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Spiritual Leadership

Session 4
Leadership Manner of Relationship


Theoretical Framework Review

Rardin divides his theoretical into two general


 Internal
 External
Internal Components

The internal components include the Mental

Model and Motives of the Heart

Mental Model is that of Christ as the perfect

shepherd and servant. (HEAD)

Motives of the Heart are determined by a

changed life based on the Word. (HEART)
External Components

The external components include Manner and


Manner refers to the way we treat others in our

relationships. (HANDS)

Method refers to the procedure, routines and

processes that the leader uses. (HABITS)
Definition of Manner

It is the way in which leaders treat followers and

other relationships. It is the hands component of
one’s leadership philosophy. Manner reflects how
leaders use their power in the lives of others.
How do you view fellow leaders and followers?

As an expendable resource?

As unintelligent?
As those who cannot contribute to the ministry
As a capable of creative solutions?
As the key to effective ministry?
As experts in their field?
As assets to the ministry?
As a part of the Body of Christ?
Problems of Relationships (visible)

Not the problem of faulty relationship skills.

Bitterness, strife, conflict, envy, jealously start with
the heart: They are a MOTIVE PROBLEM.
Leaders who fight for their own
agenda/viewpoint/control of personnel have a faulty
Mental Model and not that of a Servant Shepherd
who has the goal of caring for people.
The Sheep belong to God

We are stewards of the flock in our care. The Chief

Shepherd own the sheep, we are but under -
Warning to shepherds who mistreat the flock
Ezekiel 34
Warning to those shepherds who have no
connection/interest in the Sheep (John 10)
Warning about the manner in which religious
leaders treat their follows (Matthew 21:1-39)
Jesus’ Manner of interacting with others

Calls us friends, John 15:15

Meets the needs of others, John 3:1-3 – Nicodemus
Has empathy with others, Luke 7:12-15 – Widow of
 Rebukes disciples Luke 9:51-56
 And Simultaneous with compassion Matthew 9:27-31
 But under control, Mark 3-106
Counselor- Luke 10:38-42
Confrontation Luke 12-13-15
Grace and Truth came through Christ

Both are necessary in our lives and need to be

Grace is a servant quality, an act of humility and
service, without regard to merit.
Truth is a shepherd quality which stands up for
reality, principle and standards of morality.
Evil/Wrong Motives

Cause fights and quarrels within relationships.

James 4:1-10
The One-another checklist

They are commands

They deal with personal relations
They are not optional

Our outward Manner in Relationships is a reflection of

our Mental Model of leadership and Motives of the heart.
The source of conflicts is the heart.
Followers belong to God and we should treat them that
Jesus related to others with grace and truth and has a
shepherd quality.
The natural, core motive is pride, which can turn into
self-serving behavioral rules.
Scripture provides guidance on how to treat one another.

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