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Course name –introduction to environmental planning

1 Define environmental planning and brief history of conservation
and environmentalism
 Environmental planning is the process of facilitating decision making to carry out land
development with the consideration given to the natural environment, social, political,
economic and governance .
 Environmental planning concerns itself with the decision making processes where
they are required for managing relationships that exist within and between natural
systems and human systems. Environmental planning endeavors to manage these
processes in an effective, orderly, transparent and equitable manner for the benefit of
all constituents within such systems for the present and for the future. Present day
environmental planning practices are the result of continuous refinement and
expansion of the scope of such decision making processes. Some of the main
elements of present-day environmental planning are:
 Social & economic development
 Urban development
 Regional development
 Natural resource management & integrated land use
 Infrastructure systems
 Governance frameworks
2 Write concept, objective, and principles of
environmental planning and management briefly?
 The term environmental planning refers to the planning of human development
and construction projects that are both practical as well as sustainable.
 Achieving the goals of the projects while also protecting the environmental
and conserving undeveloped land are both essential to environmental
 The objectives of environmental –mitigate adverse impact on various
environmental components, protect environmental recourses enhance the
value of environmental components where possible.
 key principles –polluter pays principle, user pays principle, precautionary,
responsibility, proportionality and participation
 Planning Mode and Managerial Process Planning theory recommends three
complementary modes, which can be modified to environmental management: the
entrepreneurial mode, the adaptive mode and the generic planning mode. ...
 Planning and Political Power Planning cannot be removed from politics, because of
resources. ...
3 What are the challenges of environmental planning
at regional, local and global scales?
 Environmental issues in regional planning include :Air and water pollution
 Deforestation
 Loss of biodiversity
 Climate change
 Improper waste management
 Damage to the environment directly cost economic growth 2
 Acid rain
 Flood, landslide, drought
 Large scale settlement and migration due to flood, drought, submergence
 Localized environmental health problems such as inadequate household
water and sanitation and indoor air pollution. City-regional environmental
problems such as ambient air pollution, inadequate waste management and
pollution of rivers, lakes and coastal areas.
4 Write examples of environmental planning and explain
them clearly and write some advantages and
disadvantage of them?
 Environmental planning involves
managing the environment to achieve sustainable outcomes
. Examples of environmental planning considerations include: Air
 Water quality
 Noise/vibration
 Soil
 Landscape
 Nature conservation
 Cultural heritage
 Environmental planning can be applied to specific projects, such
as construction and industrial projects, and can involve the devel
opment of environmental management plan
 Advantages of environmental planning
 Clean our air, purify our water produce food medicines
reduce chemical and noise pollution, slow floodwaters, and
cool our streets.
 Dis advantage
 Technical barriers to implementation.
 Regulatory constraints in adoption.
 Operational challenges in maintenance.
 Difficulty in measuring performance.
5 Write some environmental planning
process? And environmental planning
conceptual theory?
1 Identify environmental regulations you need to comply with. ...
2 Determine if any grants or tax breaks are available. ...
3 Set clear, measurable goals for your EMP. ...
4 Establish a timeline for the achievement of your goals. ...
5 Create an environmental policy for your organization. ...
o in Florence nightingale is environmental theory she defined
Fresh air ,pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness or
sanitation and light or direct sun light
6 What are the environmental planning process?

Environmental process
Define  at the onset of a project, we work closely with the project team to
identify key issues and environmental constraints, addressing issues and concerns
early on enables us to think strategically about our approach and involve stake
holders in the environmental process.

Analyze  we compose our teams strategically, bring specialty scientists with cutting edge
knowledge on board to address topics of significance, by staying abreast of the latest changes to CEQA
and NEPA, we provide the best expertise for conducting legally defensible environmental analysis.

Refine  at part of integrated approach, we share our analysis with key players to identify
feasible, mutuality workable solutions.

Report  the environmental process is complex but really bolls down to this; telling
the truth clearly. We work closely with our clients and the community to ensure their
needs are being met, above and beyond the parameters of the environmental process
Thank you

By Dawit Tesfay

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