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* Define stress,
* Identify some learners stressor,
* Enumerate some factors that contribute stress to
to the learners;
* Identify different symptoms or sign of stress in some
learners; and
* Enumerates ways to prevent stress.
What is a Stress?

* Stress is a physiological and psychological response to a

perceived threat, challenge, or demand. It is a natural reaction that
occurs when the body and mind perceive a situation as requiring
additional resources or effort to cope with.
What are the factors that contribute stress to the learners?
1. Academic Pressure- High expectations for academic performance, including grades, exams, and
homework, can create significant stress for students.

2. Social Relationship - Issues such as peer pressure, bullying, conflicts with friends, or feeling
socially isolated can all contribute to stress for students.

3. Family Dynamics- . Issues such as family conflicts, parental expectations, divorce or separation,
financial stress, or caring for family members can all contribute to stress for learners.
What are the factors that contribute stress to the
4. Extracurricular Activities- Trying to balance schoolwork with sports, clubs,
music lessons, or other activities can create stress, especially if students feel
overwhelmed or overcommitted.

5. Peer Pressure - Peer pressure to fit in, conform to social norms, or engage in risky
behaviors can be a significant source of stress for junior high school students.

6. Personal Expectation and Perfectionism- Perfectionism and high personal

expectations can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, as students fear failure or falling
short of their own standards.
Some signs that learners experience stress
Recognizing the signs of stress in learners is essential for providing appropriate support
and intervention.

Physical Symptoms:
Fatigue or low energy
Changes in appetite or eating habits
Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
Muscle tension or aches

Emotional Symptoms:
Irritability or moodiness
Anxiety or nervousness
Feelings of overwhelm or helplessness
Tearfulness or crying easily
Low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
Some signs that learners experience stress
Behavioral Changes:
Withdrawal from social activities or isolating oneself
Increased agitation or restlessness
Changes in behavior or personality
Avoidance of schoolwork or academic tasks
Procrastination or difficulty getting started on tasks
Changes in eating or sleeping pattern

Academic Performance:
Decline in grades or academic performance
Difficulty concentrating in class or staying focused
Missed assignments or incomplete work
Decreased participation in class discussions or activities
Increased absenteeism or tardiness
Some signs that learners experience stress
Interpersonal Relationships:
Conflict or tension with peers or teachers
Difficulty communicating or expressing emotions
Withdrawal from social interactions or activities
Changes in friendships or peer groups

Physical Health:
Frequent illness or complaints of feeling unwell
Recurring health problems such as colds or infections
Exacerbation of pre-existing health conditions

Self-Care and Hygiene:

Neglect of personal hygiene or appearance
Changes in grooming habits or self-care routines

Expressing Stress:
Verbalizing feelings of stress or overwhelm
Expressing worry or concern about school, relationships, or other stressors
Seeking reassurance or support from peers, teachers, or parents
Some effective strategies for coping with stress
1. Identify stressor
2. Practice Relaxation Techniques
3. Stay Active
4. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
5. Set Realistic Goal
6. Establish Boundaries
7. Seek Support
8. Practice Self - Care
9. Use Positive Coping Strategies
10. Seek Professional Help if needed

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