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Will She Fit in?

Ashish Mittal Gaurav Dani Piyush Sharoff Prateek jha Pronit Kakati Sanmeet Singh 2011071 2011178 2011097 2011100 2011101 2011107

The Case Summary

Susan Carter was a partner at Crowne group, a strategy consulting firm in New York. The firm has 98 partners only 4 of them are women Susan works for the Pellmore account with Brian Hanson, group senior vice president at the Pellmore industries Brian makes sexual advances during a meeting Susan is not sure if she should report the incident or remain silent.

What are the action implications for women working at senior levels?

Report the Incident


Firms will be sensitive towards gender bias It will help them form stricter regulations protecting employees and partners and also including clauses for clients.


Lead to loss of Business. It may affect Career Progression as the incident may be looked upon as risk.

File a law suit


Social message to all firms to strengthen their sexual harassment laws. She may be compensated and Brian may be punished which may serve as a example.


Lead to loss of Business. Her profession career could come to an end due to rising controversy..

Raise the issue informally


Get the superiors in confidence. Will help form stronger policies without creating much panic.


May looked upon as a risk in the organization. It may affect Career Progression as the incident may be looked upon as risk.

Remain Silent


It will not risk her career progression. She will continue to have good will with her bosses.


Send a wrong impression about her to the offender. She will loose her self esteem. She may not be able to work with the same efficiency which can affect her career

What should organizations do to avoid situations like what happened in Crowne?


strong laws protecting sexual harassment law and gender bias for all stakeholders. strict laws like restrict meetings to conference rooms of hotels. more women in senior positions.




a department for periodic checks so that such incidents do not go unreported.

What organizational principles are broken in the case of the series of events which happened in Crowne



forbid discussing clients with


Bias-Female employees were not treated at par with male employees. were not clearly communicated so Susan was in dilemma for her action.


Thank you!

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