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Difference between master details and lookup

Relationship Master-Detail Lookup

Un objet Account ayant un Contact. La Un objet Account aynt un Opportunity . La

Exemple suppression d’un account entraine la suppression suppression d’un account ne supprime pas
automatiquement les opportunites associes.
de tous les contacts associés.

La securite d’acces aux enregistrements dans

Securite Securite independante.
l'objet detail est heritee de l'objet account.
Master-Detail Relationship :
1. Vous créez un champ Account sur l'objet Contact.
2. Lorsque vous créez un contact, vous le liez à un account specifique.
3. Si vous supprimez le compte account, tous les contacts associes a ce
compte sont automatiquement supprimes.

1. Account A
- Contact 1
- Contact 2

2. Account B Si vous supprimez Account A, tous les

- Contact 3 Contacts associés (Contact 1 et Contact 2)
- Contact 4 seront automatiquement supprimes.
Lookup Relationship :
1. Vous creez un champ Account sur l'objet Opportunities.
2. Lorsque vous creez un Opportunities, vous choisissez manuellement le account
auquel il est lie.
3. Si vous supprimez le account, les Opportunities restent intacts(ne sont pas

1. Account X
- Opportunity 1
- Opportunity 2 Si vous supprimez "Account X", les "Opportunities"
(Opportunity 1 et Opportunity 2) ne seront pas
2. Account Y automatiquement supprimées.
- Opportunity 3
- Opportunity 4
• A "role" typically refers to the various responsibilities and permissions assigned to individuals based on
their function within the organization.
• Common roles include Salesforce Administrator, Developer, Consultant, Analyst, and Project Manager.
• The roles vary in their focus, with Administrators handling configuration and management, Developers
creating custom features, Consultants offering strategic advice, Analysts analyzing data, and Project
Managers overseeing Salesforce projects.
• The specific roles individuals take on can vary depending on the organization's size, needs, and the
individual's skills and qualifications.

• "profile" refers to a set of permissions and access rights defining what a user can see and do within the
Salesforce platform.
• Profiles control access to objects, fields, features, and functionalities.
• They determine whether a user can view, create, edit, or delete records and specify the layout of object
• Profiles influence access to various Salesforce capabilities, such as reporting, dashboard creation, and
workflow management.
• Each user is associated with a profile, tailoring their Salesforce experience based on their role and
responsibilities within the organization.
OWD" stands for "Organization-Wide Default," representing the default organization-level settings that determine
the initial level of access to records in Salesforce. These settings are crucial for data security and privacy.

OWD is configured for each object in Salesforce, such as Account, Contact, Opportunity, etc. They determine who
can view and modify records of each object within the organization. Here are some common OWD options:
1.Public Read/Write: All users can view and modify all records of this object.
2.Public Read Only: All users can view all records, but only the owners can modify them.
3.Public Read/Write/Limited: All users can view all records, but they can only modify records they own.
4.Private: Users can only see their own records. Administrators typically have visibility into all records.
5.No sharing: No automatic sharing is performed, and administrators must manually configure record sharing.
1.Picklists in Salesforce:
• A "Picklist" is a field type that allows users to select a value from a predefined
list of options.
• Picklists can be set up in different ways, such as single-choice picklists where
users choose only one option or multi-select picklists where multiple options
can be chosen.
• Picklists are often used to standardize data and ensure consistency in records.

2.Field Dependencies in Salesforce:

• "Field Dependencies" are used to create a hierarchical relationship between
two picklist fields on an object.
• When a field dependency is configured, the values available in one picklist
depend on the value selected in another picklist.
• For example, if you have two picklist fields, A and B, you can set up a field
dependency so that the values available in picklist B depend on the value
selected in picklist A. This allows for dynamic dropdown lists based on certain
A "Record Type" in Salesforce is a custom categorization of records for
the same object, allowing you to define distinct sets of values, layouts,
and behaviors to meet specific criteria.
Exemple e facture “facture standard et facture vip

A "Record Page" in Salesforce is a custom layout that organizes

and displays information specific to a record, configured using
the "Lightning App Builder".
1. Lightning Record Page:
• A "Lightning Record Page" is a customized page designed for viewing and
editing specific records within Salesforce.

2 .Home Page:
• The “Home Page” is the first page users see when they log in to Salesforce.
It can be customized to display dashboards, recent lists, workflows, and

3. Record Page:
• A "Record Page” refers to any page designed to display or edit a record, and
this can include both Lightning Record Pages and Visualforce pages.

4. Lightning App Page:

• “Lightning App Pages” are pages dedicated to a specific application in
Salesforce. They can be configured to provide a personalized user
experience when using a particular application.
5. Visualforce Page:
• A "Visualforce Page" is a custom page that can be created using the Visualforce
markup language. It provides deeper control over the appearance and behavior of
the page.

6. Canvas Page:
• A "Canvas Page" is used to integrate external applications into Salesforce by
displaying these applications directly in the user interface.

7. App Page:
• An "App Page" is a page dedicated to a specific application. It can include
components such as tabs, lists, and custom components.
Salesforce page layouts are critical to user experience design, allowing you to
organize fields in a logical order, as well as set field properties, add buttons, actions
and related lists. Page layouts in Salesforce can be tailored to different teams around
your organization so each role can access what they need, faster.

With a page layout, you can control:

•Which fields are visible (add and remove fields),
•Where blank spaces appear between fields,
•Field properties, including Read-Only and Required,
•Page sections,
•The number of columns in a section and tab-key order,
•Which buttons and actions are included, such as ‘Edit’, ‘Clone’ or ‘Delete’, and in
which order,
•Which related lists appear, and customize their properties (eg. choosing which
fields to display).
In Salesforce Lightning, we have a feature to customize a record page layout
according to our requirements. By customizing a record page, we can easily access
the information we need, perform our tasks efficiently, and make better decisions,
leading to better performance and a good user experience.
1.Rapport (Report) :
1. Un rapport est une représentation tabulaire ou graphique des données
enregistrées dans Salesforce. Il permet d'extraire des informations spécifiques
à partir de différents objets, comme les comptes, les contacts, les
opportunités, etc.
2. Les rapports peuvent être créés en sélectionnant les colonnes, les filtres et les
critères de tri pour afficher les données de manière significative.
3. Les résultats des rapports peuvent être visualisés sous forme de tableau, de
tableau croisé dynamique, de graphique ou de diagramme.

2.Tableau de Bord (Dashboard) :

1. Un tableau de bord est une page visuelle qui combine différents composants
pour afficher les données de manière synthétique. Ces composants peuvent
inclure des graphiques, des tableaux, des jauges et d'autres éléments visuels.
2. Les tableaux de bord permettent d'agréger et de présenter des informations
provenant de plusieurs rapports et listes de données.
3. Les utilisateurs peuvent personnaliser leurs tableaux de bord pour afficher les
indicateurs clés de performance (KPI) et suivre l'évolution des données au fil
du temps.
Feature Reports Dashboards
Organize and present data from Provide visual representations of key
Salesforce records. metrics and data.

Create tabular or summary views of Compile multiple reports, charts, and

data. components on a single page.

Aggregates multiple reports and

Content Individual data representations.

Limited interactivity; filters and Interactive elements, drill-down

grouping options. capabilities.

Analyzing trends, extracting specific Monitoring performance, providing at-

data sets. a-glance insights.

Users focused on data analysis and Executives, managers, decision-

extraction. makers for visual insights.

Output Formats Tables, matrices, charts. Charts, graphs, metrics, gauges.

Broader overview combining various

Scope Narrow focus on specific data sets.
data sources.

Generally static; needs manual Can include real-time data for up-to-
Real-time Updates
refresh. the-minute insights.

Customizable in terms of filters, Customizable layout, components,

grouping, and format. and design.
un rapport est une représentation détaillée des données, tandis qu'un Dashboard offre
une vue consolidée et visuelle de plusieurs rapports. Les deux fonctionnalités sont
puissantes pour analyser les données dans Salesforce, et elles peuvent être utilisées en
tandem pour obtenir une compréhension approfondie de l'activité de votre organisation.
Les rapports fournissent les détails, tandis que Dashboard offrent une vue d'ensemble

Les tableaux de bord (dashboards) dans Salesforce peuvent contenir plusieurs

composants de rapport. Un tableau de bord est une page visuelle qui vous permet
de regrouper et de présenter des informations provenant de plusieurs rapports en
un seul endroit. Vous pouvez inclure différents types de composants dans un
tableau de bord, tels que des graphiques, des tableaux, des jauges et des listes de
données, chacun basé sur un rapport spécifique.

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