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Perspectives in Sociology

In order to study anything, one must begin by making some assumptions about the nature of what is studied. A working set of assumptions is called a perspective, an approach or a paradigm.

Perspectives in Sociology
Functionalism Social Conflict Interactionism

Functionalism is also known as structural functionalism or functional analysis. Major thinkers of the perspective are ; Herbert Spencer Emile Durkheim Talcott Parsons Robert Merton

In the social sciences Functionalism is a paradigm that attempted to explain Society as ;

A system of highly interrelated structures or parts that function or operate together harmoniously.

Society appears quite stable .

Functionalists (Herbert Spencer etc.) believe that one can compare society to a living organism. Both a society and an organism are made up of interdependent working parts (organs). Parts must function together in order for the greater body to function and to maintain social order and stability in the society.

How society can maintain stability?

Talcott Parsons A society where there is no conflict, where people know what is expected of them, and where these expectations are constantly being met, is in a perfect state of equilibrium.

Each group or institution fulfills certain functions and persists because it is functional.

Not all the effects of any social system benefit everyone in society. Robert Merton used the term functions to refer to the beneficial consequences of peoples actions that help keep a group in equilibrium.
Dysfunctions are consequences that weaken a systems equilibrium or undesirable consequences .

He also made the distinction between manifest and latent functions. Manifest functions are those consequences that are intended and usually recognized by the participants in a system. Manifest functions of educational institution are imparting knowledge, preparing young people for job market or to increase the knowledge and abilities of the citizenry.

Latent functions are those consequences that are unintended and often not recognized by the participants in a system. Latent function of the public education system could be keeping so many young people out of the labor market. Another latent function is the development of a hierarchy of the learned which is often translates into social class distinctions: people with higher educational attainment tend to make more money than those with lower educational attainment.

Manifest Function Of Nursing Homes To replace the daughters and daughters-in-law who were unavailable to perform the function of caring for the older. Latent Functions of Nursing Homes Nursing homes free families from the conflict when older, dependent people interfere their way of doing things. Dysfunctions of Nursing Homes Old people can not have close ties with family and friends, most people decline physically and psychologically, they are made subject to rigid controls, and are segregated from the outside world.

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