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Human Resource Management

Group 2
By: GROUP 2 Ashish Mittal Gaurav Dani Piyush Shroff Prateek Jha Pronit Kakati Sanmeet Singh 2011071 2011078 2011098 2011100 2011101 2011106

Absence of quantitative or qualitative performance appraisal over a period of time neither the benchmarks established. The current Overtime Billing Rules are faulty to start with. The Overtime Billing regulations havent been revised with time. The issues related to monetary emoluments could have been raised earlier.

What are the reasons why this issue has come up before Windle, Castleman LLP?

Compensation criteria for the employees has not been clearly defined. Lack of performance based remunerations as a component of the total CTC. Revisions in employments subject to Market Corrections. Internal Economics could be planned for.

What principles of compensation/incentives have been overlooked in deciding the compensation of Ms Jane Woods?

Let her go.. We wouldnt give her a raise

The productivity of the employee has decreased. The acceding to the request doesnt guarantee the tactic wouldnt be used again. Setting of a bad precedent among other employees. The only way to save on overtime charges.

What specific action would you suggest that Windle should take in the current instance? Would you give the hike to match the offer which Woods has? Why or why not?

Positive We save on overtime costs. Message Conveyance by setting up of an example Negative Problem of the replacement Windle loses loads of experience

What are the implications if Windle does not accede to the request which Woods has put before them?

Performance based compensation benefits Absence of a structured Performance Biased Appraisal System Defined measures to regulate overtime billing policies

What would be the specific areas where improvements are required in compensation of this company?

Yes, Law firms have lawyers as retainers as against employees so their appraisal is different from other organizations. Learnings Denying meritorious increases to CTC for employees with poor productivity can help in the longer run

Is this a problem which is industry specific? What are the specific learning which can be generalized to other compensation contexts?


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