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Outline of Interaction

A. The Identity of the Holy Spirit B. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
C. Symbols of the Holy Spirit

D. The Activity of the Holy Spirit E. The Relevance of the Holy Spirit in our Life as Religious Educators F. Discerning-Responding to the Holy Spirit

What is the commonality among them?

They are led by the SPIRIT!

Who is the Holy Spirit? (Stop-Watch Questions)

1. We are going to share with one another some of our ideas about the Holy Spirit. Each person in turn will give a one-sentence answer to the questions I ask. 2. The person next to me shall be the first one to answer the question. The persons on his/her right will add something to the answer till I call stop.

Who is the Holy Spirit? (Stop-Watch Questions)

1. When you think of the Holy Spirit, what does your mental image of Him look like? 2. When you think about the Holy Spirit, what do you imagine Him doing?

The FACT is:

The Holy Spirit is the least known Person of the Holy Trinity and yet plays an equally major role in our Christian life.



1. The Spirit is difficult to imagine because He has no shape or form, and like the wind . . . you do not know where it comes from or where it goes(Jn 3:8).

2. We do not so much think about the Spirit
with our head, making Him the object of our thought. Rather, it is more like becoming conscious of the Holy Spirits presence in the deepest level of our hearts, our loob

3. Filipinos are pond of seeing extraordinary spiritual gifts. We are especially attracted to ecstasies, miracles, visions, and prophecies. This fascination can lead to many distorted notions of the Spirit. It also obscures the more important ordinary gifts of the Spirit, especially the highest gift, divine Love (cf. Gal 5:22; 1 Cor 13).

A. The IDENTITY of the HOLY SPIRIT Etymology: The word Spirit:

Spirit Hebrew word of ruah which means breath, air, wind. The word ghost comes from the Anglo Saxon ghast which later on developed into gust which means a violent flurry of wind. Titles:

Paraclete means he who is called to ones side, advocate as used John 14:15-16. He is also called the Consoler, the Spirit of Truth. Paul calls Him as the Spirit of the promise, the Spirit of adoption, Spirit of Christ and for St. Peter, the Spirit of glory.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets. -(Nicene Creed)

1322. In the Nicene Creed we identify the Holy Spirit as Lord, the Giver of Life. The life which the Spirit shares with us is the divine life, the life of God who is love (cf. 1 Jn 4:8). Now in Johns Gospel the Holy Spirit is called the Paraclete: literally, he who is called to help. Thus the Spirit is our Advocate, Helper, Counsellor. The life He inspires in us, then, is a life that supports, strengthens, and guides, precisely because it brings us in intimacy with Jesus (cf. CCC 692).

1325. With the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified is perhaps the most suggestive part of the Nicene Creeds description of the Holy Spirit. For it indicates first that it is in liturgical worship that we most often experience the Spirit. Second, in this worship the Spirit is experienced as on our side: He is within us as we pray united together in one Body under Jesus Christ our Head, to Our Father.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and the Son, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. He is the breath and the fruit of the love of the Father and Son. As Giver of Life, the Spirit vivifies the Church, our sacramental and moral life, and our resurrection to life everlasting. The love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given us (Rom 5:5).

Creative Activity (10 minutes)

What is the relevance of knowing the identity of the Holy Spirit:
1. in your life as a volunteer catechist? 2. in the life of a grade six (6) public school student? You may answer this question using one of these media: drawing, poem, essay, song and others.

Relevance to my life

Relevance to my student

B. The gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Dear Jesus, Since I have been behaving very well last year, perhaps its time for you to give me a new bike as a gift . Your friend, Good boy johnny

Dear Jesus, Well...Last year I really tried my best to be goodI did a few bad things though, will you please give me a new bike. Your friend , boy johnny.


Dear Jesus, Honestly speakingI think Ive been so bad and did only a few good things last yearwill you still give me a new bike? Its me Johnny


Jesus, If you wanna see your mother again, you better give me a new bikeand hurry up or else you know who I am.

B. The gifts and Fruits of the Spirit The Holy Spirit is the source of graces and gifts.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit help the to people to further their sanctification and help complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. What gifts? There are two kinds: those that sanctify us and those that grant extraordinary favors to help us in our Christian lives and ministries.

Wisdom: The wisdom of God is contrary to the wisdom of the world. The Holy Spirit's gift of wisdom helps us detach from the world and cherish only what is of heaven. This wisdom, used in everyday life, is what separates us from our old, preconverted ways.

Understanding: What don't you understand about a Church teaching or the ways of faith? Ask the Holy Spirit for understanding. He will enlighten you and gift you with an understanding that makes sense, sometimes quickly and sometimes gradually, to the extent that it's necessary for your salvation and your work for God's kingdom.

Counsel: Are you ever indecisive? Or hesitant and full of doubts about your choices? The Holy Spirit guides us and instructs us so that we can make the right decisions. My favorite prayer for this is, "Lord, open the doors of opportunities in the way I should go, and close all doors that lead elsewhere." And he does!

Fortitude: Getting weary from trials? The Holy Spirit gives us supernatural courage to persist and overcome obstacles and difficulties that arise as we follow Jesus in the mission and in our everyday lives.

Knowledge: We often wish God would send me a fax that spells out his plans. However, the Holy Spirit is always available to direct us on the paths we should follow, even supernaturally if necessary. He also points out the dangers to avoid and the goals to reach. Listen to the songs, the scriptures, and the people that God puts "coincidentally" into your day. If what they say sounds familiar because the Holy Spirit has already been telling your heart the same thing, trust the message.

Piety (godliness): From where does our desire come to embrace a life of holiness or to follow Christ in service and ministry? From the Holy Spirit! We are holy because the Spirit of God is holy.

Fear of the Lord (Wonder and Awe) - With the

gift of wonder and awe (fear of the lord), we are aware of the glory and majesty of God. A person with wonder and awe knows that God is the perfection of all we desire: perfect knowledge, perfect goodness, perfect power, and perfect love. This gift is described by Aquinas as a fear of separating oneself from God. He describes the gift as a "filial fear," like a child's fear of offending his father, rather than a "servile fear," that is, a fear of punishment.

In 1 Corinthians 12:6-11 (see also 1 Cor. 12:28-31 and Romans 12:6-8) there are nine extraordinary gifts (charismata) listed. These do not directly aid us in our sanctification, but the Holy Spirit provides them to help us do the will of the Lord in everyday life and in ministry. Unlike the seven sanctifying gifts, they are not bestowed equally among Christians but are provided according to need, our roles and purposes in the Body of Christ, and the specific situations into which Christ leads us.

1. Speaking with Wisdom 2. Speaking with knowledge 3. Faith 4. Healing 5. Miracles 6. Prophecy 7. Discerning of spirits 8. Speaking in tongues 9. Interpreting tongues

The fruits of life in the Spirit (Gal. 5:22)

In addition to gifts of the Spirit, there are fruits of the Spirit, i.e., the products of a life lived closely connected to the Spirit of God. They are supernatural, because these fruits come directly from the Holy Spirit through our connection to him. The fruit of a life lived in God is good works.

1. The love we have for others is an action of the Holy Spirit. God's love flows into us and out of us due to the power of the Spirit that's at work in us.

2. Joy is an action of the Holy Spirit that stirs up supernaturally within us, even during bad times, because we live in God and he lives in us.

3. Peace is a gift from Jesus, but it's an action of the Holy Spirit, not as the world gives peace, but as only God can give it when we stay closely connected to him.

4. Patience is the fruit that enables us to continue to bear up under difficult circumstances, not with a passive complacency, but with a hopeful fortitude that actively resists weariness and defeat. Hebrews 10:36 says "For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise."

5. Kindness is an action of the Holy Spirit. You know it's supernatural when you feel upset or angry or hurt and yet are able to do an act of kindness for your enemy.

6. Generosity is the fruit of knowing, through the Holy Spirit, that God has been generous with us and enables us, in turn, to be generous with others. It's how God distributes everything he provides. When we live in the Holy Spirit, we know we can trust God. The Holy Spirit will counsel us in how and when and where to share what God has given us, and he won't leave us destitute from following his directions.

7. Faithfulness is the Holy Spirit at work in us to keep us close to God and determined to obey his will. It gives us our hunger for reading the Bible and finding other opportunities to grow in our faith. It produces our desire to follow Christ, and it's what changes us when we convert from a worldly lifestyle to the Christian lifestyle.

8. Gentleness is the soft, calm voice when we would otherwise be loud and angry. It's the patient, slow approach to evangelizing a resistant unbeliever or a non-church-going Catholic.

9. Self-control is the fruit of a life lived in God.

When the Holy Spirit is active within us, we can choose to love when it's difficult to love, we can choose the joy of Christ over the temporary happiness that comes from making our lives easier, we can choose the peace of Christ over the world's way of gaining peace, we can be kind when we don't feel like being kind, we can be generous when it goes against our fears and selfishness, we can be faithful when it doesn't make sense to follow Christ

Other Fruits: Modesty, Endurance, and Chastity.

Symbols of the Holy Spirit

1. Water 2. Oil 3. Fire 4. Cloud and Light 5. Seal 6. Hand 7. Finger 8. Dove

Reflection Activity (15 minutes)

1. Which gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit are very evident in your life? Which are lacking? Why? 2. How can you nourish and sustain the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life? 3. Based on your experience, what other symbol can you use to refer to the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life? Why?

1. Create a Jingle (English/Tagalog or mixed) that includes everything about the Holy Spirit. 2. Be ready for a short presentation on Thursday afternoon.


Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.

Come Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.

Baptized into the life of the Spirit - to be born of water AND spirit. Why? - the effects of the mass on these gifts?

How passionately is the fire of the Holy Spirit burning within you? Are the gifts and fruits of the Spirit filling your life and ministry?

The commonly accepted principles of health care ethics include: 1. Respect for Autonomy 2. Principle of Nonmaleficence 3. Principle of Beneficence 4. Principle of Justice

1. Principle of Autonomy
In health care decisions, our respect for the autonomy of the patient would, in common parlance, mean that the patient has the capacity to act intentionally, with understanding, and without controlling influences that would mitigate against a free and voluntary act. This principle is the basis for the practice of "informed consent" in the physician/patient transaction regarding health care.

& Commandments

th 6

th 9

Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife.

Human Sexuality Our sexuality is viewed as a fundamental component of personality, a good thing created by God, restored by the power of Jesus Christ and enriched by the saving activity of the church, and by which the whole person enters into communication with others. Therefore sexuality is not the same as the sex act. All

yGentleness is the soft, calm voice when we would otherwise be loud and angry. It's the patient, slow approach to evangelizing a resistant unbeliever or a non-church-going Catholic. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and when we let him consume our lives with his fire, we find it much easier to be gentle with others.

yGentleness is the soft, calm voice when we would otherwise be loud and angry. It's the patient, slow approach to evangelizing a resistant unbeliever or a non-church-going Catholic. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and when we let him consume our lives with his fire, we find it much easier to be gentle with others.

yGentleness is the soft, calm voice when we would otherwise be loud and angry. It's the patient, slow approach to evangelizing a resistant unbeliever or a non-church-going Catholic. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and when we let him consume our lives with his fire, we find it much easier to be gentle with others.

GRACE and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and in me his grace has not been fruitless in fact, I have labored m ore than any of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me.. ( 1 Cor. 15:10)

What is grace? - Living Water (John 4:10) -participation of in the very life of God (John 15:1, 4-5) - the divine life in us

Kinds of grace: 1. SANCTIFYING GRACE - the divine life in us. That which actually makes us partakers of the divine nature as St. Peter puts it. It is an abiding quality, or a habit infused into the soul, raising it to the level of the divine, so that, while remaining human, it lives in an entirely new and supernatural plane. 2. ACTUAL GRACE - the helps to protect it and make it grow.

GRACE is that by which the soul is supernaturally alive. -is a gift of God. Nothing in us, and nothing we can do will ever produce it in us or make it increase.

Sacraments means of grace, whereby we ourselves draw from the riches of his treasurehouse.

What does sanctifying grace make us? Children of the Father and heirs of heaven; brothers and sisters of Christ; living temples of the Holy Spirit.

When are we in a state of grace? We are in a state of grace as long as we are free from mortal sin.

What is the great gift of Christ to us? The great gift of Christ is the divine life in us with the helps to protect it and make it grow.

How can we grow in the divine life? We can grow in the divine life through prayers, good works and especially through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the sacraments.

How does God help us in our divine life? God helps us in our divine life by giving light to our mind, love to our heart and strength to our will.

What graces does God give to all men? God gives to all men the grace necessary to live according to their state in life and save their souls.

Is it enough that God give us His grace to sanctify us? To sanctify us, it is not enough that God gives us His grace; we must also cooperate with it.

Until the disciples of Jesus received the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, the Third Person of the Trinity had not yet descended to the Earth to dwell here. After Jesus ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit came down to be incarnated, so to speak, in all believers not just the Apostles and not just for special occasions. God's Spirit has been living with us and dwelling within us ever since.

Who is the Holy Spirit? It is this Person of the Holy Trinity who forgives sins and sanctifies souls. In the confessional, the priest sits in for Jesus and for the whole Body of Christ, the Church. But absolution is an action of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit gives us the love of God, for our own enjoyment and to share with others, even those who are most difficult to love. The Holy Spirit is truth, provides truth, explains truth.

The Holy Spirit dwells in our bodies and sanctifies them... (1 Cor. 3:16 and 6:19) therefore, the Holy Spirit will someday raise our bodies from death. (See Romans 8:11.) The Holy Spirit strengthens our faith. (See Acts 6:5.)

The Holy Spirit gives us divine wisdom. (See Acts 6:3.) The Holy Spirit testifies to Christ, i.e., he confirms the validity of Jesus and his teachings by stirring the hearts of people when they're ready to grow in understanding the faith. (See John 15:26.)

The Holy Spirit guides us in our work for God's kingdom. (Acts 8:29) The Holy Spirit inspires us in our roles as prophets or messengers of the kingdom.

The gifts of the Spirit The Holy Spirit is the source of graces and gifts. What gifts? There are two kinds: those that sanctify us and those that grant extraordinary favors to help us in our Christian lives and ministries.

Wisdom: The wisdom of God is contrary to the wisdom of the world. The Holy Spirit's gift of wisdom helps us detach from the world and cherish only what is of heaven. This wisdom, used in everyday life, is what separates us from our old, preconverted ways.

Understanding: What don't you understand about a Church teaching or the ways of faith? Ask the Holy Spirit for understanding. He will enlighten you and gift you with an understanding that makes sense, sometimes quickly and sometimes gradually, to the extent that it's necessary for your salvation and your work for God's kingdom.

Counsel: Are you ever indecisive? Or hesitant and full of doubts about your choices? The Holy Spirit guides us and instructs us so that we can make the right decisions. My favorite prayer for this is, "Lord, open the doors of opportunities in the way I should go, and close all doors that lead elsewhere." And he does!

Fortitude: Getting weary from trials? The Holy Spirit gives us supernatural courage to persist and overcome obstacles and difficulties that arise as we follow Jesus in the mission and in our everyday lives.

Knowledge: We often wish God would send me a fax that spells out his plans. However, the Holy Spirit is always available to direct us on the paths we should follow, even supernaturally if necessary. He also points out the dangers to avoid and the goals to reach. Listen to the songs, the scriptures, and the people that God puts "coincidentally" into your day. If what they say sounds familiar because the Holy Spirit has already been telling your heart the same thing, trust the message.

Piety (godliness): From where does our desire come to embrace a life of holiness or to follow Christ in service and ministry? From the Holy Spirit! We are holy because the Spirit of God is holy.

Fear of the Lord: Once we've been converted, respect for God feels instinctive, doesn't it? That's because it's purely a gift from the Holy Spirit. The more enlivened our relationship with the Spirit is, the more we hate sin, because he is holy and his holiness transforms us.

Nine charismata according to 1 Cor. 12:6-11: Speaking with Wisdom Speaking with knowledge Faith Healing Miracles

Nine charismata according to 1 Cor. 12:6-11: 6. Prophecy 7. Discerning of spirits 8. Speaking in tongues 9. Interpreting tongues

The fruits of life in the Spirit In addition to gifts of the Spirit, there are fruits of the Spirit, i.e., the products of a life lived closely connected to the Spirit of God. They are supernatural, because these fruits come directly from the Holy Spirit through our connection to him. The fruit of a life lived in God is good works.

yThe love we have for others is an action of the Holy Spirit. God's love flows into us and out of us due to the power of the Spirit that's at work in us.

yJoy is an action of the Holy Spirit that stirs up supernaturally within us, even during bad times, because we live in God and he lives in us.

yPeace is a gift from Jesus, but it's an action of the Holy Spirit, not as the world gives peace, but as only God can give it when we stay closely connected to him.

yKindness is an action of the Holy Spirit. You know it's supernatural when you feel upset or angry or hurt and yet are able to do an act of kindness for your enemy.

yGenerosity is the fruit of knowing, through the Holy Spirit, that God has been generous with us and enables us, in turn, to be generous with others. It's how God distributes everything he provides. When we live in the Holy Spirit, we know we can trust God. The Holy Spirit will counsel us in how and when and where to share what God has given us, and he won't leave us destitute from following his directions.

yFaithfulness is the Holy Spirit at work in us to keep us close to God and determined to obey his will. It gives us our hunger for reading the Bible and finding other opportunities to grow in the faith, as happened when you registered for this Web course. It produces our desire to follow Christ, and it's what changed us when we converted from a worldly lifestyle to the Christian lifestyle.

yGentleness is the soft, calm voice when we would otherwise be loud and angry. It's the patient, slow approach to evangelizing a resistant unbeliever or a non-church-going Catholic. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and when we let him consume our lives with his fire, we find it much easier to be gentle with others.

Baptized into the life of the Spirit - to be born of water AND spirit. Why? - the effects of the mass on these gifts?

How passionately is the fire of the Holy Spirit burning within you? Are the gifts and fruits of the Spirit filling your life and ministry?

The commonly accepted principles of health care ethics include: 1. Respect for Autonomy 2. Principle of Nonmaleficence 3. Principle of Beneficence 4. Principle of Justice

1. Principle of Autonomy
In health care decisions, our respect for the autonomy of the patient would, in common parlance, mean that the patient has the capacity to act intentionally, with understanding, and without controlling influences that would mitigate against a free and voluntary act. This principle is the basis for the practice of "informed consent" in the physician/patient transaction regarding health care.

& Commandments

th 6

th 9

Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife.

Human Sexuality Our sexuality is viewed as a fundamental component of personality, a good thing created by God, restored by the power of Jesus Christ and enriched by the saving activity of the church, and by which the whole person enters into communication with others. Therefore sexuality is not the same as the sex act. All

yGentleness is the soft, calm voice when we would otherwise be loud and angry. It's the patient, slow approach to evangelizing a resistant unbeliever or a non-church-going Catholic. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and when we let him consume our lives with his fire, we find it much easier to be gentle with others.

yGentleness is the soft, calm voice when we would otherwise be loud and angry. It's the patient, slow approach to evangelizing a resistant unbeliever or a non-church-going Catholic. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and when we let him consume our lives with his fire, we find it much easier to be gentle with others.

yGentleness is the soft, calm voice when we would otherwise be loud and angry. It's the patient, slow approach to evangelizing a resistant unbeliever or a non-church-going Catholic. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and when we let him consume our lives with his fire, we find it much easier to be gentle with others.

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