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8avl khaLrl
Components of a Dec|s|on Support
System (DSS)
W Database @he lnLelllgence funcLlon develops and coordlnaLes Lhe flow of lnformaLlon from Lhe
mulLlLude of exLernal and lnLernal resources @he prlmary Lask ls Lo capLure Lhe daLa LhaL can be
used wlLh Lhe oLher componenLs of Lhe uSS Lo make declslons A crlLlcal ob[ecLlve ls Lo cenLrallze all
daLa ln proper form and ln sufflclenL deLall so LhaL lL ls assessable for declslonmaklng
W Dec|s|on Mode|s A model may be noLhlng more sophlsLlcaLed Lhan a rule of Lhumb for example
lor each 1 per cenL decllne ln LerrlLorlal markeL share Lrade promoLlon adverLlslng should be
lncreased by 3 per cenL Models may be compllcaLed compuLer drlven maLhemaLlcal equaLlons
@hese are quanLlLaLlve or quallLaLlve concepLuallzaLlons of how a sysLem operaLes @he model
expresses percepLlons as Lo whaL daLa and varlables are lmporLanL and how Lhe varlables are
W Stat|st|cs and man|pu|at|ons @hls aspecL of Lhe uSS produces meanlngful lnformaLl9n by
relaLlng Lhe daLa lnLo Lhe models @he Lyplcal operaLlons lnvolve segregaLlng numbers lnLo groups
aggregaLlng Lhem Laklng raLlos ranklng Lhem ploLLlng maklng Lables and so forLh Ceneral
managerlal models (proforma proflL and loss sLaLemenLs budgeL sLaLemenLs forecasLlng
sLaLemenLs eLc) and more complex models (MarkeLlng mlx plannlng producL porLfollo analysls new
producL Lracklng) are aspecLs of daLa analysls ln Lhls process
W D|sp|ay @hls funcLlon ls Lhe lnLerface beLween Lhe buslness manager and uSS
Components of DSS programs
W D|a|ogue management
L has Lhree subsysLems @he user lnLerface subsysLem manages Lhe physlcal user lnLerface L
conLrols Lhe appearance of Lhe screen accepLs lnpuL from Lhe user and dlsplays Lhe resulLs L
also checks Lhe user commands for correcL synLax @he dlalogue conLrol subsysLem malnLalns a
processlng conLexL wlLh Lhe user @he requesL LranslaLor ls Lo LranslaLe Lhe user command lnLo
acLlons for Lhe model managemenL or daLa managemenL componenLs lnLo a formaL and
vocabulary undersLandable by Lhe user
W Mode| management
@he command processor recelves Lhe commands from Lhe dlalogue managemenL componenLs
and dellvers (Lhose commands from Lhe dlalogue managemenL componenLs and Lhose
commands Lo elLher Lhe model base managemenL sysLem or Lhe model execuLlon sysLem
W Database management
@wo funcLlons for Lhls are flrsL lL sLores and manlpulaLes Lhe daLabase as dlrecLed by elLher
Lhe model managemenL componenL or Lhe dlalogue managemenL componenL Second lL
malnLalns an lnLerface wlLh daLa sources LhaL are Lo Lhe uSS vlz @9S daLabase lnLer enLerprlse
sysLems exLernal daLa uLlllLles and oLher uSS appllcaLlons
Structure of Dec|s|on Support Systems
u55 ls composeJ of foot mojot compooeots
W @he daLabase and lLs managemenL
W @he model base and lLs managemenL
W @he hardware
W @he user sysLem lnLerface
1he database and |ts management
W A uaLabase ls a collecLlon of daLa LhaL ls
organlsed ln such a way LhaL ls corresponds Lo
Lhe needs and sLrucLure of a company and can
be used for more Lhan one appllcaLlon
W Lg 4 li/e 5ystem in computer
1he mode| base and |ts management
W @e MoJel 8ose ls JlvlJeJ loto two mojot potts
9rewrlLLen compuLer programs
Model bulldlng blocks
a sofLware sysLem LhaL generaLes new rouLlnes and
reporLs model updaLes and changes and daLa
manlpulaLlon L ls capable of lnLerrelaLlng models
wlLh Lhe approprlaLe llnkages Lhrough Lhe daLabase
1he nardware of DSS
@e followloq potts ote locloJeJ
W ;uery Languages
W LnLry ulsplay
1he User System Interface
DSS Users
|m|tat|ons of DSS
t os sevetol boslc llmltotloos
W (l) uue Lo lLs small memorles and llmlLed sLorage
capaclLles uSS has deflnlLe compuLaLlonal consLralnLs
W (ll) L ls slow compared Lo Lhe speed of large
W (lll) MosL uSSs are deslgned for lndlvldual use buL Lhey
can be deslgned so LhaL several compuLers can be
llnked for llmlLed lnformaLlon sharlng
Capab|||t|es of DSS
W an updaLe or manlpulaLe Lhe daLa base Also selecL daLa from daLabase
W reaLe speclal (adhoc) reporLs ln a deslred formaL @hese reporLs once consLrucLed
may be sLored ln Lhe model base for fuLure reference
W 9erform calculaLlons and execuLes aggregaLlon of daLa
W 9roduce reporLs memos leLLers and resumes from lnformaLlon avallable ln Lhe
W Slgnal excepLlon (Lx !ob execuLlon Llmes LhaL exceed Lo 3 per cenL of Lhe sLandard)
and analyse any daLa LhaL warranL furLher lnvesLlgaLlon
W onsLrucL slmple maLhemaLlcal model LhaL descrlbe a problem or a slLuaLlon as
vlsuallsed by Lhe user
W 9erform flnanclal analysls (Lx onsolldaLe flnanclal sLaLemenLs) ln spreadsheeL form
lf deslred
W 9erform analysls elLher wlLh sLandard maLhemaLlcal models (Lx 8egresslon
analysls Llme serles analysls) or wlLh speclally creaLed models
W conduct optimisotion uSS may be analyLlcal models LhaL can be embedded ln a
command LhaL makes sense Lo Lhe manager L may lnclude opLlmlsaLlon models
such as llnear programmlng
W 9erform simu/otion @he ma[or advanLage of uSS ls Lhe ease wlLh whlch slmulaLlon
can be performed Several uSS lnclude a prewrlLLen rouLlne Lo conducL a MonLe
arlo rlsk analysls or a corporaLe plannlng analysls speclal slmulaLlon plannlng
languages (SM9LAn can be lncorporaLed lnLo uSS
W Speclal raLlo analysls comparaLlve analysls or Lhe consolldaLlon equallsaLlon
separaLlon or summarlsaLlon of lnformaLlon eLc ls performed A greaL beneflL of
uSS ls Lhe ease wlLh whlch lL performs whaL lf and goal seeklng analysls (le
capablllLy of a backward soluLlon of a model Lx SeL a goal such as proflL and
ad[usL anoLher varlable such as sales)
Avanlsh Shrlvas
Ma[or Iunct|ons of DSS App||cat|ons
W @he ma[or funcLlons are as under
W 8ecomlng famlllar wlLh Lhe problem domaln (uSS can be used Lo ldenLlfy relaLlonshlps among Lhe
key elemenLs of Lhe problem)
W ueLermlnlng senslLlvlLy of resulLs Lo changes ln declslon varlables (knowlng whlch declslon varlables
have Lhe greaLesL lmpacL on Lhe ouLcome enables Lhe declslonmakers Lo focus aLLenLlon on Lhe
lmporLanL maLLer)
W denLlfylng paLLerns (uslng boLh sLaLlsLlcal Lechnlques and Lhe usual dlsplay of quanLlLaLlve daLa
helps Lhe analysLs Lo ldenLlfy paLLerns ln elLher Lhe lnpuL daLa or Lhe resulL)
W 9redlcLlng declslon ouLcomes (uSS can be used Lo esLlmaLe Lhe lmpacL on sales of doubLlng Lhe slze
of Lhe sales force lncreaslng Lhe adverLlslng budgeL or lnLroduclng a producL lnLo a new markeL)
W ueveloplng models of buslness processes (models may conslsL of one or more equaLlons LhaL
relaLe ouLpuL Lo lnpuL Lx relaLlng sales Lo Lhe number of sales personnel sales as a funcLlon of
adverLlslng sLaLlsLlcal programs LhaL esLlmaLe Lhe parameLers of such equaLlons)
W ompuLlng opLlmum mlxes (say problem of allocaLlng people Lo [obs maLch beLween skllls and
avallable [obs eLc C8 Lechnlques llke llnear programmlng can be used Lo compuLe Lhe opLlmum
W laclllLaLlng group communlcaLlon (uSS appllcaLlons lnvolve always a group lrequenL declslons are
made by consensus Croup musL have common undersLandlng of Lhe problem uSS faclllLaLes Lhe
group process by maklng Lhe faclllLles of Lhe sysLem avallable Lo all group members)
1ask Lnv|ronment
W Arlav and Clnzberg deflne Lhree dlmenslons Lo Lhe Lasks LhaL uSS are deslgned Lo
W Degree of structure uSS are deslgned Lo address unsLrucLured problem
envlronmenLs @he approprlaLe quesLlon here ls noL how sLrucLural ls Lhe problem
buL raLher how sLrucLuredls Lhe declslonmaklng process?
W eve| of app||cat|on Level refers Lo Lhe level of managemenL acLlvlLy ln Slmons
Lhree layered cake and AnLhonys dlmenslons already explalned Larly
developmenL of uSS Lheory and Lechnology assumed LhaL uSS would be used
only for sLraLeglc plannlng and for upper level managemenL conLrol appllcaLlons
no doubL uSS have appllcaLlons here buL recenL research lndlcaLes uSS can be
applled Lo problem aL all Lhree levels of acLlvlLy
W 9hase of the dec|s|on process Already Lhree prlmary phases have been
explalned nLelllgence gaLherlng alLernaLlve developmenL and cholce maklng
uSS can be used for all Lhree phases uSS appllcaLlons noL only generaLe
lnformaLlon sLafemenLs buL also faclllLaLe communlcaLlon L ls used ln alllevels
and phases Lo generaLe documenLs reporLs graphs Lables of daLa slldes eLc
ecurrency uSS can work on boLh lnLermlLLenL and permanenL appllcaLlons
SumlL kumar
A Group Dec|s|on Support System
W L ls an lnLeracLlve compuLer based sysLem
LhaL faclllLaLes soluLlon of unsLrucLur
problems by a seL of declslon makers worklng
LogeLher as a group
Components of GDSS
W @hese lnclude hardware sofLware people
and procedures @hese componenLs are
arranged Lo supporL a group of people usually
ln Lhe conLexL of a declslon relaLed meeLlng
W CuSS deflnlLlon ls qulLe broad and Lherefore
can apply Lo a varleLy of group declslon
slLuaLlons lncludlng commlLLees revlew
panels Lask forces execuLlve board meeLlngs
remoLe workers eLc
Construct|ng DSS w|th a DSS
W Construct|ng DSS w|th a DSS Generator
DSS Generators
W A uSS generaLor ls a package of sofLware used
Lo bulld a speclflc uSS appllcaLlon Lxample
8MS CAuS (CeodaLa Analysls and ulsplay
SysLem) dlsplays a map showlng Lhe locaLlon
of equlpmenL machlnes lnvenLorles and
maLerlals L also shows workload by LerrlLory
L was allowed for pollce paLrolllng @oday
several dozen more general Lypes of
generaLors lncludlng l9S LoLus 123 Lxcel
;uaLLro Lx98LSS and lCDS are avallable
DSS 1oo|s
W @he consLrucLlon of a uSS appllcaLlon and/ or
Lhe creaLlon of a uSS generaLor ls faclllLaLed
by speclal sofLware elemenLs called uSS Lools
@hese Lools lnclude
W olour graphlcs
W SofLware eLc
W Speclal edlLors
W 8andom number generaLors eLc
DSS Software
W L ls developlng ln several dlrecLlons
W ndusLry orlenLed (Lx PosplLals for
relmbursemenL and flnanclal plannlng banks
for porLfollo managemenL and alrllnes for
plannlng and conLrol)
W luncLlonal (Lx llnance markeLlng and
operaLlons managemenL)
esource 9oo||ng
Group Dec|s|onmak|ng
Mode|s of rgan|sat|ona| Dec|s|on
C|ass|ca| and Contemporary Mode|s
of Manager|a| Act|v|t|es and o|es
Manager|a| ro|es
W nLerpersonal roles (Managers acL as flgure heads and leaders for Lhe
llgure head
Leader (nLerpersonal behavlour)
Llalson (SupporLlng sysLem ls elecLronlc communlcaLlon)
W nformaLlonal roles (Managers acL as Lhe nerve cenLres of Lhe
organlsaLlon recelvlng and dlssemlnaLlng crlLlcal lnformaLlons)
nerve enLre (SupporLlng sysLem ls MS)
ulssemlnaLor (SupporLlng sysLem ls mall offlce 8ehavlour ls lnformaLlon)
Spokesman (8ehavlour ls processlng SupporLlng sysLem ls offlce and
W ueclslon roles (Managers lnlLlaLe acLlvlLles handle dlsLurbances allocaLe
resources and negoLlaLe confllcLs)
ulsLurbance handler (8ehavour ls declslon)
W 8esource allocaLlon (8ehavlour ls maklng supporLlng sysLem ls uSS)
Dec|s|on mode|s and tab|es
W @here are Lhree ways Lo geL early feedback on
Lhe vlablllLy of Lhe MS [usL deslgned
W @esL plannlng

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