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Time Management

Time is the most valuable thing a man can

spend. --Theophrastus
The time is always right to do what is right.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Time Management
What can be done at any time is never done
at all. -- English Proverb
Time Management
Time is the coin oI your liIe. It is the only
coin you have, and only you can determine
how it will be spent. Be careIul lest you let
other people spend it Ior you. --Carl
Time Management
You control your liIe by controlling your
time. Hyrum Smith The Ten Natural Laws
oI Time and LiIe Management
Time Management
The secret oI a person's success is
discovered in his daily agenda.
- John C. Maxwell
Time Management
The whole purpose oI time management is
to enable you to have more time to spend
with the people you love, doing the
things you enjoy. -- Brian Tracy
Time Management
Time is the wisest counselor oI all. --
Time Management
Nothing in business is so valuable as
time. --John H. Patterson
Time Management
I must govern the clock, not be governed by
it. Golda Meir
Time Management
Don't say you don't have enough time. You
have exactly the same number oI hours per
day that were given to Helen Keller,
Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa,
Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas JeIIerson, and
Albert Einstein. H. Jackson Brown
Time Management
I recommend you to take care oI the
minutes, Ior the hours will take care oI
themselves. -- Lord ChesterIield
Time Management
II we take care oI the minutes, the years will
take care oI themselves. --Ben Franklin
Time Management
Time is lessened when we preoccupy
ourselves with something greater than our
own existence. JoAnne Bonomi
Time Management
To be in control oI your time is to be in
control oI your liIe. L. Walkup
Time Management
You will never Iind time Ior anything. II
you want time you must make it. - Charles
Time Management
Men talk oI killing time, while time quietly
kills them. -- Dion Boucicalt
Time Management
Lost time is never Iound again. --Benjamin
Time Management
You may delay, but time will not. --
Benjamin Franklin
Time Management
Time wasted is existence; time used is liIe.
Edward Young
Time Management
Time management involves "considering
your obligations and making choices about
how to use your time" (grad school).
Time Management
Perhaps the most valuable result oI al
education is the ability to make yourselI do
the thing you have to do, when it ought to
be done, whether you like it or not. Thomas
Huxley (1825-1895)
Time Management
anagement of time is the number-one
skill to master in college. How you use
time can determine your success or Iailure
in college. Walter Pauk
To waste your time is to waste your liIe.
Alan Lakein
Always concentrate on the most valuable
use oI your time. This is what separates the
winners Irom the losers. Brian Tracy
We never shall have more time. We have,
and we have always had, all the time there
is. Arnold Bennett
There is no such thing as lack oI time. We
all have plenty oI time to do everything we
really want to do. Alan Lakein
Every morning when the alarm goes oII, we
have a totally new opportunity to do what
we want with the hours we have been
giIted. And we are giIted with that clean
slate every day Ior the rest oI our lives.
Hyrum Smith, Originator oI the Franklin
Planner, 2000
Time Management
Time anagement is not so much about
managing time (Time Management) as it is
about managing selI (SelI-Management).
Walkup - Class notes
Time Management
Time anagement is as much about doing
less (dropping worthless activities, saying
NO to people & distractions) as it s about
doing more (meaningIul activities). Walkup
- class notes
Time Management
Planning is the creative process oI
transIorming a /7eam into a reality, and the
ideal to the real. It is creating and designing
your liIe. Take time to plan; when there`s a
plan, there`s a chance. Walkup - class notes
Time Management
You DO have enough time Ior the things
you really want to do! Walkup - Class
Time Management
I have plenty oI time Ior what
matters. Walkup - class notes
Time Management
The dread oI doing a task uses up more time
and energy than doing the task itselI. Rita
Time Management
What gets rewarded gets done
Time Management
Whatever you think you can or you think
you can't you're right! Henry Ford
Time Management
Time is liIe! Jean Reynolds
Time Management
The time is always right to do what is right.
--Martin Luther King Jr.
Time Management
Nothing is so Iatiguing as the eternal
hanging on oI an uncompleted
task. William James
Time Management
oals are dreams with a deadline. Dottie
Time Management
Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it
is managed, nothing else can be managed.
Peter Drucker
Time Management
The more I want to get something done, the
less I call it work. Richard Bach
Time Management
Time wasted is existence; time used is liIe.
Edward Young
Time Management
!7oc7astination is opportunity's natural
assassin. Victor Kiam
Time Management
!7oc7astination is the art oI keeping up
with yesterday.
Don Marquis
Time Management
Don't put oII Ior tomorrow what you can do
today because iI you enjoy it today, you can
do it again tomorrow. James A. Michener.
Time Management
It's not hard to make /ecisions when you
know what your values are. Roy Disney
Time Management
There is no perIect time to write. There's
only now. Barbara Kingsolver
Time Management
We should not let our fea7s hold us back
Irom pursuing our hopes. John Kennedy
Time Management
He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.
L. Walkup
Time Management
Time is the stuII oI which liIe is made.
Benjamin Franklin
Time Management
The fi7st step is the hardest. --Madame De
Time Management
03 somewhere; you cannot build a
reputation on what you intend to do.
-- Liz Smith
Time Management
The -eginning is halI oI every action. --
Greek proverb
Time Management
How we spend our /ays is how we spend
our lives. -- Annie Dilliard
Time Management
A /ay will never be anymore than what you
make oI it.
Practice being a 'doer'!
-- Josh S. Hinds
Time Management
Work expands to Iill its time Ior
completion. Parkinson's Law
Time Management
Don't mistake activity Ior achievement.
Business does not equal productiveness.
Time Management
What counts is not the number oI hours you
put in, but how much you put in the hours.
Time Management
lan Lakein`s question f7om How to get
Cont7ol of You7 Time an/ You7 Life:
~What is the -est use of my time 7ight
Time Management
Our greatest danger in liIe is in permitting
the urgent things to crowd out the
Charles E. Hummel.
Time Management
Time is the ultimate equal opportunity
employer. -- enis Waitley
Time Management
We cannot waste time. We can only waste
ourselves.-- eo7ge atthew /ams
Time Management
You will never Iind time Ior anything. II
you want time you must make it. -- Cha7les
Time Management
The essence oI time management is to
Iocus on production. Ask yourselI, 'What
am I expected to produce, not what am I
expected to do, but produce."-- B7ian
Time Management
You've got to put down on paper the ten
things that you absolutely have to do. That's
what you concentrate on. Everything else -
Iorget it.
Lee Iacocca.
Time hasn't stopped Ior any troubles,
heartaches, or any other malIunctions oI this
world, so please don't tell me it will stop Ior
--C.S. Lewis
Time is neutral and does not change things.
With courage and initiative, leaders change
--Jesse Jackson
Time is what we want most but what we use
William Penn.

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