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dead beat cats and dogs hit the roof stuck up

give me a cold hard up is a bit out of sorts it sticks out a mile


get into hot water few and far between make ends meet get a move on

at loggerheads black and blue all over flogging a dead horse over the moon
This is Mary, she lives in the woods. She needs to go to the
city fast to get a medicine for her sick father, there are 3 ways
that lead to the city.
The first road only takes 30 minutes to go to the city. However, the road
is dangerous and has a lot of wild animals such as tigers, snakes,
monkeys, etc.

The second road takes 20 minutes to reach the city. However, half of her
journey, she needs to swim in the river as there are no boats available
and she can't swim.

The third road takes 60 minutes to reach the city. It is a good road but
she needs to rely on her feet as it is quite a bit of journey!
What will be the consequences of each road?
What will happen if she chooses the wrong
Which one do you think she needs to take?
What will you do if you miss your family & friends?
What will you do if you have problems with the English language?
What will you do if you can't stand the heat?
What will you do if you want to move back to your home country?
What will you do if you fall ill?
What will you do if you run out of money?
What will you do if you get bored?
What will you do if you don't like the food in the UK?
What will you do if you split up with your partner?
What will you do if you feel lonely?

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