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Health educaton is an effort given in the form of guidance and guidance to atudents
about health covering all aspects of personal health while pregnancy nutrition is serving two
meals for people whp are not pregnant, because proper and balanced nutrition supports brain
development, immune system and fetal geowth since in the womb.method : This study uses
quantitative research which is an analytic des cription method whith a cross approach The
sampling technique in this research was total sampling with a total of 58 samples. Data
collection using a questionnaire.

Based on the results of statistical tests using the Chi-square test, it was obtained that
the p-value =0, 003 was smaller than the p-value 0,05 which was rejected, so there is an
influence of health eduction about pregnancy nutrition to prevet stunting.

Conclusion : there is a significant and strong influence between knowledge of nutrition

in pregnant women.

Keywords : health education , pregnancy nutrition, stunting prevention.

Health education is an effort or actifity to create community behavior that is
conducive to health, This means that people are aware or know how to maintain health and
avoid or prevent things that are detrimental to health.

Nutrition is nutritions food eaten by pregnant women good nutrition helps a women
prepare her body to become a mother because of the complex processes that occur during
pregnancy to need a large supply of protein, vitamins, and minerals for mothers and babies,
pragmant women need 27 miligrams of iron a day. The way to meet these nutritional needs is
to consume foods such as lean red meat, poultry and fish (kusmiati 2017).

The prevalence of edits in north sulawesi, manado city is 6,13% this figure is input
from 16 health centers.
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Based on data from the kotamobagu health office, the prevalence of stunting in 2018 reached
30,7% of the 8084 toddlers in kotamobagu and in 2019 it dropped dramatiscally to 0,26% of
the 8084 toddlers in kotamobagu.

Nutrition is nutritions food eate by pregnant women, good nutrition helps women
pregpare their bodies to become a mother because complex processes occur during pregnancy
to require a large supply of protein, vitamins and minerals for mother and baby (kusmiati

According to (kustriani et al, 2017) factors that affect nutritional problems in pregnant
women are anemia, KEK, education, age, occupation and parity, people who have not been
able to improve nutritional needs and health factors such as health services, availability of
facilities ans infrastructure heredity and poor conditions affect the mother's diet.

According to puwanti, et al (2017)

Pregnant women's knowledge about good nutrition can influence the mother's
behavior, especialy regarding food consuptiin. With good knowledge of course the mother's
behavior in comsuming food can pay more attetion to the quantity or amount of food
consumed, By consuming foods that contain lots of nutriens, of course, it can improve the
health and growth of mothers and toddlers. Thus knowledge about nutrition for mothers in
very important.

Nutrition /nutrition Fuction

According to almatsier (2016), the functions of nutrition include providing energy
(burning substances) growth and development of body tissue (building subtances and to
regulate body processes (regulating substances) where these nutriens are contaned in
carbohydrates proteins, minerals, fats, vitamins, iron etc

Types of research
This type of research uses quantitative descriptive research with a cross-sectional
approach, where this research aims to see a picture of phenomena that occur in one
population and does not compare groups with other groups (Pinzon, 2021). In this study,
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researchers wanted to find out the effect of health education and nutrition during pregnancy
to prevent stunting at the Gogagoman Community Health Center UPTD in 2023

Location and Time of Research

1. Research Locations

The research was carried out at the Gogagoman Health Center UPTD.

2. Research Time

This research was conducted in March - April 2022.

3. Population and Sample


Population is the total number consisting of subject objects that have certain
characteristics and qualities determined by the researcher (Tumiwa, 2020)

The population taken in this study were all pregnant women and children under five, totaling
58 respondents at the Gogagoman Health Center UPTD.

Samples and Sampling Techniques

The sampling technique is the process of selecting a number of elements from the population
being studied to be used as samples and understanding the various traits or characteristics of
the subjects being sampled (Handayani, 2020). In this study, a sampling technique was used
using the side total technique, namely making the entire population into 58 samples.

4. Research Instruments

The flow of this research is by giving a questionnaire regarding health education for
pregnant women to prevent stunting to respondents. In the questionnaire there are questions
that each respondent must answer.

5. Questionnaires in the form of pretest and prostest sheets

A questionnaire is a list containing questions and then the respondent will answer
questions from the researcher. In this study, an instrument was used in the form of a
questionnaire with closed ended questions of the dichotomous choice type. in questions of
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this type of questionnaire, only two answers/alternatives are provided and the respondent
only chooses one of them (Notoadmodjo 2018). The questionnaire is a well-organized list of
questions as a form of elaboration of research variables and each question item is an answer
that has meaning in testing the research hypothesis (Notoadmodjo 2018).

The questionnaire for the dependent variable of knowledge about stunting this instrument
contains 20 questions about mothers' knowledge about stunting which was adopted from
previous researchers. And in this study, researchers used a questionnaire from Putri, Mardiah
and Yulianita, 2021.

6. Validity test

Validity is an index that shows this measuring instrument really measures what is
being measured (Notoadmodjo 2018).

7. Reliability Test

Reliability is an index that shows the extent to which a measuring instrument can be
trusted, where the measurement results remain consistent if measurements are carried out
twice or more using the same measuring instrument (Notoadmodjo 2018).

8. Data analysis

Analysis is the process of analyzing data on each variable. In this research, universal
analysis is carried out on the variables from the research results. This analysis will produce
the distribution and frequency of each variable studied.

9. Research Ethics

Research ethics aims to prevent the confidentiality of the respondent's identity from
the possibility of threats to respondents. This ethical issue is especially emphasized on.

10. Research result

Univariate analysis is used to see the frequency distribution of the variables studied
without any statistical tests.

11. Analisa Bivariat

Bivariate Analysis
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Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that there is an influence of health education
about pregnancy nutrition to prevent stunting at the Gogagoman Community Health Center

12. Research Limitations

The limitations experienced by researchers while conducting research were difficulties in

explaining education to respondents because many respondents did not understand the
meaning of stunting exposure, so researchers had to repeat the educational presentation
schedule again.

After conducting research from June 31 to 7 2023 concerning the effect of health
education on nutrition during pregnancy to prevent stunting at the UPTD Gogagoman Health
Center in 2023, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan dan tentang nutrisi selama kehamilan untuk mencegah
stunting di UPTD puskesmas gogagoman. Berdasarkan uji statistik didapatkan p value =
0,003 (p ≥ 0,05) dengan Likelihood Ratio = 9,643 maka Ha diterima.

Suggestion (saran)

For research sites

Researchers suggest to the Gogagoman Community Health Center UPTD to always
provide education to pregnant women in posiandu or in pregnant women's classes about the
importance of preventing stunting early in order to further increase pregnant women's
knowledge about the dangers of stunting

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