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The past simple passive is formed by using 'was' or 'were' plus the past participle. The
passive is used when the person or thing that did the action is unknown, unimportant
or not the focus of our interest. We use 'by' with the passive if we want to identify
who or what did the action.
Something was done by someone at sometime in the past.
Active affirmative : The teacher corrected the mistakes.
Passive affirmative: The mistakes were corrected by the teacher.
Active negation: He didn't give the wallet.
Passive negation: The wallet wasn't given by him.

Active question: Did the little boy sell all the candy bars?
Passive question: Were all the candy bars sold by the little boy?
Say the following active sentences in passive voice.

a.She bought four apples. Four apples were bought by her

b.We won the prize. The prize was won by us
c.The man stole a blue car. A blue car was stolen by the man
d.The police arrested the thieves. The thieves were arrested by the police
e.The dog bit the old lady. The old lady was bitten by the dog
f.Tom and Max ate five hamburgers. 5 hamburgers were eaten by them
g.Grandmother told good stories. Good stories were told by her
h.Victoria rode a horse. A horse was ridden by Victoria
i.Jack swam 200 meters. 200 meters were swam by Jack
Write sentences from the words in brackets. These sentences are in present.

a.(the office – clean – yesterday) The office was cleaned yesterday

b.(these rooms – clean – last night?) Were these rooms cleaned last night?
c.(glass – make – from – sand) Glass was made from sand
d.(stamps – sell – in a post office) Stamps were sold in a post office
e.(this room – not – use – very often) This room wasn’t used very often
f.(we – allow – to park here?) Were we allowed to park here?
g.(how – this word – pronounce?) How was this word pronounced?

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