature rupture of membranes. (This paragraph explains the purpose of the

The sample is 95 mothers giving birth, sampling with systematic random sampling (sampling
systematically randomized). The results obtained P Value 0.018, P Value < alpha. So it can
be concluded that there is a relationship between KPD and age in RSUD Tangerang. 46
maternity mothers who experienced premature rupture of membranes (48.4%) and 49 people
who did not experience premature rupture of membranes (51.6%). Based on maternal age,
maternal age <20 years and >35 years as many as 35 people (36.8%) and the age of mothers
20-35 years as many as 60 people (63.2%). Based on maternal parity, in primipara parity as
many as 34 people (35.8%) and at parity multipara and grandemalte 61 people (64.2%). (In
this paragraph, the sample for research is described)


Background: Mother's milk (ASI) is an intake given to babies from birth during the time until
the baby is six months old. Self-efficacy of breastfeeding pregnant women plays an important
role in achieving the success of breastfeeding mothers to provide exclusive
breastfeeding after giving birth until the age of 6 months. Findings from several
studies show that self-confidence that being able to breastfeed effectively is a factor that can
support breastfeeding. (In this paragraph, the meaning of ASI is explained)

Review Purpose: For Reviewing the published literature that discusses the factors that
influence the self-efficacy of breastfeeding in third trimester pregnant women.Methods:uses
the Arksey & O'Malley framework which consists of 5 stages, identifying scoping review
questions with the PICo framework; relevant articles by determining inclusion and exclusion
criteria; search for articles through databases, Pubmed, Science Direct and Wiley, search for
Gray Literature through Google Scholar; Selection of articles with Prism Flow Chart,
perform Critical Appraisal to assess the quality of articles; perform data charting;
compiling, summarizing and reporting results. (in this paragraph explain the Purpose of the

Results: Based on 6 articles.Furthermore, there are 2 themes, namely internal factors and
external factors, and pintervention program To improve breastfeeding self-efficacy in
pregnant women.Conclusion: Kthe lack of giving breastfeeding class interventions to
pregnant women in antenatal care health services. In the very few articles that discuss the
provision of breastfeeding class interventions given to pregnant women, the majority of
articles focus on breastfeeding interventions in the postpartum period. (in this paragraph
explain the results of the research)

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