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Planning and
Budgeting Workshop
Ground Rules
 Treat each other with RESPECT.
 RESPECT others need to learn, so
avoid side conversations.

 Participate as much as possible but
share the time.
 Ask questions, but raise your hand
to be acknowledged.
 Come on time.
 Avoid unnecessary activities during the 3-
day official training (e.g. internet/fb,
 Turn cellphones to silent mode during
 Listen with an open mind.
 Everyone is a learner, everyone is a
Surfacing Gender
Issues through
Gender Analysis
Exercise: GAD Planning and Budgeting
1. A GAD budget is entirely women’s budget
2. A GAD budget addresses the needs of women and
3. GAD Budgeting involves preparing a separate budget
for women.
4. GAD Budgeting promotes accountability in agencies
5. GAD Budgets promote domestic violence
6. GAD Budgeting promotes girls at the expense of
Exercise: GAD Planning and Budgeting
7. GAD Budgeting means taking away from men and
giving women.
8. A GAD budget addresses the needs of women and
9. GAD Budgeting does not consider the unique local
10.GAD Budgeting promotes faster growth.
11.GAD Budgeting can reduce gender gaps.
12.GAD budget eliminate violence against women.
13.GAD Budget lessens the household burden of
What is a Gender Issue?
Gender Issues are deterrents to
development. Thus, it is important
to address them in development
Gender Issue arises when people recognize that a particular instance
of inequality is wrong, unacceptable and unjust.

Different age or course or ethnicity required for man and woman
applying for the same job.
These are difficulties that women and men experience as a result of cultural
biases - emanating from beliefs, attitudes, values, roles and characteristics
attributed by society to women and men

Women are given administrative tasks because they can do desk work
better than men.
These are reflected in and perpetuated by
laws, policies, procedures, systems,
programs, projects and activities of the

The Adultery and Concubinage provisions
of the RPC are discriminatory.
Classification of Gender Issues
Organization-focused issue points to the gap
in the capacity of the organization to
integrate a gender dimension in the activities
of its programs and projects.

Lack of knowledge on gender
mainstreaming of GAD focal point
Classification of Gender Issues
Client-focused issue articulates the extent of
disparity of women and men/girls and boys
over benefits from and contribution to a
program and/or project of the agency.

Need to implement a curricula free
from sex-role stereotyping and sexist
We identify gender issues through
Gender Analysis
What is Gender Analysis?
The systematic gathering and examination
of information on gender differences (gaps)
and social relations in order to assess,
identify, understand, and redress inequities
and inequalities based on gender.
The Focus -
 Define women and men’s needs
(gender differences)
 Understand the nature of relationships
between women and men and their
social realities, life expectations and
circumstances (structural/cultural)
 Identify gender gaps and benefits
Why do Gender Analysis?
 Helps identify WHAT needs to be done
 Helps identify approaches to make
policies, programs more efficient and
effective (HOW)
How is Gender Analysis done?
• Using guide questions, checklist or cases
to tease out gender issues related to
gender roles, needs, access to and
control of resources, constraints and
opportunities faced by women and men
• Examine sex disaggregated data or the
situation with gender lens
• Evaluate basic assumptions of policies
and programs.
Workshop 1: Gender Analysis

Using Worksheet 1, identify the issues per

area of concern (Column 1), by looking at
the current situation (column 2) of the
DEPED and write on column 3 the actions
(programs, plans, activities) that can be
done to fill in the gap/address the issue.

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