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How Puerto Rico
became a territory of the
• The Spanish American War of 1898
spread to all Spain’s overseas
territories. By August, the island was
taken by the American soldiers.

• Puerto Ricans welcomed the American

soldiers as they thought they would be
better off materially and politically
under the US.

• The Treaty of Paris 1898 made Puerto

Rico an American territory and not a
• Defense
Puerto Rico was strategically located. The island commanded the
eastern passage to enter the Caribbean. By this means any enemy of
the U.S. could enter the Gulf of Mexico- America's backyard. The
island was close to the American mainland. If the U.S. controlled it,
they would be better able to prevent European countries from
occupying it. The U.S. intended to build a canal in the Central American
mainland. The island was a perfect place to build a naval base to protect
the canal.
• Investments
Millions of American dollars and capital were invested in agriculture,
especially sugar and tobacco. They also invested in banking,
manufacturing and public utilities.
• Trade: Market Outlet
She would become one of the sure markets for American manufactured
goods while at the same time providing her with raw materials to feed
her industries.
• Ideological
This would be another island where she could spread her superior
US political control of Puerto Rico
• From October 18, 1898- May 1, 1900, American military governors ruled in Puerto Rico.

• The island's political system and operations were however governed by the Foraker or First Organic
Act which was passed by US Congress in 1900.

• Under the Foraker Act an American governor administered the island and an 11-member Executive
Council, FIVE of whom were Puerto Ricans, all appointed by the president of The United States.

• Puerto Ricans were not American citizens and could not travel freely to the United States.

• Puerto Ricans were disappointed in their constitutional retrogression, and they complained bitterly.

• The US passed a new law, the Jones Act, in 1917.

• The Act extended American citizenship to Puerto Ricans which made them eligible for draft in the
US army.

• A greater measure of self-government was given to the Puerto Ricans with the separation of the
executive and legislative branches of government.
American actions Puerto Rico
• They introduced programs to control malaria, yellow fever and other diseases

• They carried out harbor repairs

• They introduced road buildings schemes and irrigation projects

• School laws were passed in 1899 made English the basic language and the beginning of the
Americanization of the schools, followed by the teachings of patriotic American songs, and
the provision of Spanish translations of American textbooks .

American Investments in Puerto Rico

• Most of Puerto Rico’s cultivable land was owned by American companies
• The sugar industry expanded rapidly with the admission of Puerto Rican sugar into the US
• The Americans built railroads and introduced improved methods of cultivation to facilitate
the sugar industry.
• Banking and credit facilities were also stimulated by American enterprise
US control of Puerto Rico’s economy
• The US control of the economy in 1930 amounted to 60% of
public utilities and banking.

• 80% of tobacco manufacturing plant

• 60% of the sugar industry

• 100% overseas shipping

Effects of US economic control on Puerto Ricans
• Many Puerto Ricans small farmers lost their land-between 1910-1920 over 17000 farms had disappeared.

• Those who remained were forced to accept the low prices offered for small farmers’ canes by American
owned Central factories.

• Farmers who cultivated crops found it difficult to compete with the imported cheap food from large and
highly mechanized farms in the US.

• Many of the rural population were forced to depend on work at the Central factories or on the plantations

• Many of these people were only seasonally employed

• Others migrated to the urban areas in search of work, thus increasing the urban population and contributing
to urban slum.

• Unemployment rate was 30% of the labour force

• Illiteracy rate was 70 %

• Thousands of people were still affected by malaria, tuberculosis and hookworm.

• Life expectancy was 45 years 20 years less than the US.

Ways in which Puerto Rico benefited from US control
• They gained religious freedom and church, and state were separated

• Measures such as disinfecting slums, cleaning streets, and organizing mass vaccinations were

• Americans simplified the legal system and introduced habeas corpus-no detention without legal

• They built and equipped school, established universities and saw to the improvement of
teaching method.

• A forest conservation program was started, fishing was developed, and roads were

• Labour protection laws were passed- eight-hour workday introduced, and modern work
practices adopted

• Puerto Ricans could migrate to mainland US since they were citizens. This help to relieve the
Treaties and
policies used in
Puerto Rico

Treaty of Paris

Manifest Destiny

Foraker Act

Jones Act

Dollar Diplomacy

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